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Everything posted by TheCommanderOfThe101st

  1. So one of the things that always bugged me the most about fallout 4 was random loot and enemies respawning everywhere. I'd like to see someone make a mod that removes random loot in the world and interior cells from respawning unless it's in a settlement like diamond city or Libertalia. But places like Concord and Museum of Freedom shouldn't be respawning enemies and random loot. I know some mods fix this but they tend to remove all respawns completely. I do want respawns but wanna see loot be reduced to a extent. Also another suggestion i thought would be cool is places like thicket excavations or Breakheart banks be used as secondary settlement locations. Not ones where you can build there using the settlement system. Rather you clear it out and can send people there to settle it and spend caps to invest in the location and doing so builds items that are premade and nothing be changed by the player. And in rereturn you get resources from it. Like you clear out Thicket excavations and send settlers to live there. They give you concrete and other materials, and the more caps you invest the more you get and it add structures like housings, defense's, and other items. Note* i would make the mod for the respawning using the creation kit, but im using the GoG version and i haven't seen anyone posting updates how to use it if it's possible
  2. that affects everything tho don't it. I don't want everything to stop spawning. I want loose items to stop spawning after i take it. Fallout new vegas had it where you take a tin can off the ground it gone no matter if the cell resets. You would need to make an xEdit script that sets the Encounter Zone of the Object References of the items which you prefer not to respawn to "No Reset Zone" [ECZN:00190B28]. This is a "miscellaneous" zone meant for objects that aren't intended to respawn upon cell reset. - Create a FormList of the base forms of the items that you don't want to respawn - The script should work like this: when it finds the object reference of a base object which is in the form list, it sets the encounter zone of that object reference to No Reset Zone. So, when you pick it up, it won't respawn. Editor defined encounter zones of object references doesn't get "baked" in save games as far as I know so if you decide to remove them from the No Reset Zone, they should respawn as usual. - Apply the script to the whole game world (since object references are in the game world) EDIT: whoops, I though this post was in the Creation Kit's forum.. Ill have to check that out and try and get that working if possible. I know the Horizon mod has something of what im wanting but the mod also has other stuff i don't want and conflicts with my existing mod list.
  3. that affects everything tho don't it. I don't want everything to stop spawning. I want loose items to stop spawning after i take it. Fallout new vegas had it where you take a tin can off the ground it gone no matter if the cell resets.
  4. Is there a mod or even a way to stop loot from respawning in the world. Container's becoming locked again with loot and enemies respawning im cool with. But going to a location with things like sugar bombs coming back after i looted it before is annoying and breaks immerison for me. I could care less if it's so resources are there when the player needs it. I'd rather kill enemies and sell the loot they drop to buy the resources at that point. Make me feel like i didn't achieve anything with all the loot coming back Cause with Sim settlements 2, all the loot in concord respawns. Including the stuff KingGath put in it. So all the asam sensors and even the note on the counter comes back. I wanna prevent this
  5. So i just got back into modding fallout new vegas with the GoG version of the game. And im having a issue where Doc Mitchell is a big red explaintion mark. Guessing there being a missing texture file or a conflicting file somewhere, but not really sure what could be causing the error and what copuld be causing the game to crash not long after im ready to leave his house. Only mod i know changes him and all other mods that do edits i turn off or installed parts of the mods that doesn't edit NPC's.
  6. I used to mod my fallout 4 game a lot and everything worked fine before i downgraded my computer back to windows 8.1 from windows 10. So i made sure the custom .ini file is there with everything i needed to put. But every time i open nexus for fallout 4 it says there is no ini file and to start the game without mods. I do that and it deletes the custom ini file and makes a new one and if put the back in and save it, nexus does the same thing over an over again. The mods work to a extent, some mods like the one to remove the creation club logo on the main menu won't work and it seems like some HuD mods ain't working correctly. I have the latest NMM and F4SE installed so i don't know whats up?? Most the mods if not all are mods i had before so everything should work together. I use loot to put my mods in the load order except for a few like the faction housing for the railroad from Eli, since it has a conflict with a few mods i had to force it to be at the bottom of the load order.
  7. So i know we all see check points aroudn the map from the Pre-war miltary and sometimes minutemen or other factions will spawn at locations that look like checkpoints around the map. But what im suggesting is a mod that as you build up and get more settlements you either get a quest from a new NPC or you get a message on radio freedom that suggest that you clear a location for the minutemen to take over said location. For example like the south Boston checkpoint. You get 5 settlements and you get a quest after completing Old guns to take over the checkpoint. You can take a small squad of minutemen there and take out enemies or you do your self. After completing the quest minutemen will be stationed there and will respawn after a few days if any of them die. Enemy spawns should be removed inside the checkpoint after the quest is completed, but it should be attacked by either Gunner's, super mutants or raiders from time to time. Another part of the mod is to have a option to upgrade the checkpoint. Like you can spend caps to upgrade it with better defenses, turrents, artillery, vendors, more men stationed at the checkpoint. But each checkpoint should be different and limit the number of upgrades or be allowed to upgraded them all how ever which way you like with no limits. Here is a list of checkpoints i had in mind. Military Checkpoint Lexington- At the crossroad north of Mystic Pines and south of the Rotten landfill. Under the elevated freeway. Military Checkpoint Cambridge Outskirts- Road between Mass Gravel & Sand and Wattz Consumer Electronics Military Checkpoint South Zone 3- On the road northeast of Poseidon Reservoir and Northwest of Mass Pike Interchange Military Checkpoint Lake Cochituate- On the road south of Natick and is west of the Mass Fusion Disposal Site Military Checkpoint West Roxbury- On the road south of Big John's Salvage, northeast of Shaw High School and northwest of Jamaica Plain South Boston Military CheckPoint Quest: 1) Once old guns is completed and have 5 settlements you get the first quest from Radio freedom or a new NPC to take a random Checkpoint 2) Clear checkpoint with minutemen or go alone 3) Return to person to issed the quest or to Preston Garvey/ Randy Shaw 4) Use the Terminal at the checkpoint to clear everything and start upgrades Upgrades: 1) Place fence around the perimeter. 2) Turrent's and spotlights that are placed at key locations and can be changed from the terminal. 3) Sandbags, IFV's, cement barriers and other defenses to be placed in some places to provide cover. 4) Posters around the checkpoints to get people to join the minutemen 5) Vendors that travel through or at the checkpoint to sell and buy stuff 6) Barracks to have more men stationed at the checkpoint
  8. So im getting back into playing New vegas. I started a new game without mods to make sure everything ran good. And i slowly added mods and tested to see if it works. The games runs great. But im having a weird issue where when the game starts the screen turns purple when the obsidain logo comes up. I get red sqaures in the loading screens where the loading icon is at. Im also getting weird texture issues at the Bison Steve Hotel where the walls are changing color. And i don't recall any mods that changes the hotel on my load order.
  9. So the recent update has messed up my load order and is causing issues with some mods. I had to reinstall some 113 mods even tho it showed them as being active on my mod list. But 3 mods won't go away even if i uninstall them and reinstall them. General of the Army is installed but is disabled in the plugins tab and it keeps turning it off every time. Rename settlers won't go away from the plugins tab and i can't install the mod at all, as i keep getting "please remove older version" even tho i have the most recent version. And clean GoodNeighbor won't go away. But now my game is messed up and things have reappeared and making my game crash nonstop. Can anyone help me put me put my mods back the way they should be? And help me find a way to keep General of the army active in the plugins tab.
  10. I found the issue. I didn't see that DDproductions left and all his mods were outdated so they caused crashing issues. But i got it resolved it works just fine now thankfully. I had to delete a lot of my fav mods cause they were completely deleted. But the game works fine except for my structural tab in my workshop now is gone and i got to figure out which mod is conflicting. :/
  11. I'm having a issue where FO4edit keeps putting settlement keywords and other mods before all other .ems files like the new dlc. I have done all i could to make it work but Fo4edit just keeps putting it above all my other files making it get a error and refuse to load the game. And the load order in the Nexus is the way it loads up but for some reason FO4edit says otherwise and makes it crash. Can anyone help me get this resolved. I haven't played fallout 4 for a while because of the FO4edit doing this after the far harbor DLC. Nexus Load order
  12. So i have a few idea's i hope someone can create in a mod. 1) Better companion's and Command wheel -Companion's don't get in the way as much -Companion's will help in fight instead of doing nothing half the time -Command wheel like in New vegas to give commands 2) More Companion's -Option to have unlimited followers I would only have two followers but some people prefer no followers or a small army of them. 3) More Settlement's -Add more settlement's to certain places on the map (Example) Metro Tunnels, Lexington, Forest Grove Marash -Fix building's that are in Settlements to look newer or at least better with less holes (Player's choice) (Example) Sanctuary -More structures to build in Settlements (Example) Stone Walls, Car's and Bus's, more structures to build with metal and Wood than the default few they have prebuilt -Unlimited Settlement Size -Increase settlement radius to have more room for building (Example) Sanctuary, as i personally would like to be able to build on the rest of the land there 4) Outposts -Small settlements across the map with fewer options to build than a settlement. (example Defenses, Wall, and some furniture) -Ability to Hire or recruit people as soldiers or guards. This idea is mostly for having outposts out in the wasteland where (depending on the faction you joined) your forces will be at, so no settler's just soldiers or armed people that will come to your aid if you are nearby. You still have to give food, water, beds, power, and defense to help the people there to be happy. 5) More Side Quest's -I'd like to see more side quests in the game as i see a lot of main faction quest's, unmarked, and Misc quests than anything else. A great Example is to maybe do more quest to get the U.S.S. Constitution in the Pacific ocean. 6) Destructive/Changing environment's -I love how some quests you get change how the landscape looks. From removing flood water from a water treatment plant to a ship crashing into a skyscraper. I Personally would love to see more interactive environments that mas a permanent effect on how the landscape looks 7) Guns -Current guns -I think some of the in game guns should be changed in terms of texture or names. A example is the assault Rifle is a least fav of mine cause it just doesn't fit into the game like the other guns do. So the Assault Rifle needs either a retexture or name change with a new assault rifle added. The Sub machine gun should be changed to the Tommy gun or Thompson SMG -New guns -Adding guns from the previous games like the (9mm) (.357) (.45 auto pistol) (silenced .22) (12.7mm pistol) (Light Machine Gun) (Service Rifle) (9mm SMG) (10mm SMG) (12.7mm SMG) (Nail Gun) (Grenade Launcher & rifle) (chainsaw) (Fire Axe) (Lever action Rifle) Personal Notes I feel if these things are added than the game would be more fun. But if anything the Companions need a major overhaul. As i can't play the game with any fun if my companions are like a brick in a fire fight. Cause ill go to a location and a start with someone or something starts and all my companions sit there for a min before they decide to fight or they don't help at all. Preston was with me at one point and ran into raider's with two legendary enemies and he just stood there with his lazer musket in the air right next to the raider while i was trying to shoot them. But all my companions are extremely slow and annoying and this is on Very Hard difficulty. But if anyone has some idea's please post them and ill add it to the list and hopefully they get created.
  13. So i was playing my game and was thinking how most of the major cities are small and don't have alot of people. I was thinking maybe Whiterun could be expanded and from there the other cities as well. So you know the road right next to the Battle Borns house? Why not remove the wall there and add walls along the hill where the Guards watch the main Gate. The wall would go to the the little cave thats unders DragonsReach. And there would be a gate to enter the city. The new addition of Whiterun should either have its own cell or be added to the Whiterun cell. But in the new area maybe have some new houses, people, shops, and add a mine where the Bandits are. Im also thinking of idea's about expanding Windhelm, Markath, Riften, and Solitude. I would also like to learn from someone who can help me mod so maybe i can try and do the mod my self or even have a group of people do this with me, unless someone is willing to try and create this.
  14. I was just thinking about that. I never liked the fact the nords had to be milk drinkers to the empire but i also didn't like it if they was independent cause the empire would fall to the elves. So i wanted to make my own faction and take over skyrim but be allies with the empire and not be a suck up to them. But i really love the idea. Also would it be possible to make it where helgen reborn is put into the mod or something different or even compatible with this mod.
  15. I found the issue for the missing scripts and the weird animation for the sword. Deadly Reflex and Oblivion Overhual conflicted with other mods. But now i just got to get out of the sewers, cause the game crashes as soon as it brings up the loading screen to leave.
  16. ok, ill try and get a list of the mods i have active and maybe some one can help me figure out which mods need to be manually installed. But i haven't played Oblivion in some time now, and most of these mods were working just fine before and i used had them through OBMM, i only added maybe around 10 to 20 new mods.
  17. So i finally got my oblivion game to work and i tested it without mods and after a while i put all the mods i had before, installed back on to the game. So the game runs smoothly and i can create my race, so im going to put down in order whats wrong. 1) skin color changes even on default races when i take off clothing. example: if i wear the clothes from the start of the game the skin is the same, but take the shackles off and the skin changes on the hands to a pale white compared to the rest of the body would be tan. 2) all npcs are nude if i take armor off bodies. which is odd as i have no nude mods active 3) i get yellow script error messages (yellow caution signs) in the game. Most seen is the part where the captain of the blades dies the wall where the rats knock it down. You walk through and i get about 4 to 6 errors. Still playable but highly annoying 4) every time i click the F key my character crouches down and sticks his left arm in the air. then after a second my character stands up like normal and then what ever im using is put away. I got a mod that adds swords and shields to your back but they are fully updated. Most of my mods are downloaded through Nexus Mod manger but the few that i had to manual install i followed the instructions real carefully. So if any one can help me i would be most pleased
  18. Okay my password and username is correct but it will not let me log in on the nexus mod manger. It just keeps saying "cannot reach the nexus metabase server" is anyone else having this problem?
  19. There is a Assassin's Creed 3 armor on steam, it looks just like Conner's.
  20. U ain't alone im also a furry character. Here are my thoughts on a new race, i rather have a Husky/wolf like race and i would post a picture of a example but i rather not post some one's art without permission as most artist on e621 never respond when i ask. But i know there was a topic about this but it included alot more like, Canine, Feline, Sharks, Dragons etc for a new race. And i would think something like this would take alot of time to make cause you would need to make the meshes, animations and make it where the clothing's and armors worked
  21. that doesn't work with Dragon born
  22. I always pick a Male Khajiit and end marrying Male characters cause all the female one's look ugly XD except for this one http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=95916737&searchtext=Zahraji But i don't think there will be a mod for something this. Any ways its nice to see another e621 follower, but i prefer the Canine over feline. I even wish there was Anthro's in skyrim
  23. Hey there guys so you know about some of the mods out there that either add new homes and followers. And the castles that some people make don't have prisons so i was thinking of a mod that just removes all the rubble in the prison removes the enemy spawns, and adds more rooms to the areas where you can see the void or blue/grey area. But Any ways i went in the Prison and cleared it out and marked rubble and stuff not needed with "MarkforDelete" and only got three areas that shows the void so i left rubble there or what ever prevents you from passing. So i would like some one to do a better job than me and make it where it had cleared rooms with Prison guards and improved cells where you have switches or a key that locks and unlocks the doors. So i would like some one to do a better job than me by doing the following cause i got no expertise and i even tried modding but failed 4 times. Abandoned Prison is repaired Prison is navmeshed More Rooms to the Prison including the following -Back Hallway is where the Barracks is -Main Chamber has a training room in the Center -Stairs going up in the Main Chamber has a room for the Warden (you) fitted with everything you need -Prison Cells are improved to have 3 beds/chairs per cell and one bucket per cell. -Undergound sewage is covered up to prevent people from falling in -Maybe more Barracks or a Big Dining room with a Kitchen in the back Hallway to the right before you go down towards the cells -Steward to help you mange the Prison and to hire Guards to defend your prison, and to purchase upgrades -Chest in the Cell Chamber at the far end of the room where the key to the cells is at to add any type of clothing or armor to the prisoners to wear and maybe even a custom made piece of prisoner garbs -Ability to pick the Armor your Guards wear with the same type of chest but in the barracks, and Guards can be followers. -The Ability to pick which flag you want. From the following flags-Empire, Stormcloak, Daedra, Neutral, 9 Divine's, Any of the Deadric Princes flags. If any one has some thoughts please post them, the reason i bring this up is so people who use the Paradise Falls slavery mod can have a lore friendly place to own to keep their slave's or prisoners safe
  24. I have the same issue where i get those annoying lines, and i know my card is made for this game cause i went to Best Buy and asked a guy in the computer area, and so happened he knew what graphics card (he is also a modder on the fallout games) i should use depending if i wanted high end or low end. I told him the game and specs and i bought a NVIDA Geforce GTx 650 The game runs much smoother and i get less CTDs but i still get one every now and then but these lines are annoying, so what should i do to remove them? And Bob i don't have that issue have you checked to see if its a mod conflict if not then you did something to the ini. files. you should load up your old ini. and see if the still occurs if not then you did something if it does idk what to tell you.
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