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About KG989

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  1. I'll put my support up for whoever can make this mod as well. I've wanted posh mudcrabs so much I tried editing the .nifs to include them but cannot for the life of me figure out how to actually get them into the game.
  2. It hasn't been updated yet. Performed an update check just a few moments ago. I just don't want to be fiddling around making things read-only and trying to trick the system into making things work if I don't have to. You know?
  3. Hmm...I'll keep an eye on any responses from them. I hope this was just a technical fluke and will be fixed soon.
  4. I was more meaning restrictions on users who have modified the file being able to buy/ download/ install etc. any official Fallout 4 content [DLC, updates, extras. etc.] through legal means.
  5. any word as to whether Bethesda will reverse this and or restrict access to any DLC and such if this file has been modified?
  6. And if one were to find public domain versions of their desired recording under a non-copyright license?...
  7. I would also like to know this since there are a more than a few sound mods that do this and some are taken down while others stay up. I currently have a mod that replaces the fatman shoulder ready noise with a version that includes a snippet of Mozart's Reqiuem but I don't know if I would be able to really upload it.
  8. GIMP works for most stuff. Photoshop is nice if you have cash to burn but not 1000% necessary all of the time.
  9. Yes that was spot on. They are called mipmaps. When you edit a texture it's good to update the mipmaps to reflect the new look of the texture. If you are using GIMP to edit textures and using the .dds plugin to do so than there will be an option when saving to generate mipmaps. Just make sure that when you save the new texture you erase the old mipmaps and create new ones with your image. Otherwise you may run into weird issues where your texture looks alright close up but then morphs into a different one a few feet away. Also don't worry too much about asking questions. We were all in the same boat at one point. And this is a place were we come to pool our knowledge and help each other out. No need to apologise.
  10. the _d appended files are the ones with the visible graphics and designs that you will most likely use for making custom designs and such on textures. The _n and _s appended files have to do with diffuse and lighting maps used on the texture to adjust how light interacts with the object. I'm not sure which of the texture.ba2 the posters are in. You could try looking a the textures that one of the mods that change the content of posters and paintings in the game uses and use the file names within to find the location of the tiles within the lists that BAE lists when opening .ba2 archives.
  11. Which file are you looking for?
  12. Different texture directories actually contain different textures. For instance the different types of power armor T-45, 51, 60, X-1 etc. are actually stored in different .ba2 files.
  13. A few days ago I made a small novelty sound mod for myself that mixed the regular fatman unholstering and firing noises with snippets of Mozart's Requiem Dies Irae for dramatic effect when using such the weapon. When extracting the sounds to be mixed and edited with BAE I found WPN_EquipUp_01.wav and WPN_EquipDown_01.wav files for most weapons including the fatman. Since the WPN_EquipUp_01.wav sound is the sound that plays when raising the fatman up to your shoulder I figured the EquipDown counterpart played when holstering the weapon so I made a suitable sound file for holstering it but when I holster the weapon it doesn't seem to play any sound at all. I tried holstering other weapons and they don't seem to make any sound either. What exactly do these EquipDown sounds do? Does any one know what they are for and when they play?
  14. Yeah...I've tried this exactly and can get nothing to play it.
  15. Okay so I will say here that basically I want to do one simple thing. I want to place some of the immersive armors on the guards at Bluecreek Estate. I thought this would be relatively simple with the console. Open it, find the baseids of some of the armors and then add these to the NPC's inventories etc. HOWEVER try as I might I seem to be unable no matter what I do to find and usable ID for the immersive armors through the console. So far I have tried: selecting a piece of armor on the ground with the console. viewing the parameters tables of said armor in the creation kit I've used [Help <armor name> 0/1/4] For example with the Falkreath Armor I've even tried using the [help] ID with such words as "falkreath" "alkreatharmor" "armor" "armorheavy" "heavyarmor" "armorcuirass" "Falkreathcuirass" "Cuirassarmor" and a number of others with no success. Any help finding usable ids to use in console edits for the Immersive armors of Hothtrooper would be greatly appreciated.
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