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Posts posted by james234

  1. the problem starts when the game companies only sided with the people that have money, like giving moar powerful item to those people who paid more. this is usually happen. more money then better item, and for people who have no money they usually lose when playing multiplayer with people who have money just because they have better item. basically micro-transactions is useful if you have money.
  2. i like the new forum layout. it's more optimized for mobile phone and smartphone somehow. and what i like finally there's a fast reply option for posting post in debates section (before there isn't). but i still can't commet on non-forum nexus. (still have to access forum and comment in the official comment topic though......) :-(
  3. people seems don't care if they were banned or issued a formal warning. they just create a new account or excuse to the staff and start trolling again. maybe if i create a skimpy mods i'll write haters gonna hate in the description or the comment section to the haters.
  4. most people get banned by insulting skimpy outfit like saying the mod are gay but i've never seen someone banned because of insulting non-lore friendly weapon mod. weird huh? and skimpy outfit insulting seems only happen on skyrim and maybe oblivion nexus.
  5. ironically, erotic and revealing mod seems more popular and have bigger endorsement rather than lore-friendly mod. and the peak of the sexy, erotic mod are skyrim. rather pointless skimpy female clothing mod with minimal protection always have a place on the nexus and always entering hot files. come on, you can't fight a dragon while wearing bikini. you'll get roasted or smashed or worse, devoured. if i create a clothing mod on skyrim i'll never ever give permission for making my mod skimpier.
  6. i hope just because this accident the goverment didn't make another ass-ault weapon ban. that ban will probably increase crime. name it, gun trafficking, terrorism and other gun related crime. imagine if we were in a city with a high crime rate and we surrounded by a bunch of armed thug. what are we going to do? me? i'll fight back if i have a weapon. but oh, there's a gun law that prohibit civilian to own a gun. i can't do nothing except for pray to god or wait for someone to save me. my live could be lost. and if police didn't found the murderer? i die worthless. so a gun law should exist but not very strict like the ass-ault weapon ban. i really hate that ban and i hope goverment don't issuing it again forever.
  7. well basically ads containing malware, virus, etc are the fault of the ads maker. why they put it? why they force internet user to watch/look at their ads? for me the most annoying ads are some pop-up crap agoda and etoro. ads are supposed to inform and attract consumer to use their services NOT force consumer to use their service. i reccomend use adblock at any circimstances.
  8. worst game? death track. why? because it's poor graphic and seems half made gameplay.......


    oh and call of duty series and battlefield series? why? though they are good game but if played by a noob, tacti-cool addict and kids it'll be bad.

  9. favorite games huh? well here it is


    warcraft 3(dota): why? it's still awesome despite quite old. you picked a hero and then play it, buy item, creeping, ganking, killing....... and teamwork is important.


    fallout new vegas: favorite game of all time.


    company of heroes: best ww2 strategy game i've ever played.


    the sims 3: yes i know it's weird for a boy/man but really the whole gameplay is cool especially the house designing aspect.


    space ranger: interesting turn based rpg and the only turn based game i like. the dialogue are especially funny.


    bad company 2: interesting shooter which require coordinated tactics and not tacti-cool and crappy like call of duty modern warfare and black ops series


    left 4 dead series: what's more funny other than blasting infected head with a shotgun or crowned a witch?


    that's all

  10. @kn13f


    it's anti-materiel rifle actually ....... i dunno why people mistake anti-materiel rifle for anti material rifle.....


    and for anti tank rifle i suggest this: Maroszek Kb Ur wz.35 / PzB 35 anti-tank rifle it should have same animation like vanilla anti-materiel rifle and hunting rifle

  11. battlefield 3 was better. more realistic and awesome. call of duty? unrealistic game ever? yes. seriously? acog on 60's? red dot on 60's? abusive tacticool attachment like pointless heartbeat sensor? afganishtan on first modern warfare with us army vs terrorist and the aftermath is nuked town? zombie mode? famas and aug in 1960's? raygun? freeze ray? and lame first mw ending? "just shoot the enemy" tactics? online mode with noobs player? tacti-cool weapon abuse and bullying? even sweetwater from bad company 2 says "they just sent special ops douchebag with pussy ass heartbeat sensor.....
  12. vigilantees huh? well, i've seen someone acting like he was a moderator in a mod. though the mod has illegal content some people comment badly and moderate the mod themselves. maybe you moderators and staff have placed the mod on a wastebin but i reccomend you should check the comment section....... and proof that some peple that commented on the mod are acting moderators......
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