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  1. The first one indeed seems to show a file now, however the second page (the startsector one) still says it is being uploaded to the CDN though.
  2. Hi Some files remain in a state of "This file is currently being uploaded to our CDN servers" for a long time; for example: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2738/?tab=files and https://www.nexusmods.com/starsector/mods/60/?tab=files have both been uploading for more than a day... Neither are particularly large, and seem to be marked as safe by the virus scan. I've seen other files with this issue lately. Are there any known issues with the CDN right now?
  3. The notifications now show an error for me. Looking the the console it shows a CORS error on the OPTION request (which can sometimes also indicate that the site is simply not responding)...
  4. Never actually tried this, but have you tried prid 0, since 0 is not a valid form id, as far as I know.
  5. You can tell wcc_lite to skip errors. That way it will continue after encountering an error. See the docs for more info.
  6. I think this is a disturbing development. While a slight plus might be that this adds an incentive to support modding on more games, I see more negatives... Should modders now start adding licenses to their mods to guard their creations from (illegal) exploitation of their creations? If so, which licenses are most conductive to the "old" modding environment and block any unauthorized commercial use? When it was a free/donation-only environment at least it all felt "fair"... Sure, you could take parts of a mod, but so could anyone else (and you generally just asked permission, and usually got it); the end result being a general trend towards (hopefully) better and more complex mods. What if I release a modders resource and someone decides to use this in a paid-for mod do they now owe me money? What if someone re-uses a part of another mod? I fear this will fragment the modding community. Looking at some of the prices on the mods currently available I find the whole thing disgusting, frankly.
  7. I can verify that the Kent Premium server is indeed serving the files normally, so it's not the uploads, but likely the distribution process that is somehow failing.
  8. In response to post #17871999. You can set your preferred download location in your profile preferences. That said I'm current;y seeing some slow downloads. Pausing and starting the download seems to fix that.
  9. In response to post #16870169. #16871254, #16876874 are all replies on the same post. I wouldn't mind the server side scan so much, if it were "optional". Now you have to wait for a positive report before being able to download... If a mod would be immediately available, you could download it at your own risk or wait for the report. If an infected file has been uploaded it could always be withdrawn. That puts a gap in your protection if you choose to download before the scan finishes, but it is a whole lot less annoying.
  10. Is the virus scanning causing the download count to go up? I just noticed that a file I've just uploaded, that is not yet available since it's waiting on the scan results, already has a download count of 7 (6 uniques).
  11. I've also noticed that it's not necessarily the oldest file updates on the list that fall off: I had 8 updates waiting: updates 1,2,3,4, 5 and 7 were in the notification popup, 6 and 8 were missing.
  12. I can confirm this as well, and I think it goes back at least several weeks. Interestingly the notification count (for example it says 5 new updates) is usually correct as far as I can tell, but the notification may be missing (for example only 4 actual updates listed instead of the 5).
  13. In response to post #10408849. #10408872, #10408901 are all replies on the same post. I'm checking from the skyrim nexus site. The links that are broken are the ones that show up when one of the tracked files is updated. The other (more permanent) links seem to be fine.
  14. In response to post #10408849. In regards to your mention of bugs: the links in the tracked files notification do not include the game name in the url, so instead of http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/xxxx it links to http://www.nexusmods.com//mods/xxxx I also noticed the popup tells me I have no tracked files, while in the tracking center I still have quite a few tracked files.
  15. When I just tried uploading a file I got this message: "There was an error moving your file in to the proper directory on the server. Notify an admin." Is this perhaps related to the SAN move? Edit: The problem seems to have been resolved.
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