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Posts posted by TMPhoenix

  1. 1. The crash at the menu: This means either you are missing a required mod or your load order is incorrect. You could try something like BOSS to fix load order issues; you could also use the mod manager to manually re-arrange mods (you don't have to use it to install mods)

    2. The blue/white items suggest the game can't find the textures. Make sure the textures are in the right location.

  2. I too am getting a log file filled with messages like:


    [07/16/2012 - 09:03:30PM] error: (000C6982): cannot find variable named fToggleBlend.


    [ (000C6982)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.SetAnimationVariableFloat() - "<native>" Line ?

    [ (000C6982)].FXSetBlendVariableScript.OnLoad() - "FXSetBlendVariableScript.psc" Line 38


    I did some searching and the script in question is used in 5 activator types in several Avanchnzel; thing is these seem to use a model:


    which in turn points to a behaviour file:


    which DOES in fact contain the "fToggleBlend" variable name.


    So I'm a bit stumped as to why I'm getting this error in my log. I suppose the script could be modified to not call the set function on this variable, but I have no idea what this would do, since the function has very little documentation.

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