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Posts posted by RedwoodGames

  1. safdc8rul1inrvfkz1cf.jpg


    Hi, everybody!


    We have launch few days ago our IndieGoGo campaign "Plutocracy". I invite you to see the IndieGoGo Page for more information and visual, and to receive your feedback.



    The game trailer :thumbsup:










    Having issued stocks and bonds, you’ll be able to capitalize your company and conduct IPO . Make monopolies and trusts, expand the areas of influence and capture market shares as well as take over smaller companies. You have different ways of competing. Make a relationship with the companies’s owners and collude with them, merging in cartels. Together, you can drop the prices of products on the market and squeeze out competitors and then make a monopoly by which you can raise the price three folds! Organize strikes and sabotage at the companies of competitors, disrupt supplies and block logistics.







    The market is a living self-organizing matter in which the functioning of the industries is interrelated. For instance, you can buy out all transport companies in the region and increase the supply price for competitors several times like Rockefeller did it in the period of the seizure of the petroleum market. No one will want to work in the minus! As a result, competitors will be forced to sell their companies to you sooner or later. Will you have enough resources for that? Or you’ll be acting through loyal politicians and destroy the competitors by laws?







    Choose any of the 14 industries and take over the market. Destroy competitors, be ruthless on the way of achieving your goals! You can develop and improve the infrastructure of your companies because new technologies increases income! Build new buildings, expand the plan and get higher dividends. The game will give you the right to choose to be able to become economically powerful!














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