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About ArgintSilver

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  1. Yep ... but the quickening is lost since there was no other immortal around to transfer it to :biggrin:
  2. I did not suggested that the storyline should be combined , just the reason why other immortals hunt the Dragonborn (my bad, I did not explain clearly my idea) . And NO, I do not think that it needs a custom race .... the immortals came in many shapes , they look like the people who adopted them, from what regions they grow old ... so they can be nords, orcs, highelves etc ... Also they die just by loosing the head ... and doing so a portion of his power (health,magicka,stamina) goes to the other immortal . They should be very VERY strong .... and it's nice to have a storyline with them not just beheadings . I could write the story for some moder who is interested in put it on Skyrim universe .... or the one/ones who want to make this mod(if they will be) can do it them self if they prefer this way .
  3. It will not be interesting to have a storyline who immortals who fight each-other and absorb the defeated spirit ? And other immortals search to kill the Player to became also Dragonborn .... epic fights, enemies from movies and TV episodes , also friends ... Legend says that the one who absorb the spirits of all the others immortals and the one of Alduin will become a god ... Good idea or not?
  4. Hei! It will awesome to have Gothic 1 in Skyrim engine ... but I see that there is a long time since no update .... :rolleyes:
  5. I'd like to see just like in Oblivion ... at first stage they(you) look normal , eyes normal at second stage , the eyes start to have the vampire glow(vampire eyes) third stage , sunken cheeks teeth out + eyes of the vampire last stage - the Dawnguard vampire look + eyes
  6. Yep , that's wright ... burn the suckers :pirate:
  7. I saw this awesome mod JackoOs Knightly Armory which brings in Skyrim (Elder Scrolls Universe) some of the nieces armors of Gothic 1 and 2 game . And since I play Skyrim with SkyRe I'd love a compatibility patch for it. Thank you in advance for the person who make this :thumbsup:
  8. http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s297/Ventrue1830/underworld_evolution11.jpg
  9. What means "Training Session Stacking" .... If you did not train with anyone until level 7(let's say) all untrained points per level(default 5) are counted to the next level , and so on ...
  10. Someone else already made this request before Enserric the evolving weapon Until now with no luck :mellow:
  11. I've looked at this mod for Oblivion : Training Session Stacking ,and i asked myself why not a similar mod for Skyrim ? :thumbsup:
  12. @Daemon ... I didn't know that there is an trainer like this in Skyrim ... i look into it the next time I play . And yes This it will be a great idea :thumbsup:
  13. To be frankly, i do not like closed face helmets ... yes i know they are realistic but I'd like to see the face of the NPC's :rolleyes:
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