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About ZenoImperator

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  1. It is very immersion breaking to see an opposing civil war faction attack town guards and then have your character incur a bounty for trying to help them. For example, imperials began attacking Riften and as thane of the city, I tried to assist, only to get a Rift bounty which then had both sides attacking me. This is absurd. Is there a way to mod the crime factions in a way so that attacking any opposing Civil War NPC does not result in a bounty? For example, if I just used CWImperialFaction instead of CrimeFactionImperial, would that allow me to kill Imperials in a Stormcloak hold without consequence?
  2. The random encounters in Skyrim are dictated by the Story Manager, which uses nodes "WE Events" and "WE Road Events". I am trying to modify these nodes and the individual quests in a way where some events spawn more frequently than others *without* affecting the actual spawning. For example, I tried to make additional nodes with the GetRandomPercent condition, which then had different quests in each node so that one node produced events more often than others. However, this only made quests spawn according to those percentages. So for the high-probability events, which had a 50% chance of occurring over the others, this actually made them spawn only half the time. I do not want this to be the case; instead, I want to ensure that quests spawn normally, but are grouped according to likelihood of occurrence when they actually spawn. What's the best way to change the chances of certain quests of occurring over others?
  3. What I've gathered so far on the WE mechanics: Random encounters (found in Skyrim's wilderness and roads) load from the "WETrigger" object, which in turn uses script name "WETriggerScript". Clicking in the properties of this script shows that it contains a keyword entitled "WEStart" which is then used in the Story Manger, aka "SM Event Node", to initialize one of the many different World Interactions, such as the Imperials walking with a Stormcloak prisoner. That is how things generally proceed when a player gets close enough to load one of the WETrigger cells. Now, it seems that the Story Manager would be the place where one could tweak the likelihood of certain events appearing; if one also wished to remove an event entirely, they could simply delete one of the World Encounter quests from the list, as long as they locate the proper ID found in Character -> Quest. However...I still don't know how to set a proper condition in Story Manager that dictates one event getting a higher probability of occurrence than another. Can someone assist with this?
  4. For context, this question concerns my mod Enhanced World Encounters, found at https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/4086884. In summary, it multiples the spawn points where Wilderness Encounters are found on the road or at certain parts of the landscape, so that players run into more events. As far as the Creation Kit is concerned, this amounted mostly to just copy and pasting the WETrigger cells and editing the holds that they were found in, respectively. However, I'd like to go farther by somehow editing the probabilities/frequency of each Wilderness Encounter (WE) event so that some appear more frequently than others (or eliminating annoying ones like the Madwoman). I thought this was a matter of changing the "Priority" level in each random encounter found in the Quests section, so that the IDs of certain WEs would be given a spawning preference. This does not appear to be the case and I am now lost. Is there some mechanism in the Creation Kit where I can change the likelihoods of each random encounter/WE? Is this found by editing the individual quests or do I need to change something in Story Manager? Please help; thank you!
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