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  1. Military surplus was what I had in mind for the surplus sub-type so I guess I had the right idea on that. I also used the surplus sub-type as "bulk" ammo for the .22 and .32 rounds. It's quite a bit of work, but I'm happy to do it, especially since quite a few weapon mods I want to create patches for will need it.
  2. Yeah, so far I've added in sub-types for all the non-shotgun ballistic calibres. I have .223 as a separate ammo type but I've been considering merging it with 5.56, like how WARS does .308/7.62. Is there any reasoning for determining if an ammo type got a surplus sub-type in WARS? Yup, I was missing that keyword on my AmmoSubType OMODs. When I initially made the OMODs I was only using the base WARS plugin as reference. :tongue:
  3. I haven't really touched the Contraptions DLC so it'll be nice to see an example of an ammo factory to see what's really possible with it. I've been working on integrating Munitions into WARS's ammo system. So far I've gotten the new ammo sub-types to work fully with ammo swapping and swapping between regular/suppressed OMODs, but I've run into a problem. I can't get the new ammo sub-types to show up on the AmmoTweaks widget. Copying an existing WARS record, I've got an Enchantment on the ammo sub-type OMOD pointing to a Magic Effect with the AmmoTypeScript script on it and I'm pretty sure I got all the script properties right. Is there something I'm missing?
  4. The Concord museum was also where I first noticed that Dogmeat wasn't following me into new locations. I've just been using the console to teleport him to me every time and I got used to doing that and forgot that it was a problem. :teehee: I saw the "Can't Open Doors" flag in his race record while working on a patch for another mod and went, "I wonder if this is what's causing Dogmeat to get stuck?"
  5. Speaking of underbarrel grenade launchers I've been wanting to add an SA80 with its L123A2 launcher to my loadout and use it with buckshot rounds to have an underbarrel shotgun kinda like in the Starship Troopers movie. I've found that Dogmeat doesn't follow you when you transition to a new area, through a load screen/black screen, and if you dismiss him in a town or interior cell he won't return home and just stay in the area. Removing the "Can't Open Doors" flag from Dogmeat's race record fixes it, I guess it prevents him from passing through load screen "doors". Similarly the "Can't Open Doors" flag on the cat race record causes the quest "Here Kitty, Kitty" in Vault 81 to become stuck, as Ashes the cat is unable to leave the vault.
  6. I haven't come across any new problems so far. As for uniques, other than Future Shock the only other one I've managed to come across is the Jeep Gun.
  7. Yup, in a new game his CW is what it should be at. I guess base CW gets baked into saves.
  8. Yeah, I was exiting and then reentering his inventory. I checked my load order in xEdit and saw that Preston isn't in the WARS and PEACE patch and I had PEACE loaded above WARS, so he still had the vanilla carry weight penalty. I moved PEACE under WARS so the CW penalty is removed from him but his CW is still lower than it should be, -20 without any LBE.
  9. I'm having an issue with Preston not being able to carry any items, possibly similar to Longstrider92's problems with Dogmeat a few pages back. He just has the items he spawned with, and "getav carryweight" reports his carry weight max as -1.75. I'm guessing its not the same as the known NPC carry weight issue as equipping & reequipping LBE doesn't fix it, his carry weight maximum stays in the negatives.
  10. I'll probably play with it on "always" for a bit to see how I like it. I've gotten the Tactical Reload patches for the standalone 1911 and Thompson to work with the WARS versions, just copied over the subgraph changes. The patch for Hitman47101's Hunting Rifle animations works out of the box, but for the AK I had to change the folder structure to match WARS's and copy over the subgraph edits to the new race records.
  11. I've kept it on "only in combat" though I had given "always" some consideration. Ultimately I felt like it would be a bit tedious to reload, drop a magazine, then immediately look down and pick it back up again. I kinda imagine that out of combat the Sole Survivor takes care to retain then store the old mag, even if the reload animation doesn't reflect that/shows the mag being discarded, and in combat they're more focused on reloading their gun and getting back to shooting as fast as possible.
  12. Ah, I only checked the PEACE readme for any mentions of it since I thought it was from PEACE. I guess I'll be binding that hotkey for when I break down molotovs.
  13. Using FallUI - Workbench's multi-craft button to break down multiple molotov cocktails only gives me the components of one molotov. Time is advancing properly when batch crafting but I only see item pickup notifications, for the breakdown misc item and the actual components, once. Its working fine with other recipes and disabling TTTT doesn't seem to fix it.
  14. I've found synths to be much more deadly with their upgraded pea-shooters. I tried doing the Arcjet quest and I was surprised by how quickly they can deal damage, I'll have to try again with more energy resistance and a bigger gun. This has only happened once to me so far, but while butchering some mole rats I had a cave cricket ambush and kill me before I could respond. I had made a save right before so I found it more amusing than anything else. I'm working on a WARS patch for Munitions and once that's done there's a bunch of mods for weapons that have appeared in older Fallout games I want to make patches for.
  15. The ballistic wall/ceiling mounted bubble turrets aren't able to hit anything. I know those turrets have collision issues with missile style projectiles, so I think the projectiles are hitting the turret mesh itself so none of its shots actually make it out. I've checked with the turrets in the Jamaica Plain basement and I was able to just stand in front of them without getting hit. Maybe those ones will have to stay as hitscan?
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