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About scarhunter92

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  1. My mod, uploaded in Steam Workshop. I want him to use his great sword or whatever melee weapon the player gives him mainly.
  2. He attacked me just when I was walking out the castle of Bruma, the guards kicked his ass...
  3. Well, let´s not to post 1000, but we can continue posting new ones.
  4. I thought that the respawning of the Adoring Fan was only a legend...
  5. 221-No matter how hard you try, guards will always find you. 222-The Emperor has the weakest defense in the game. A noob with a cheap dagger killed him (and it wasn´t a sneak attack).
  6. 206-Daedras are supossed to be the ultimate-badass-looking-uber-creatures-that-come-from-an-infernal-dimension. But they can be P0WN3D by a bunch of humans.
  7. 173-There is nothing stronger than the Imperial Legion.
  8. 172-Poors can change their voices whenever they want.
  9. 169-You´re the only person that can buy armors for his horses.
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