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About bertibott

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  1. Hello, I have a few mods installed and I get seemingly random CTDs. I say seemingly because I am under the impression that the CTDs occur when new cells are loaded. For example one of my chars is pretty much stuck in High Hrothgar now... because as soon as he leaves the building the game crashes. Or when he wanted to leave Ivarstead he could only do so by going one way.. the other crashed. I did have another problem a while ago. But I think I had that solved by cleaning my mods. Is there a way to get some more useful information? Like a debug log or something? I am using Mod Organizer, and running ENBoost and SKSE. My Load Order from Loot: And my System stats: Any ideas?
  2. Okay... so I have re-installed my mods (not all of them but enough so my old saves work). I cleaned the plugins that LOOT complained about. I also think I found the culprit.. a little checkbox "Crosbow compatibilty for SkyRe" (come to think of it the last time the game crashed people were firing crossbows at me). Thanks very much! One last question about MO though... On the right side in the "plugins"-tab there is a field "flags". And a few plugins have a "flag" that looks like a little broom. What does that mean? I searched the MO wiki but found nothing.
  3. *bangs head against his desk* okay... so I should trust LOOT which Mods need cleaning and wich don't... duely noted. I actually cleaned everything and there were quite a fewchages. So chances are that I messed things up even worse with my cleaning orgy? Another question that came to mind. I am using ModOrganizer. And as far as I understand MO does not actually install mods in the Data folder but stores them somewhere else and then loads a virtual Data folder... does TESVEdit then aplly the changes to the actual mods? Or or save the "changes" to that virtual folder?
  4. mhm.. so I did that with all the mods i've got... game still crashes. what next?
  5. Hi guys, so I am having a bit of a problem: I get seemingly random CTDs. I checked the used memory and I am pretty sure I can rule out the Memory Bug. So I read the troubleshooting FAQ on this forum and it suggests cleaning the Mod. I then red the Mod Cleaning Article and watched Gophers Mod Cleaning guide. But I still don't really know where to start. LOOT warns me about 3 plugins (apart from the the fact that it alsa warns me about the Orignial Game files): CoT-WeatherPatch.esp Crimson Tide - Blood.esp Cloaks.esp CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp It says they have ITM records (what does ITM stand for?). So I figured that would be a good starting point. I have taken a look at the first one... and well there are LOT of entries there... so where do I start? It sounded so eay in the guides :(
  6. well i tried that.. it said there was one broken file... and then it said it would replace said file... and well it did not do anything so... new skyrim install?
  7. they are on ultra high... so the fade settings are all on maximum.
  8. HI, I am having a little problem. Distant buildings are not loading in... for example in the very beginning when Ralof tells me about Bleakfalls Barrow, I look.. but there is nothing there.. I opened the console and flew over there... and everything was fine..., just the distant representation was not there. The samething happens to any building or handplaced struckture, most noticably to Whiterun, the City just pops into existence when I am standing just in front of it. My current install does have quite a few mods install, but I already had the problem on the Vanilla version. I did not mess with any settings like uGrids and I am not using any Mods llike Enhanced distant terrain. Any ideas? bertibott
  9. Hi everybody, after quite some time I have decided to start a new charackter and play the Mainquest again. I have encountered a problem: Whenever I kill a dragon I cannot absorb its soul. Once it's dead nothing happens. No firery annimation that turns it into a skeleton when I go near it... and no dragon souls... So they just lie around ind their full fleshy dead majesty. While this is annoying it can be worked around by simply giving yourself souls via the console. But a) that's not the way it should be done... and b) this creates roadblocks in the Mainquest... Soloknir and Mirmulmnir (not sure about the spelling... the dragon at the watchtower and the one at Kynesgrove). I have already identified SkyRe to be the reason for this or at least I think I have... when I uninstall SkyRe the problem goes away. Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? Cheers, bertibott
  10. Does the same process work with weapons? Because I tried... and well not much has happened :(
  11. thanks a lot. that worked! strangely enough for some items in the mod the athor set proper materials so i did not need to change everything.
  12. Hi everybody, after asking a question in this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1032920-skyre-character-almost-invincible-npc-hardly-doing-any-dmg/page-2 i have decided to put this little project into its own thread. to sum things up i am using skyre 99.23 along with balbor and steelsouls reproccer. I would also like to use the "Bosmer armour pack" and/or the "Armor of Intrigue". The problem that I am having is that the Reproccer recognizes them as "Leather" armor and they are therefore pretty much useless for anything other than looking good (and they DO look good.). So far I have gathered that this has something to do with the armor material they are labbeled under. And that I would have to change something in the Mod and in the stat.xml used by the Reproccer. And this is where I start now. My thoughts so far... and feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Basically I could just use Tes5edit to manually change the armour value of each item. But I think I would have to do that again and again every time I run the reproccer. So the second-easiest thing to do would find out the integer value for another armor material (e.g. Glass) and use Tes5edit to change the value in the original plugin (to keep things easy let's only talk about the ArmorOfIntrigue.esp). But that would probably mess up the whole crafting as well. So what I would like to try is to create a new material in the stats.xml an use this new one for the new armor. As far as I understand it from looking at the stats.xml a new material needs a definition: <armor_material> <iArmor>22</iArmor> <sMaterialName>Armor of Intrigue</sMaterialName> </armor_material> and sometimes an override (this is where I am not sure at all). So how do I get the Reproccer to use this new definition for the corresponding set of armor? Do I have to insert it into the orginial plugin? And what would I need to put in as a keyword? Thanks for any thoughts on this. Cheers, bertibott
  13. What would such an entry look like... in order that everybody knows to associate it with the bosmer armour?
  14. Hi guys, i seem to have a similiar problem. Only... the other way around. I am also using SkyRe with Balbor and Steelsouls Reproccer. I am also using a few custim Armour sets, such as The Armor of Intrigue and the Bosmer Armour. I also use Immersive Armours... And so far my char has not been able to find anything better than the light "Hunter" armour... wich is a lot better than Elven (Hunter 108 and Elven 89). Today I crafted the Armour of Intrigue Cuirass and its armour value is at 68... so it is more or less useless. The same is true for the Bosmer Armour sets... the "Bosmer Elder Armour" wich should be about as good as glass was just a little better than a normal leather armour. I did run the Reproccer... and both mods show up in Reprocer.esp master list. Any ideas? Is there a way to change the stats manually? Cheers, bertibott
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