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[LE] Follower dialog not responding to click event
Archny replied to Archny's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Found a solution I created a new VoiceType and added to my follower in Actor window under Traits Tab and changed the Voice Type to the newly created one. I also added voice files(Audios) for each dialogue options. Also use the Unfuzer tool (it is all better explained in one of DarkFox127 tutorials, link below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQMkVcekHUk -
[LE] Follower dialog not responding to click event
Archny replied to Archny's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I wanted to point this thing out I went and added a couple of new followers and for some weird reason the bug didn't happened to my Goat follower and my Cow follower (IMPORTANT: only when they are using their vanilla race) Changing their race to a custom one, will cause the same bug to happen, the bug will persist even if you go and change their race back to the correspondent vanilla ones PLEASE someone help me with this one. It's been a entire week with this bug, and fixing this bug it is crucial for my mod :sad: -
Hi everyone, So I added new dialogues to my custom follower inside the vanilla quest "Dialogue Follower" and they are working well, they can follow me, wait, trade, do favor and dismiss with no problems. But if they get hit in battle and then I try to talk to them the dialogue shows up on the screen but, with no possible interaction, they simple don't respond to mouse click nor the pressing of action key "E". This is preventing my quest to continue since some dialogues shows only after a battle, theses dialogues are showing correctly when you interact with the follower, but I just can't click on them. But if I enter a new cell, then the new dialogues start to respond to click event normally. Does anyone knows what could be causing this issue?
Hi ReDragon2013, got a little emotional to see all this scripts you wrote just to help others :smile:. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH.
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Hi Susan, My name is Rony, pleasure :happy:, yes I always add the checks for "none" for safety. yes I see, because of the return statement the second check is ignored. I have a separated method that does the checking for names depending on the actor passed as argument :laugh: But there is no need for doing both conditions since GetLeveledActorBase() does that it self, check the link below for more information. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetLeveledActorBase_-_Actor
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Papyrus changing string cases?
Archny replied to waterlogic's topic in Fallout 4's Creation Kit and Modders
Yah I'm also facing this issue with the mod that I am currently working on that allows you to change the name of a npc by typing in your keyboard. once the name is changed the entire word gets UPPERCASE but not all of them, for example when I typed a new word like the name of a vanilla place like "Riften" or the name of a NPC like "Ralof" these words are not entirely capitalized only the first letter is. Another case was when I typed a new word "orange" my get function returned this "orANGE". It makes me think that there might be a set of predefined words that don't suffer alteration while the remaining gets entirely capitalized. If someone find out a solution to this problem please share it with the rest of us. -
Already tried that but it didn't work, BUT I have just found another function that is specifically for leveledActors, and it also works for non leveledActors which is perfect to me. GetLeveledActorBase() Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) string actorName = akTarget.GetLeveledActorBase().getName() EndEventAnd it is finally working :dance: Thanks for the help man
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Yes I have SKSE and your script as well as mine returned the actor's name but only for non leveled actor,
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Hi SurfsideNaturals, thanks for replaying and helping :D hmm interesting idea to get it as form but it didn't work either. I got the message "Get Base Object Returned" but no name was printed, getName() on the form didn't returned anything.
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Objective A custom spell that when hit, it identify the target if it is for example a Wolf, an Ice Wolf or a Pit Wolf. The goal is to identify only creatures, not humans. So far Getting the target race doesn't work well, a good example would be the wolves since all of them are of the same race WolfRace. Also I can't compare them to baseActors since there are several of them for the wolf alone and my mod is currently working with 98 creatures so, it is not a good approach. So currently I'm trying the code below to identify the target by his name instead, which was working well until I found out that some wolves were NOT being identified by their name and I think it is because these wolves were leveled actors and this code apparently doesn't worked for them, I think it's because in creation kit under menu Actors will see that leveled actors don't have names, i'm not sure. Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ActorBase mActorBase = akTarget.GetBaseObject() as Actorbase string actorName = mActorBase.getName(); EndEventI have already at the end of my mod, and this issue is preventing me from releasing the mod since this functionality is a big feature of the mod. Please if anyone could help me with this issue I would be deeply grateful. Any ideas on how to identify each creature would be awesome. Here is a full list of all the creatures roaming Skyrim that I wish to identify with the spell fox; iceFox; mudCrab; giantMudCrab; mudcrabSolstheim; skeever; venomfangSkeever; wolf; redWolf; iceWolf; dog; huskie; deathHound; sabreCat; iceSabreCat; valeSabreCat; horker; bear; caveBear; iceBear; troll; iceTroll; armoredTroll; armoredIceTroll; Udefrykte; frostbiteSpider; frostbiteSpiderSnow; giantFrostbiteSpider; giantFrostbitSpiderSnow; spriggan; sprigganMatron; BurntSpriggan; sprigganEarthMother; chaurus; chaurusReaper; frozenChaurus; chaurusHunter; chaurusHunterFledgling; mamoth; giant; frostGiant; flameAtronach; frostAtronach; stormAtronach; ancientStormAtronach; ashAtronach; AshHopper; AshSpawn; NetchCalf; Netch Bristleback; Lurker; Seeker; Ice Wraith; Fire wyrm; gargoile; gargoileBrute; gargoileSentinel; darkGargoile; StoneGargoile; DwarvenSpider; DwarvenSphere; DwarvenBallista; DwarvenCenturion; ForgeMaster skeleton; boneman; mistman; wrathman; soulCairnKeeper; corruptedShade; corruptedShadeImperial; corruptedShadeStormCloak; skeletonPriest; The Reaper; draugr; draugrOverlord_restlesDraugr; draugrWight_Lord; draugrScourge_Lord; draugrDeathLord_draugrDeathOverLord; hulkingDraugr; whispMother; werewolf; werebear; Hagraven; VampireLord dragon priest; skeletalDragon; dragon; bloodDragon; frostDragon; elderDragon; ancientDragon; reveredDragon; legendaryDragon; serpentineDragon; MagicAnomaly; pectralDog; HollowedDead
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[LE] detect pressed key while reading a book
Archny replied to Archny's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Ghaunadaur Big thanks man, you helped me find the solution. Although I didn't go for quest since I don't have a good understand of how it works yet, but I went into a slightly different approach. I took the book in question and I added it in a custom cell and then I referenced it into the script, and then I used this ObjectReference to register all keys that I need, then I used this same Object to unregister all keys when the player hits "scape" or "tab" in order to close the book. So here is the final solution. Scriptname myBookScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property myBookRef auto int mNumpad1 = 79int mNumpad2 = 80int mNumpad3 = 81 int mScape = 1int mTab = 15 Event OnRead() myBookRef.RegisterForKey(mNumpad1) myBookRef.RegisterForKey(mNumpad2) myBookRef.RegisterForKey(mNumpad3) myBookRef.RegisterForKey(mScape) myBookRef.RegisterForKey(mTab) EndEvent Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) Debug.notification("A registered key has been pressed") If KeyCode == mNumpad1 Debug.notification("1st option") elseIf KeyCode == mNumpad2 Debug.notification("2nd option") elseIf KeyCode == mNumpad3 Debug.notification("3rd option") EndIf ;==responsable to unregister all registered keys if keyCode == mScape || keyCode == mTab myBookRef.UnregisterForAllKeys() Debug.notification("Book closed, all key unregistered") EndIfEndEvent Thanks to everyone who gave their time to help. Also if you guys find any performance issue with this code please share here. -
[LE] detect pressed key while reading a book
Archny replied to Archny's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
My Masters are in the right order already and they are also in the right order for the esp I'm currently working on. And for SKSE not being installed correctly, I would like for you to be more specific, cuz SKSE functions are working fine in my mod, the Scripts are compiling nice and I'm seeing the effects of SKSE functions inside the Game. The way I installed SKESE was: - files (skse64_1_5_80.dll skse64_loader.exe skse64_steam_loader.dll) where put inside Skyrim folder, same level as the data folder - Data/Scripts was packed and install via ModManager2 - Data/Scripts/Source all the .psc files were put inside Skyrim Data folder -> inside Source folder -> inside Scripts folder in order for the creation kit to recognize SKSE scripts I'm testing mods by launching skryrim through skse64_loader.exe directly and also though ModOrganizer2 just to be sure, but the results are still the same well if I did something wrong please tell me. Thanks -
[LE] detect pressed key while reading a book
Archny replied to Archny's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I changed debug.notification to debug.trace but, it didn't work either. But this error is showing Unable to call RegisterForKey - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type -
[LE] detect pressed key while reading a book
Archny replied to Archny's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Yah I changed the OnRead event to OnInit but, it didn't work out. Oh man is not being easy -
[LE] detect pressed key while reading a book
Archny replied to Archny's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
yes I'm Starting the with skse64_loader, and yes SKSE is working also, I have another scripts that use SKSE and they are working fine. I tried to start a new game but it didn't work either. -
Hi Everyone, I'm creating this Skyrim Special Edition mod and I have found a big problem and I hope you guys can help me get through it. Problem: detect if the player has pressed a key like "Numpad1" while reading a book. The idea is: - in the book there is some options for the player to choose from and each option has a small image related to it and a number too. So while the book is open the player will press a button end choose that option. So pressing Numpad1 would choose option with number 1 and so on. The idea of using MessageBox came in mind but it does not give the option to show images and that is an important part of the mod. And it would be great to know how to close the book and the inventory from that single key press. This is was I already have but it's not working: Scriptname myBookScript extends ObjectReference int mNumpad1 = 79int mNumpad2 = 80int mNumpad3 = 81 Event OnRead() RegisterForKey(mNumpad1) RegisterForKey(mNumpad2) RegisterForKey(mNumpad3) EndEvent Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode) Debug.notification("A registered key has been pressed") If KeyCode == mNumpad1 Debug.notification("1st option") elseIf KeyCode == mNumpad2 Debug.notification("2nd option") elseIf KeyCode == mNumpad3 Debug.notification("3rd option") EndIfEndEvent Thanks in advance