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Skyrim Arcane Enchanter irregularities
CaptainPatch replied to CaptainPatch's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
ADDENDA/ERRATA. Upon closer examination I discovered that I was not seeing some enchantments being weaker, but the others were instead stronger. One of my mods altered the Skill trees for perks. And one of those perks was that necklaces and headware received a +25% strength boost. It just happened that the first two items I enchanted were getting that +25% boost while the other two were just "normal" enchantments. "Walks like a duck and talks like a duck, but it AIN'T a duck." -
Hey, folks. Long-time lurker here. Been playing Skyrim with @50 some mods, off and on every year or so. I've encountered something puzzling that I _think_ isn't necessarily a mod glitch. It goes like this: I'm going to enchant 4 items. I have a potion of Fortify Enchanting +25% for 60 seconds. I have the set of 4 Ahzidal items for Enchanting +10 (DLC). I have a dragon priest mask for +30% Enchanting (DLC). I have a "use flawless gem for +25% item strength Enchanting (mod). And I have +10% Enchanting from a deck of Fate cards (mod). These are my CONSTANTS. Sooooo, I start enchanting and can safely enchant TWO items within the 60 second lifespan of the potion. Those first two items produce Alchemy +30 each. HOWEVER, when I drink a second potion (or wait until the first potion has clearly expired before continuing), the next two items to get enchanted are ONLY +_23_. What gives? Why, under identical parameters, don't I get the same results? This is a conundrum that I'm hoping at least one of you can explain.
ADDENDA: The dragon's name is Stunmahwuld. I can't find that name via any Searches online. Anyone know anything about this particular dragon? If I can locate its origin (probably a mod), it might give me some insight as to how to kill it. FURTHER ADDENDA: It looks like Stunmahwuld is the school mascot for the Dragons Keep mod, and as such, is not allowed to be killed.
I'll point out up front that my Skyrim SE is HEAVILY modded. But still.... In my current game at Level 58, I've been fighting a named dragon. For over two hours. It took me about half an hour to whittle him down to just one HP (his health is just a red sliver on its health bar), so it is manifestly obvious that the dragon CAN take damage. But not enough to kill it. I have assailed it with a wide variety of weapons. I have tried a wide assortment of spells. I have used a wide variety of poisons on my weapons. I can visibly stagger the dragon with a variety of weapons and spells, so my weapons and perks appear to be working. But NOTHING seems able to inflict that last hit point of damage. Has anybody ever encountered something like this? Was there any kind of solution that I have overlooked? Does anyone know of a workaround or console command that can kill the damn thing? I really, really need the dragon soul, so just reloading an earlier Save to avoid the fight is not a preferred option.
Nuka-World: Can't get back to the Commonwealth
CaptainPatch replied to CaptainPatch's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
This will take awhile.... Fallout.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop.esm DLCCoast.esm DLCworksop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm Homemaker.esm Scrappable_Commonwealth.esm ArmorKeywords.esm SimSettlement.esm M82a.esp Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp EasyLockpicking.esp EasyHacking.esp 10% Fusion Core Drain.esp MoBettaScrap.esp Scrap ThatMisc.esp BetterGenerators.esp Generators 1.1.esp GoodGenerators.esp FusionGenerators.esp LongerPowerLines3x.esp Power Conduits and Pylons - Increased Radius.esp Simple Intersections.esp ExpandedSettlementBuildings.esp keyNuker_cards_en.esp keyNuker_keys_en.esp More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp Classic VATS.esp SkjAlert._DLC01+.esp SkjAlert_RS+.esp BetterItemSorting-AID.esp BetterItemSorting-APPAREL.esp BetterItemSorting-JUNK.esp BetterItemSorting-MISC.esp BetterItemSorting-WEAPONS.esp BetterItemSorting-esp StartMeUp.esm DD_I_Ran_Out_Of_Funny_Names.esp DDP_Elevators_mark 1.esp DD_why_am_i_doing_this.esp Flags of the Old World.esp DD_All_the_COncrete.esp Workshop Shipments Rebalanced.esp CCOFO4 - Traits and More Perks.esp PrefabHouses.esp Extended weapon mods.esp G3.esp R91M.esp AK2047.esp M2216.esp DD_Prelude_273.esp Extra_Tracks_Diamond.esp MoreBipodAndSniperBarrel.esp Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch,esp DD_1x1_Foundation_blocks.esp DDP_Ramps_mark 1.esp VendorCaps_5000.esp RansackedRelay.esp WeightlessAid.esp WeightlessJunk.esp Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp WeightlessSpecialAmmo.esp Craftable Animal Glue -- Adhesive Recipes.esp ScrapDeadThings.esp K9TacticalHarness.esp BetterSettlers.esp BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp SettlersRename.esp nvvault1080.esp EnclaveX02.esp Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp DOOMDesertEagle.esp ClassicSniper.esp OWR_CraftableDecor.esp OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp OWR.esp mso_sms.esp LootableWorkbenches.esp WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp AES_Renovated Furniture.esp DogBed.esp CompanionBugfix.esp NirShor-MusicalLore.esp Fallout Suite.esp Armorsmith Extended.esp FarHarborAmmo_Commonwealth.esp Nuka-World Collectable Markers.esp CommChemExpanded.esp DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp PortableRecycler.esp IncreasedSettlementPopulation50.esp PreWarSafes.esp ShipwreckIsle.esp MoreShipments_20.esp ShipmentSize_50.esp ImmersiveScrapping.esp SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp GeniusGamePerk.esp More detailed perk description.esp GunNut5.esp RepairSanctuary.esp DV-Armored Pilots.esp DV-Very Durable Vertibirds.esp AA FusionCityRising.esp OutcastsAndRemnants.esp 3DNPC_FO4.esp Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp SSEX.esp CraftableAmmo.esp CraftableAmmo_plus.esp ModelRobotDisplay.esp AA 50 Ways To Die.esp Snappy_HouseK.esp Snappy_DLC03.esp ... deetadee, That's All Folks! (For now.) -
Nuka-World: Can't get back to the Commonwealth
CaptainPatch replied to CaptainPatch's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Thanks for the Bug Fix mod name. Installed and fixed the graphics all right. HOWEVER, that just brought me to what is actually the REAL bug. Any suggestions to get past the Cola Cars battle? -
Nuka-World: Can't get back to the Commonwealth
CaptainPatch posted a topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Hello to everyone still playing FO4. (Thank goodness for FREE mods!) As is likely, I have a LARGE number of mods integrated into my game. One or more of them seems to have glitched my Nuka-World seriously. -
According to Steam, I've put in 2485 hours on FO4. That accounts for about a dozen playthroughs. I think it was after the second or third of those I simply stopped going to Lexington = no start of the Minutemen quest line. It really, really, really bugged me that _I_ built up Sanctuary (and sometimes other sites as well), _I_ did all the settlement building and settler recruiting. But as soon as I connected with the Minutemen, everything _I_ built became theirs. I'm more interested in building MY own empire. (Only fair. If I do ALL the work, I should get total ownership. That's only fair, isn't it?) Furthermore, for all my playthroughs, I have yet to complete a single game. I absolutely hate how Bethesda deliberately locked us into some very narrow, very extremist behavior patterns. The ONLY faction I actually want to exterminate is
Countries Untouched by the War Would Loot "Dead America"
CaptainPatch replied to Fkemman11's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Actually, Fallout is derived from an earlier Interplay videogame titled Wasteland, which was released in _1987_. That game was set in the Mojave and covered much of the AZ/NM/NV area. Much of the initial lore was based on 1950s SciFi movies like Them!, even though by 1987 the mutations depicted in those movies were pointedly impossible. (King Kong? Godzilla? Giant ants?) The idea was impractical but nonetheless FUN! to play with. Being a transformation from an Interplay concept to an improved gaming platform, it isn't at all surprising that Interplay carried over A LOT of their 1987 lore into the 1997 Fallout. Besides, one of the current day SciFi is embodied in TV shows like Walking Dead and movies like World War Z. Where's the realistic Science foundation for zombies? Science Fiction doesn't have to be Hard Science to qualify as SciFi. Quite often just being Science Make Believe is enough. -
If you boil it down to "getting more bang for your buck", then by all means, buy it. (Especially now that the price has dropped to Bargain Bin level.) Make sure to buy the Season Pass as well! Most videogames boil down to $X/hour of gameplay. I guarantee that with FO4, even if you don't like everything that it contains, even if you Speed Run the game and ignore all the peripheral stuff, you WILL be looking at the minimum to be enjoying tens-of-hours/dollar spent. More than likely it will be hundreds-of-hours/dollar spent. That should be a GREAT DEAL in anyone's book.
Countries Untouched by the War Would Loot "Dead America"
CaptainPatch replied to Fkemman11's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I've heard some speculation that it may have been VAULT-TEC that caused the first button to be pushed. It stands to reason that after having gone to the bother of setting up @100 social experiments, The Powers That Be at Vault-Tec would have been getting anxious about whether that HUGE investment in resources wasn't about to be used any time soon. It is documented in several places that Vault-Tec had been running recurring drills for the imminent A-Day (Apocalypse Day) happening. And that the drills had started to come more frequently.... like someone at Vault-Tec knew something BAD was about to happen. There were literally tens of thousands of buttons scattered about the globe. (President's "football" or no.) All it would take is ONE of those buttons to be pushed, after which EVERYONE else sitting on a button would push theirs for fear that they might not launch in time before a nuke landed on them. All Vault-Tec had to do was manage to somehow control whoever had control of that ONE button. -
Countries Untouched by the War Would Loot "Dead America"
CaptainPatch replied to Fkemman11's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Hmm. You just gave me a fascinating thought. Undoubtedly, there would be numerous countries/places where NO nukes impacted. Therefore, in those places, there would be negligible physical damage. HOWEVER, the entire world would have the impact of a TREMENDOUS amount of radioactive fallout, dispersed around the entire globe like a thick layer of pancake syrup, raining down on the planet for decades to come. And naturally that much fallout would practically annihilate the entire human race. Survivors (capable of passing on their genes, not having been sterilized by the sharp upsurge of background radiation), would be those relatively few people that had adequate shelter from the radioactivity. Now, what those places that did NOT have nuke strikes anywhere nearby would be missing are those pockets of intense radioactivity that became the primary reason many, many ghouls were created. So you would have places like Iceland, which most likely did not become a place where any nukes detonated. So practically everything would have remained intact... and no ghouls, feral or otherwise to contend with. What a great place to go scavenging! An entire little country with practically ALL pre-war stuff still intact! Heck, forget about scavenging. Just up and move there! That's a train of thought that I am sure occurred to many, many, many people living in the shattered ruins of the world's superpowers over the generations that came and went after the Great War. Now, what might those places be like in 2287? -
Preservatives. Like how A 20-year-old Twinkie is just the same as one opened the day after it left the factory.
Idle thought: What might the world be like in CHINA?
CaptainPatch replied to CaptainPatch's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
??? That a ridiculous assertion. Can YOU show any documentation (other than other broad-sweeping assertions made by others ) to support such a claim? EVERY time there has been a major ideological shift, there has been violent excesses. It can't be avoided. Those in power previously resist the change with everything they have, and the incoming Power does what is necessary to force its way in. HOWEVER, after the new Powers That Be have settled in and are confident that the recidivists can't reverse the situation to go back to The Way Things Were, then is when you can clearly see the true character of the new Powers That Be. This has been true after the American Revolution -- are you familiar with the Whiskey Rebellion and all the Troubles the new democracy was experiencing? -- and the French Revolution (which returned to a monarchy because of the excesses of the Republicans) and the Russian Revolution (which was followed by the Russian Civil War). As alternate examples, look at Tito in Yugoslavia, Castro in Cuba, and, yes, even the Red Chinese. [The Cultural Revolution was NOT directed towards The People in general, but rather represented a power struggle between the various Communist leaders. Looking at the Cultural Revolution objectively, it was Mao flexing his muscles to assure that the then-Powers That Be did NOT follow the example of Stalin. And as a result The People got a MUCH better deal than the Russian people did under Stalin. The Changes that occurred then has directly led to the China of Today being one of THE most powerful Economies in the world Today. (Red China is, in fact, the largest holder of US debt outside of the US. And in case you didn't notice, the US government exists because it is allowed to continue despite being $19 trillion in debt... with that debt increasing by hundreds of billions annually, with no end in sight where the trend reverses.)] -
Nuka world.... What was your Decision?
CaptainPatch replied to NVBlues's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
I pretty much always play a Nice Guy character. The raiders of Nuka World are universally about as far from "Nice Guy" as you can get. So every time I do a run-through of Nuka World, I planning to exterminate every last raider ASAP. (This last play-through, I wiped out the raiders before I even cleared out any of the other parks.) "I hate raiders. I kill them every chance I get."