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Posts posted by ynysdyn

  1. Just tried manually installing the Seranaholic mod to see if it would fix/erase any problematic files... Nothing doing. I'm still getting these grey, ashen vanilla textures against the Dimonized body, which is horrible. At this point should I just do a clean install...? I have zero idea what to do...

  2. FWIW I'm currently taking the "uninstall all" route through NMM. Going to re-install everything tomorrow and see what happens. Either wish me luck or rage against my idiocy, as you feel so led.

  3. So, I just went back to an old file, and realized that Serana's look had gotten completely messed up. Throughout my whole playthrough, she's looked pretty much exactly like this, which I have been more than happy with. This is, as far as I can tell, simply a combination of DIMONIZED DIMface2 and Coverwomen Look_4 with seamless UNP. I was able to use this seamlessly with things like Bijin Warmaidens and the Inhabitants of Skyrim overhaul (which I'm not sure affect her look in the first place).


    However, I recently went back into that save after installing Beautiful Followers a while ago, and must have inadvertently overwritten Serana's textures with the ones in BF--except that it wasn't the BF textures, rather it was simply the vanilla ones. No problem, I thought to myself, I had this problem with the Seranaholic mod as well, where instead of the Seranaholic textures it just reset Serana back to vanilla. When this happened with Seranaholic, I just disabled the mod and everything went back to normal.


    In fact, the first time I tried disabling BF, it worked exactly as before, and I was back to my regular Serana, as in the link above. However, then I re-installed BF, trying to be careful to avoid overwriting Serana's textures this time. Except that the problem still returned. I tried experimenting with disabling/re-enabling mods to try and find where the problem was... And then all hell broke loose.


    Basically, no matter what combination of mods I enable/disable/uninstall, I cannot get Serana back to this look. I am perpetually stuck with the vanilla textures. I have zero idea what to do. And no, I don't have a backup of my settings through NMM -- didn't think about it, never really needed it before, never had a problem this big. Looks like I'm paying for it now.


    Please help, if anyone can.



    TL;DR: One careless mod and a fustercluck of adjustments later, my Serana appears permanently stuck on vanilla textures. Halp.

  4. So, first some background.


    1. Aela and I got married after I'd been given the "Blood's Honor" quest but before I'd finished it. I've had her as my follower for a while now, and we've had an eventful honeymoon of giant-killing, vampire damsel rescuing, and even destroying the Dark Brotherhood.


    2. Before going after the hagravens in "Blood's Honor", I dismissed Aela ("You shall not have a shield-brother," Kodlak said. I take that man very seriously). She got on her way back to Breezehome (also, I love it when she calls me "Dear")


    2.a. I did notice, however, that if I ran up and tried to talk to her again, there was no longer a "follow me" dialogue option.


    2.b. The "let's talk" option was also gone. The last time I'd used it, we talked about her combat habits and I told her to be more aggressive. "Yes dear," she said. "I'll only kill people I don't like." Those words, and their implications, would come back to haunt me later.


    3. After bagging some witch heads, I came back to find Kodlak murdered. Vilkas and I embarked on "Purity of Revenge". I went to Breezehome to console my wife, who would only say, "Make them bleed." Again, I should have taken her condition more seriously.


    4. Upon completing "Purity of Revenge" and returning for Kodlak's funeral, I found that the entire village had gathered as well... Except they'd gathered to watch Jarl Balgruuf and my wife try to kill each other, with an ever-increasing amount of collateral damage. So I "disabled" Aela via the console long enough for Kodlak to have a proper funeral (plus, you know, when the Jarl yells, "She started it!" you kinda have to listen). Afterwards, Farkas and Vilkas retired to the Underforce and Jorland asked me to fetch Kodlak's piece of Wuuthrad.


    . . . Except, it seems like Aela has taken the whole thing harder than anyone else . . . Because now, whenever I dip back into the console to "enable" her again, she immediately goes back to sniping peasants with the Ebony Bow I gave her as a wedding present.


    Can anyone speak to our domestic troubles before I have to re-write all our memories of wedded bliss and, more importantly, replay hours of game time? I'm getting desperate here.

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