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  1. heya all ^^ I wanted to use His/Her Ears they have created on Me Race for Release! http://kumakumakokuma.blog38.fc2.com/blog-entry-63.html But the trouble is i cant find a contact Email or anything, i did download and check the readme! and i translated via google Document Translator, and it says something: ■, modify and redistribute Please put on the eyelashes between our author credit. Please rest like we were pals. Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vkf87etUJp8cCbhKaNfO3w9fGtmQRrFX3am_pn8aUb8/edit?hl=en&pli=1# Which Im understanding, it is aloud to be Redistributed where credit is due! but i cant really trust Google translator! so i was hopeing someone who can understand Japanese, can verify for me, and if i am incorrect find a way to contact Ji. Thanks! Danny x
  2. Woo guess you learn something new everyday when your modding lol ^^ Thanks for that! the discription was perfect! for me race, i used the Original Eyes so i changed the UV of them from Eleborates! but did not do the 4th bar White. works perfectly now! Thanks! Kudos for your help! Danny x http://obss.us/d/19901-1/Glowy+eyes.jpg
  3. I found out My Trouble, For some reason Xfire Hates working with it! yet it works for Oblivion! Odd but hay ho! lol touch wood it stays working now ^^
  4. Heya ^^ I wanted to use These Eyes! http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34449 I added them to My Race, They Show ingame fine, But there is not Glow effect, so Blue and Blue Glow look exactly the same! Im not sure what i have done wrong. I know the _g Files are the ones that make it glow but there all in the correct Texture Path! Any ideas/Help? Thanks! Danny x
  5. Give me till tomorrow? I can do it, its just a matter of finding that Enchantment which i can find with TESedit, yeah late now so il look into it ^^
  6. I also have the same issue with this windows 7 users. but myn is a 32Bit and it just crashes before it starts if i run ether NVSE launcher or through FOMM. It worked perfectly before xmas, and i tested it where i disabled ALL Mods and only letting the falloutNV.esm run, and yet it still crashes so it is not a mod conflict! So no idea wtf is going on ;/ yet obse and Fose work perfectly fine!
  7. As of this Moment, Im going over a few things, and been so busy because of chrismas! mainly because i want to be there fully as i release this Mod, to see how it goes! so after chrismas! I will sort things out and let you know here! Danny
  8. I did the announcement abit to early! Trying to upload a new file but for some reason it declines bcause of same name or certain symbols ARG! almost done! Just like me to skip over that. Oops. lol ^^
  9. I did the announcement abit to early! Trying to upload a new file but for some reason it declines bcause of same name or certain symbols ARG! almost done!
  10. Ok its out ^^ with abit more VA VA VOOM! lol better discription!
  11. Because the child race is useing its own Body! Normal vanilla only works with 2, Male and female, so if i did it for male, yeah, you would see my point ;P Not like fallout sadly ;/ P.S Thanks guys for the support! ITS UP SOON, i just had to make discription more clearer!
  12. Nice work on child mod :D
  13. LOL amen Brother! World of Warcraft Excuse FTW :thumbsup:
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