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Posts posted by hinigashi

  1. heya all ^^


    I wanted to use His/Her Ears they have created on Me Race for Release!




    But the trouble is i cant find a contact Email or anything, i did download and check the readme! and i translated via google Document Translator, and it says something:


    ■, modify and redistribute

    Please put on the eyelashes between our author credit.

    Please rest like we were pals.


    Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vkf87etUJp8cCbhKaNfO3w9fGtmQRrFX3am_pn8aUb8/edit?hl=en&pli=1#


    Which Im understanding, it is aloud to be Redistributed where credit is due! but i cant really trust Google translator! so i was hopeing someone who can understand Japanese, can verify for me, and if i am incorrect find a way to contact Ji.




    Danny x

  2. It's most likely caused by the eye mesh, not the texture. Open the eye mesh in Nifskope and, in the left box (assuming you're using the default setup) expand all the branches till you see a little paint pallet. Right click on it, and when the window pops up, you'll see four colourful rainbow thingies (sorry, it's really hard to explain this without having Nifskope in front of me, darn work and all). Change the colour of the bottom right one to solid white. That should do the trick. If it doesn't, let me now and I'll send you my ones when I get on my gaming computer.


    Woo guess you learn something new everyday when your modding lol ^^


    Thanks for that! the discription was perfect! for me race, i used the Original Eyes so i changed the UV of them from Eleborates! but did not do the 4th bar White. works perfectly now!


    Thanks! Kudos for your help!


    Danny x



  3. Can't you put it on the staff? (IE if its scripted, make new enchantment and add script effect to it, then put the script on)


    Give me till tomorrow? I can do it, its just a matter of finding that Enchantment which i can find with TESedit, yeah late now so il look into it ^^

  4. I also have the same issue with this windows 7 users. but myn is a 32Bit and it just crashes before it starts if i run ether NVSE launcher or through FOMM.


    It worked perfectly before xmas, and i tested it where i disabled ALL Mods and only letting the falloutNV.esm run, and yet it still crashes so it is not a mod conflict!


    So no idea wtf is going on ;/


    yet obse and Fose work perfectly fine!

  5. As of this Moment, Im going over a few things, and been so busy because of chrismas! mainly because i want to be there fully as i release this Mod, to see how it goes!


    so after chrismas! I will sort things out and let you know here!



  6. It appears hidden to me. I was off to check it out..


    I did the announcement abit to early! Trying to upload a new file but for some reason it declines bcause of same name or certain symbols ARG! almost done!

    Just like me to skip over that. Oops.


    lol ^^

  7. It appears hidden to me. I was off to check it out..


    I did the announcement abit to early! Trying to upload a new file but for some reason it declines bcause of same name or certain symbols ARG! almost done!

  8. Ok, I might be completely overlooking something simple here, but....


    Why the obse and the scripting and all of such? Why not just make it a race?






    Because the child race is useing its own Body! Normal vanilla only works with 2, Male and female, so if i did it for male, yeah, you would see my point ;P


    Not like fallout sadly ;/


    P.S Thanks guys for the support! ITS UP SOON, i just had to make discription more clearer!

  9. My guess is the majority of users will use it as intended. Me, I very likely won't. Although I'm a male, I tend to use adult female characters most of the time. If I have to stare at someones butt for 500+ hours, it might as well be a nice one.


    LOL amen Brother! World of Warcraft Excuse FTW :thumbsup:

  10. This looks good! Keep up the good work! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif


    Thanks ^^, I just Hope it attracts the right people.. but thats wishful thinking i guess ;/



    There will always be some who don't use things for the purpose they were intended, but there will obviously be plenty who will use it for the right purpose.


    At any rate, have a kudos.


    Yep true, Thats why i said, if it gets out of hand, and if i see it does. I shall remove the Mod, No questions asked.

  11. This looks good! Keep up the good work! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/turned.gif


    Thanks ^^, I just Hope it attracts the right people.. but thats wishful thinking i guess ;/



    There will always be some who don't use things for the purpose they were intended, but there will obviously be plenty who will use it for the right purpose.


    At any rate, have a kudos.


    Thank you sir ^^

  12. Heya


    I have looked everywhere!


    Whats the script command to additems to your Main character, as soon as you start the game, Or by command "StartQuest [Questname]"


    Thanks in advance!




    Thanks for the Help ^^ maanage to understand it abit more from that info! Kudos!

  13. Heya


    I have looked everywhere!


    Whats the script command to additems to your Main character, as soon as you start the game, Or by command "StartQuest [Questname]"


    Thanks in advance!



  14. I think it would be pretty neat to have an aging character. Maybe every 100 hours of game play or something the body model could be replaced when you sleep :tongue: (I think this would be pretty cool, but may not be possible to make, although it may be as I know there is a mod to switch bodies for HGEC). I am not asking a request, just stating an idea :sweat:. As for your mod, it looks really well done. Reminded me of Fable :thumbsup:


    oh im sure there is a way, with a lot of scripting lol ^^ Thanks!

  15. Yep another Oblivion Mod Manager Dilemer!


    But this time i have seached.. but may of missed it..


    i have windows 7 64Bit OP, i have the Mod managers of fallout 3 and new vegas working perfectly, I downloaded OBMM, installed, its all doing and working fine, Only downfall is, When i use the omod Creater on a file, They are created Fine and on the ESP list, But when i check into the Data file on the File i just done with OMOD, it has a keylock stamped in the ESP/Textures and meshes etc.


    Which is proventing it from working in game. Now i looked into this, People say Run as Administration, Which i have done, Other people Say it should not be in the 64Bit Program file and should be downloaded somewhere else? But im running this through steam so its Not possable. What exactly is Windows 7 Doing? and how do i fix it?


    Thanks again



  16. Screw this! i've done everything you said! i've done tried everything in the read me... Screw wrye s***....


    Any way to get FCOM without this crappy s***?


    Advice: Dont get Arsy because people are going out of there way to help you.. Im also haveing the same Issue but i aint getting all Emo over it! il get there, just a matter of reading what they said and starting from the beginning, People wont help if you have an attitude.

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