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Everything posted by malachiwolf

  1. Y'all. This game is 9 years old and no one has thought to make any fist weapons. We got people out here riding rainbow dash into battle while they kill their foes with lightsabers for god's sake. And the foes are werewolves with boobs. And nipples. "Come on, man." So, I'm requesting fist weapons. I'd think this would be pretty easy, but I'm not smart enough to do anything more than clone an existing weapon. All I really want are some cesti, similar to those added by Requiem UCE without having to download a huge, game-wide overhaul for roleplaying. I already have mods tht tweak and alter my gameplay. What I really want is a "weapon" worn on the hand that's enchantable with weapon enchantments, so I can power slap and have a knockdown effect. Plenty of weapons out there with a knockdown enchant, but no armor. I mean, really, what kind of pugilist cant knock an opponent off his feet? I wanna be Ivan Drago, not Norbert Beaver. So anyway, yea. That would be great, please and thanks.
  2. Hello all! I remember seeing something called Wolf Lord Armor on Xbone, but that seems to be gone. It seemed cool, had wolf-head pauldrons and all that. Well, I have myself a new lykaios character, and I'm wondering if anyone has made any standalone armor that has a nice wolf theme. Not looking for variants of the wolf armor from the companions, or anything for werewolves. Just a regular old armor set.
  3. Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has sort of used a combo of bethesda's mod selection and Nexus. I'll admit it, I've been playing on console for years. Vortex is giving me trouble, and I've gotten used to the idiot-proof system that is the in-game mod selection menu. I was thinking I could use bethesda for some things, and nexus for anything I can't find there, like Skyland mods and such. Problem is, of a pkugij doesn't show up in Vortex, the mod isn't present in the in-game list.
  4. Hiya folks, just a couple issues I'm having. 1. When trying to load a custom race (Ulfednar), I get an error and CK crashes every time. 2. When trying to load the BBLS .esm file in order to place custom followers directly into the Luxury Suite, it auto selects four master files despite the fact that I only selected one and wont load. Is there a setting or preference I need to tweak to be able to load these things?
  5. I keep having the same problem when I create my own custom followers. My process: 1. Create a new character in the race menu, name and finish. 2. "spf name" in the console, save game. 3. Open creation kit, new actor, fill in all the necessary information. 4. Import .npc file for character gen parts. 5. Place in a world space 6. save and load, play the game. And when I get to wherever I put them, the body is one skintone and the neck/face are another. I tried exporting, since it worked with the Rubee follower mod, but it doesnt work with actors I create myself.
  6. Yea, just trying to remove the hair. In other news, I tried just creating my own follower without the hair, but for some reason, the body is the color of the imported .npc file, but the head is the default female face. http://imgur.com/W9J7Qf6
  7. Hiya all, I'm just wondering how I can go about editing the appearance of some mod-added followers. For example, I have a couple different female khajiit followers, but I prefer khajiits to not have head hair. Just a personal thing, really. What I've tried: 1. Changing the follower's esp file itself-no change in game 2. Duplicating the follower's esp file and changing it-no change in game 3. Duplicating the follower's esp file, changing it, and saving it as a separate esp file-nothing even happened, like what As you can see, I've tried a few things, but my mod creation ability starts, and ends, at duplicating and renaming items to change their stats. :c... IN all honesty, I just want to remove the hair. Especially from one whose hair is vibrant red against orange fur.
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