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About MrShadowBlood

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  1. So past month been trying to find a way to import rigged models to blender so I can make some neat animations but having trouble due to some errors. Tried PyNifly but the bones become unconnected always no matter what when importing them. Even had help from author who also could not figure out why I am having this issue. Found another plug in but its really outdated and wont work with latest blender update. I am hoping someone sees this and has a way I can import rigged models into Blender without any tedious steps.
  2. So past month been trying to find a way to import rigged models to blender so I can make some neat animations but having trouble due to some errors. Tried PyNifly but the bones become unconnected always no matter what when importing them. Even had help from author who also could not figure out why I am having this issue. Found another plug in but its really outdated and wont work with latest blender update. I am hoping someone sees this and has a way I can import rigged models into Blender without any tedious steps.
  3. I'd like to throw in some stuff in the flames. I am having same issue as well but for Skyrim. All my stuff is in the backup drive which I import to blender which you may know becomes black. Modded stuff installed in my main drive show textures perfectly but all the bones have become un-connected. Nifs when shown in nifskope always have the texture showing up. Forgive me if the answer is clearly out there but how would I make the textures show up in blender without modifying the Nif texture path. Again forgive me if I am being ignorant, I just have trouble understanding things.
  4. Working on a dark fantasy mod and got an idea for a unique reanimation spell but I don't know if it is possible. I want to make it so when the corpse reanimates it becomes entirely black like a shadow or a corrupted shade but I don't know how to exactly accomplish this. Maybe it might do with effect shaders but I still don't know so want to ask if anyone knows how this can be accomplished or is it just impossible.
  5. Planning to use some models I have found and make them into conjure spells, thralls, and npc's but...dont know exactly how. I seen guides but they don't really talk about custom npcs and just npcs already in game.
  6. Sorry late replay, for some reason did not notify me. Its the vanilla ice projectile 01 but found a fix. Just needed to make sure the white dds was replaced with custom texture and swap out the cubemap so wont look funky ingame. Took me a while to find the fix.
  7. Since I do not know how to make a static prop like a soul gem into a projectile I tried to make Ice Projectile 01 look like one........it refuses to change colors. I replaced every grayscale and override textures and still nothing. I even deleted most of the branches thinking the glow is affecting it....nope. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
  8. The assets are from this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25497?tab=description and the nifs are modmpspoison00sparks.nif, modpoison00projectile.nif, modpoisonwall.nif, and modmpspoisonimpact01.nif EDIT I managed to fix everything except a bug where when aiming at the ground the green mist will appear but vanish after a second. My guess its something that is a impact factor or something since it only happens once you use the spell on the ground.
  9. So far what I notice is that wall effect works but when shooting the spell the green color comes out but vanishes and is replaced when wall of shadows is in effect.
  10. Been trying for a couple days to figure out how to color the spells in this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25497?tab=description Into shadow spells. Assets are free to use and been using it to try to make shadow mist magic but I am missing something but I don't know what. For some reason it renders part of the colors I redid but other half uses the green color which does not make sense since I override it with the shadow colors. I looked in addons and made sure base textures are replaced with mine but does not seems to work. Spells I have been trying to recolor is Wall of Poison and later Poison Cloud but if I can't figure out wall of Poison then I wont be able to do poison cloud. If some one is experienced with coloring spells please help me since been pulling out my hair for days trying to figure this out.
  11. Found out that most people use nifskope to make weapon mods which are merged objects and items that are ingame but having trouble understanding how to do it. I know some small basics in nifskope but can't find any real guides on how to make a model out of other meshes into a weapon in nifskope. I would use outfit studio but keeps making the blood edge show up on the weapon.
  12. I was working on a mod for 7 days but the esp got deleted some how by Vortex and I am not spending another week going back and forth to add stuff from one mod to another so I decided to merge the 2 mods together......but ran into a problem once again. Besides the normal errors like should be converted offline I get errors saying I am missing face tint maps and mask map eyes for the playable races which are khajitt, argonian, and human male and female. I really do not know what to do. EDIT, I found out how to fix it but unsure how or what to remove so it does not affect the npcs
  13. Ah alright, I have been researching before I made this forum but kept hitting to many dead ends.
  14. Oh sorry, I mean in magic effects and in the top right it will say target conditions. Anytime I enter a condition and hit enter the error message will appear saying Failed to get owner quest for unowned condition. I really don't know if its a usless message or not but I did a step which was mentioned on a forum to install the Script zip in the skyrim files and extract it to data which I did but still gives me an error message. This happens to modded magic effects and vanilla magic effects. Also on unrelated note is it possible to detect if a mod will cause save corruptions or make the game corrupted? I am working on a mod while using assets from another mod which I have permission but problem is some of the stuff in it causes CTDs and save corruptions which is caused by summons that came from the mod. I am only using spells from the mod and not the summons to prevent this corruption but I want to see is there a way to find out what assets are causing the corruption to happen.
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