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Everything posted by rarborman

  1. I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask if you tried ticking that little box that said "allow multiple membrane shaders", I'm not saying I know what I'm doing here; its a stab in the dark.
  2. -_- you replace the equip type to right hand (maybe left its been a while), it will let you equip something in the other hand, although it breaks the parry if you do this and disallows useage of the other hand if you attack, equiping a spell or another sword is probably better then blocking with a 2h weapon anyways. It might have been left hand... or right, I do have an example in one of my posted mods.
  3. ok, I have no idea what I'm doing trying to get the UV fixed, it just hates me.
  4. I'm going to work on that, I just didnt get down to it because I was ancie about making sure I could get the bow work before I attached the UV I'll do that though. Its mostly that the UV wasnt attached yet when I made the file.
  5. Yeah most likely, but how do I do that, I have no idea what I'm doing, how do I even skin, I think I did it once but I cant find the way I did it anymore, also yeah I f***ed that bone count up before I got totally lost trying to fix it to where it doesnt go weird, also mostly does that because I overlayed my mesh over another, and cant for the life of me get the thing to skin right. I've been mostly trying to get it working right through nifscope, since the thing is from blender I cant really do anything useful by porting it back, although I could probably see about getting it to a point where its just the mesh over the borrowed bones, which still goes haywire when shooting, I'd still have no clue where to go from there since the bones f*** the skin and it still goes wild, I'll try redoing it to maybe get my damn fumblings out and try again.
  6. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/91909115/skormsbow/skormsbow.nif I cant make the bones work, I have no idea what I am doing anymore, I should have never picked a bow as my first mesh project. I'd be happy if someone could either direct me to a bow or bone tutorial, or at least not point laught and move on. I just am too new to this to get this stuff yet, and trying to learn it alone is just making things worse.
  7. Ok found the only animation I had without an esp was also the only one out of date and updating it apearently solved it out. Todays good, not only did I figure out how to solve this I also figured out how to finally get custom meshes to work, suprisingly all the tutorials are useless. Thanks for sound boarding.
  8. Ok, looked into it, disabled all my plugins... as a first step to see if even mattered for loadout... still there, although I do have to say thank you for suggesting I reorder those plugins it solved a different thing I'd been seeing. So that leaves a mod that doesnt have a plugin as the cause so... f*** its either my skeleton (which I doubt)... I dont know maybe a idle animation? or a f***ed script.
  9. My first anticipated dragonborn mod is a stuffed scathcrow for thirsk meadhall.
  10. I dont know where I picked this up, but lately everyone in my game can swing their weapons faster then the animation, and do like 5 or 6 hits before the single animation is even over, I'd like some advice as to what would be causing this, because I have no idea what to do about it except ~tgm. If you have any idea how to fix this please do share, its a horible bug and needs to be killed. My plugin list from boss
  11. You and me... same boat. Its overtly hard to get the damn thing working unless you already know how and the people that know, dont feel like helping those that dont, besides pointing at the tutorials and saying "good luck". If I ever figure it out I'll tell you.
  12. Falkreach was buggered by hearthfire, its in the hearthfire, and bethsada has yet to fix it, even if it is in all platforms (they still havent even got to a lot of bugs in the normal game). Suggest you move your house/mod/whatever away from Falkreach.
  13. thats the dead npc cleanup cell, if an npc dies they go there, if they die while you wernt around or you use the respawn on an npc you kill, they get sent there alive and with their gear equiped You really werent ment to be using the console, so all the stuff your seeing is because your using it. As for the reason your not getting replies, this isnt a mod problem.
  14. I'd be done the normal way you'd edit meshes, extract the .nif and textures from the .bsa using something like fo3archive and flip the attachments around in nifscope but I'm not sure how to go about doing that, I'm still learning it myself. Dont even ask me how to put them back in the bsa, i do not know.
  15. Yeah I had this problem as well, bandits multihitting and instakilling me, I have no idea what it would have come from, I dont know if i still have it, I dont really play to often anymore. Know what mod it might have been? it'd be nice to narrow this bug out to a cause.
  16. Try scouting it in game, if you cant walk there dont build there. I also think there is a mod that did remove the boundry but I havent a clue what it is, beyond skyrim or something. I'd also suggest not building so close to the boundry if you can help it.
  17. Ok, I've got to say I cannot convert them or learn to or try again because I've done all that and failed too many times to want to... Pushing that aside, I need someone who can convert .Obj and .mtl into a .nif that can work in skyrim, as well as rig the damn things because I doubt I'm doing it right anyways. I dont need someone to mesh or make the items in game or texture, I know I can do those, I just need someone to throw meshes at and get nifs back that work. Yes I'm aware if I learned to do it or found the right stuff I could do it myself, but I've tried with all my might and cant do that. See look I can do meshes... https://www.dropbox.com/s/upqvzxzp38pnn92/skorm%27sbow.png?m I can do unwraping... https://www.dropbox.com/s/e7lct2di9fv902n/skorm%27sbowunwrap.png I can do .obj... http://dl.dropbox.com/u/91909115/skorm'sbow.obj http://dl.dropbox.com/u/91909115/skorm'sbow.mtl I just want... no need someone to help me push it through the next stage and get stuff to a nice modable place.
  18. Spears were the starting weapon of Morrowind champions, its sad we dont get them but I can live with it.
  19. Yeah played a few minutes and watched some more, DB like all of skyrim will do better as soon as the PC modders get a hold of it, so we can fix the damn thing. Didnt see a lot of new stuff that doesnt have a mod parallel but hey, dragon riding, solstiem, those neat black book things, and everything else should keep the modders busy... at least until that mmo junk comes out and someone hacks up that server garbage so we can mod again.
  20. Sadly its because you can punch most skeletons to bits, they are the weakest kind of undead in elderscrolls games. Back in the past was when there was more variation in undead types, you'd see bonelords or bonewalkers or lichs or bonewolfs or zombies or the several variants of skeletal enemies and even regular ghosts (instead of just the wispmother). Non-draugur undead need an overhaul. Even though what I've seen of the Dragonborn DLC, is to include some new undead...
  21. Scalie. Probably could be done, I'll give it a try in a test cell, got to make a neutral dragon and some basic dialog... ;) What do you mean by cuter?
  22. Replace all files... If it's not working I'd have no idea what to tell you.
  23. Try reinstalling SKSE. I'm getting bugs with Ihud not working properly, displaying health mana and stamina that is not correct and doesnt go away, got latest patch SKSE and Ihud.
  24. I know in calcemos (or whatever) lab in marakarth when you are getting the falmer language cypher that there are valves that toggle activate traps, and floor buttons that deactivate a steam area effect, go look at how those are rigged up, may give you what you need.
  25. My argonian was a slave maid to house Hlaalu until being freed by who I would only later learn was the Nerevarine, got lost wandering in Vvardenfell and caught Corprus, begged anyone that would listen for help and was told Divayth Fyr would let me stayed in the Corprusarium, threw myself upon the old wizard's mercy and was allowed to stay, became very insane, got cured of Corprus by Divayth Fyr around 3E 429, left Vvardenfell for Blackmarsh by boat to Morrowind, got arrested in Morrowind for murdering a darkelf I thaught was a slaver and sent to the Imperial prison in Cyrodill for 20 year, and even think I got to see the Emperor walk through the dungeon on his last day in life, broke from imprisonment in 3E 433 during the call of the hist, and made it home to Blackmarsh and helped fight off the daedra, at the end of the oblivion crisis found family had either all been taken as slaves in morrowind and had not escaped or had died in the oblivion crisis, left home and acted as a wandering mercenary in blackmarsh and later morrowind and finally in Cyrodill before hearing of oppertunity in Skyrim in 4E 200, got caught trying to cross the border by Imperials and still having a bounty on me for prison escaping as well as several acts of murder and banditry, was knocked out bound and thrown on a wagon... That is my characters backstory.
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