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Nexus Mods Profile

About FowlJ

  1. I haven't got into the sdk or anything yet, so I can't help with most of this, but I can report that squadsight units will use it against you, though whether they deliberately seek out squadsight shots or just happen to use any that they have I'm not sure.
  2. A traditional roguelike is turn based, yes - a game adapting some of the style of one does not have to be. The core elements of a roguelike - difficulty, randomness, and permanent death, are by no means exclusive to a turn based game.
  3. Well, I wasn't really suggesting durability, just saying that, since items never break or are otherwise rendered un-usable, once you have, say, a daedric sword with a pretty nice enchantment, you will never ever have any reason to pick up a new sword (the way Skyrim works by default, anyway). It isn't a problem necessarily, particularly if you find a way to get random gear working to mix things up a little, but, for me anyway, finding new and useful stuff is a large part of the fun - and it will still be fun anyway, and nice daedric gear probably isn't going to be to common, it just sucks that Skyrim works that way.
  4. Sounds like a very cool idea. Any idea what you'll be doing with loot? Random gear is pretty much the central feature connecting all roguelikes, so I assume there will be changes made to leveled lists to support that, but there are still things like cursed gear that would be interesting. A problem I can see with the whole thing is that, as far as I am aware, there isn't any way to make Skyrim randomly generate items like Diablo or something similar would - and since items never break or anything, there would never be much reason to get rid of a really good item once you have it. Difficulty is another big thing - Maybe make shop prices a lot harsher and potions rarer, for one? Slowed or disabled health regen, no regen on waiting, stuff like that.
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