Skyrim Redone includes a low level illusion spell call "Insight" which does what you ask. There are also perks that increase the amount of information given. Don't know if there's a stand alone version if you don't want all of Skyrim Redone though. Follower mods like Ultimate Follower Overhaul also allow you to ask followers what their skills are. Only followers though. Is anyone aware of any mods that alter the way the map works without removing it completely? I find having GPS in the world of Skyrim really immersion breaking, but no map at all would make it impossible to find quest objectives, even with Better Quest Objectives. At the moment, I'm role playing only using maps in towns. Getting completely lost in the wilderness (with compass also disabled ofc) and having to rely on the road signs is actually a lot of fun. Especially with darker nights. Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure what you mean about not removing it completely or about the kind of functionality you are looking for? I'm guessing you already use ? There are also some paper map mods out there.