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  1. Slayed21, could you tell me where your skyrim saves are located? I wanted to know because that's the same skyrim folder where your SkyrimPrefs.ini should be located in.
  2. Alright, so there are multiple ways to proceed with this. 1: Make sure you aren't modifying the installation folder's SkyrimPrefs.ini but rather the one located in "My Documents" or just "Documents". 1a: Make sure you HAVE a My Documents folder, because if you don't then Skyrim will fail to launch any mods or none at all. 2: If the problem persists, then check your SkyrimPrefs.ini for any repeat [Launcher] segments, as this will cancel each other out and most likely won't launch any mods. 3: If the problem persists even more, quite persistent, then go to steam and right click Skyrim, then click on "Verify Files Integrity" or something like that. What that will do, is verify if your files are corrupted or not, and if they are then it will redownload the missing ones or the corrupted ones.
  3. YES! MY FATHER FIXED IT! HALLELUJAH! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! To all the people that helped me out! Thank you so much for your effort! You guys are truly amazing! Thank you so very much! IT WORKS!
  4. I know now! For some reason I have My Documents in the network drive! For some reason, it won't read it! I found the skyrim folder there but it's reading it from Appdata instead! I may have found a solution, I just need to get my computer to start reading from my network drive instead of my Appdata. I found this out when I wanted to play a mod on C&C 3 Tiberium Wars, but found out that all my mods were gone. I looked in everywhere and found them in the network drive, not being read.
  5. Well... I did everything you said but, unfortunately nothing changed. I still get the same problem. Just at thought though, whenever I try and make changers to the launcher, like switching High Texture quality to Ultra High, it decides to revert BACK to High Texture quality. Could this be causing my problem?
  6. Dude thank you so much it worked! Nope.. Still doesn't work for me.
  7. Still does nothing. What did yo change the permissions to...? So, the "full permission" box is checked for both "administrators and "users"? Yes.
  8. I changed it to every option and it still does nothing. Yes I restarted countless times and no effect.
  9. I assume you haven't read the entire post. This doesn't work.
  10. I don't know.. I've tried literally everything.
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