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About Chaimberlain

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  1. I know this is an old thread, but I am having exactly the same issue on a different file. I decided to try and make additions to MentalHygiene's Cat Suits for Femshep mod (also not intending to publish unless MH is interested in including them with their mod), as a proof of concept for myself. The issue I have is with the normal map on Miranda's loyalty outfit, I also only get the alpha channel when extracting through MEM. If anyone out there knows a solution or a better tool, it would be a big help (hopefully to Deudrop too).
  2. I have been wondering this as well. However, what I have been doing to sidestep the issue is just work on a playthrough on one title while the lengthier load times for mods (like ALOV, ALOT, or EGM) or textures finish on another. My system's components are pretty old now but I haven't had any performance issues playing while ME3TMM or MEM installs mods on the next game in the background. I know that doesn't answer the question, but it's the most efficient system I have found so far.
  3. Well hot damn it worked! Thanks a bunch. Now, let's make that dragon disgustingly rich... off of the souls of other dragons..... kinda morbid now that I think of it.
  4. BLUF: SE port causes crash on game launch, request assistance with fix. Hello nexus, I have recently gotten back into Skyrim after at least a 4 year hiatus. As usual, actually playing was preceded by a week's worth of mod prep. This time, however, I decided to try my hand at porting mods from LE myself rather than relying on the community (I found out pretty quick in college that software was not my forte), and have generally found great success. However, there is one file that is still proving problematic. I tried to port the mod "Dragon Merchant with Buyable Dragon Souls" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15467) as it makes a fantastic late game gold-dump when paired with Dragon Soul Relinquishment. However, the resulting port prevents my game from launching. It is similar to when there is a missing master for an .esp and the game simply doesn't launch. I sit there, watch MO lock as SKSE runs, and then watch MO unlock as the program fails. I have been able to determine that the cause is not a conflict, but have been unable to trace the cause any farther. I have examined the file in the CK, which I am admittedly not experienced with, and in SSEEdit, which I am experienced with, and in neither did I find the issue. I'm sure I missed a step, but none of the guides I've found online so far have illuminated the issue. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
  5. Good evening Nexus, I have come to you today with an issue that has evaded me for the better part of a week wherein it seems that the body weight triangle slider is broken. The result is that various bodies, both player and NPC, have a deformed appearance where nothing is proportional or is even the proper size. What I have been able to determine is that, by entering Looksmenu, I am able to relieve the problem for the player character by moving the aforementioned triangle slider to either one of the three extremes, or to dead center. I am not what I would call an inexperienced modder, but I have been wholly unable to track down the source of this glitch. That said, here is a list of what I do know: This is not caused by CBBE as it is present on both males and females (I do not have a male body replacer). It is applied consistently between the player and NPCs since not all NPCs are deformed. The .esp that comes with the mod "4K Face" somehow relieved the issue at one point, but due to compatibility problems with that mod it is not a permanent solution. This is not caused by a skeletal mod, it is present regardless of whether or not a skeleton is installed. I have been able to eliminate AAF or any other animation mod as the source. It is present in a new game and applies to both Nate and Nora. I am trying to upload screenshots, but the Nexus is not letting me atm. They show asymmetrical limbs, with the left side looking deflated, as if it were a rubber toy run over by an 18-wheeler, the breasts pressed into the body, and the back of the head also deflated so that it loses about 30% of its volume. I am at my wits end with this, if anyone has seen it before, please let me know how to fix it. I will continue attempting to upload screenshots. Thank you all in advance.
  6. Hey everyone, As some of you may know, Timmy1992, author of several armor mods, is not longer with us in the Nexus community, or at least he isn't active and modding anymore. Because of his decision to exit, he took down all of his available mods, some of which were quite popular. To that end, I am trying to find anyone who has any of his files (namely his TWM Dawnguard Armory and Retexture) so that we can put together a compilation re-upload. One of his mods, the Dawnguard Paladin Armor, has already been re-uploaded and will likely be included in the compilation. It's important I mention that his non-Dawnguard armors are welcome as well, for those who are wondering. Anyone's help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Note: We are trying to get Timmy's personal permission for this re-upload, but have as of yet been unable to contact him.
  7. I am having a small animation issue with all of my horses in Skyrim. Every time I go to ride one of them, I mount the horse, and then after my character has settled into his/her seat, they come down about 6 inches into the saddle. You can understand why having someone's entire hip bone enter a horse's back would be troubling. It's not game breaking, but it is almost horse breaking. It's actually caused me to fast travel! Anyhow, any help would be greatly appreciated. I'll try and get a screenshot up to help illustrate the problem.
  8. I did what you suggested, but there has been no change. I'm still crashing just after loading the cell.
  9. So, basically wipe everything out and reinstall it again?
  10. Why stop with horses? If you use Dragonborn, why not have a Dragon-bus thing? If you're like me, and just love the novelty of having a small army follow you around, load up frakkin' 12 followers on a dragon's back!
  11. You could just pay yourself back with the console..... And if you really just want to level up, well, there's another console command for that.....
  12. Alright, so I've had Skyrim running before with some 200 plugins with no problems (long time ago), so now I'm surprised that I can't seem to play at all with roughly 140 plugins. I was playing perfectly normally inside of Dimhollow Crypt (just before I released Serana) when I got a CTD. This happens periodically, but not often, so I thought nothing of it. I went back in to reload the autosave, got in-game, and about 2 seconds later crashed again. I did notice what appeared to be some crazy lag though just before the CTD. I tried again, same result. I tried other saves, both autos and manual. All crashed just after leading the cell. I have no clue what could have caused this. I had not installed a mod since the day before, and had simply updated a couple roughly 6 hours before. (Note that there was no issue for that 6 hrs.) I tried uninstalling the updated mods (RaceMenu, Wet and Cold, and W.A.T.E.R.) but to no avail. So I uninstalled that last mod I had installed the previous night (Skyrim Tycoon). Still no luck. Anyhow, I have no clue what is going on, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
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