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About theLeeHarvey

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    Fallout 3 / New Vegas
  1. Used your shot "Dawn Patrol" for a comparison for a recently posted screenie, and your pic got 2 more endorsements
  2. Ok, I am attaching a couple of pictures so you can see what I mean in the topic title. When I am moving through the wastes, the land maintains the low detail LOD even when I am right on top of it and it's killing the immersion. This didn't start happening until recently either, but I don't know what the cause could be. I have tried everything I could think of to fix it. In an attempt to fix the problem I have replaced the Fallout_default.ini with a backup I made of the original before I installed any mods or started any tweaking. That didn't help. I have deleted the Fallout.ini and Falloutprefs.ini and created new ones by restarting the game and adjusting the graphics settings in the default launcher. I have tried to use New Vegas Configator to adjust the draw distances and make them further away. I have even deactivated all my DLC's and mods and tried to see if that helped. Nothing works. Does anybody have any ideas what it could be? Any ideas on how to fix it? Please give me a hand if you think you can, I'd appreciate it very much. Take a look at the pictures to see what I mean. http://i498.photobucket.com/albums/rr346/theLeeHarvey/New%20Vegas%20images/FalloutNV2011-03-1323-05-19-90.jpg http://i498.photobucket.com/albums/rr346/theLeeHarvey/New%20Vegas%20images/FalloutNV2011-03-1314-32-58-95.jpg
  3. I want them to populate the western expanse of the map that has absolutely nothing in it. They gave us a huge map in NV, yet they only developed the center of it with most of the west and everything east of the Colorado empty and inaccessible. Also, there is no life to the wasteland. Every creature and NPC has a very set location. You don't find anything just wandering around the desert and the lack of random wasteland encounters really sucks. I don't know if that was done on purpose to make the Mojave feel empty or if Obsidian just didn't put the effort into New Vegas that Bethesda did for Fallout 3.
  4. Thank you kind sir, much appreciated.
  5. I've noticed I have a tendency to do that. As I progress through the levels and I start putting points in Melee Weapons for lack of a better place, I start to use a Gladius much more. Mostly just when I feel like messing around.
  6. I am playing through FNV for the second time (415 hours and still going strong) and this is my second attempt at the side quest "Still in the Dark". The first time went smoothly, no problems whatever. This time the bodies that are supposed to be in the crater at Black Mountain and the crater in the Nellis AFB housing are not there. They are missing, their gear is missing and the holotapes are missing. Short of just advancing the quest to the next stage via console,I don't know how to fix it and I don't know what can be causing this. I don't think it's a conflict from a mod, I've checked them all with NVEdit and made sure. Has anybody else encountered this bug? Maybe it's an error introduced by the last patch. Edit: So nobody has any ideas?No help at all?
  7. I have changed my New Vegas main menu background to a screenshot I took and then 'shopped to make it fit aesthetically with the game. Have you modded your main background? I am interested in seeing creative work by other members here. Call it curiosity. If so, post a shot of it here. If not, I can tell you how, it's very easy. First you will need to download Paint.net if you haven't already got it. Find it here, install it and then return to this thread when you are ready to begin....... Ok ready? Open up the image you want to use for your main background. It can be pretty much any picture you want, but note that it should be similar dimensions to your resolution or it will be stretched and distorted when you load up your game and see it. Ok, so you have the pic you want to use open in Paint.net right? Here's what you do. Click the file tab in the upper left corner. Click 'Save As'. Navigate to your Data/textures/interface/main folder and save the picture as main_background.dds. See how easy that was? Now all you have to do is remember to update your archiveinvalidation text in whatever form you prefer. When you start New Vegas you will have a nifty new main menu background. Oh and don't forget to take a screenshot of it and post it here. :thumbsup: http://i498.photobucket.com/albums/rr346/theLeeHarvey/New%20Vegas%20images/mainbackground.jpg
  8. thanks for the great Chinese Stealth retex, it looks really cool, Kudos for you !!!
  9. That was a good review. Informative and insightful. The more posts like yours I see, the more it makes me think about taking Dead Money for another spin and trying to reevaluate my opinion of it.
  10. FIrestorm01 - If you like Flame weapons the best, regardless of what perks you use, then Energy weapons would be your preference. If perks are the reason your prefer them then that is your prerogative. Everyone has a reason for their preference and I doubt you'd be the only one who prefers a weapon type because of the perks associated with it. So, it's all good. I am glad you shared your opinion on this topic, thanks. Neariox - The Firelance is a unique Alien Blaster.
  11. You have some very good points and I have to say, your post has caused me to reevaluate my opinion of Dead Money. You are right, it was satisfying to kill Elijah after all the crap he put me through. Although I still think the constant use of speakers to make me backtrack, and the what seems like thousands of traps to disarm became very repetitive, I agree that overall there was a good amount of challenge built into the DLC and that it was better for it. As an example, I would have liked to see more Ghost People and less traps and traps that trigger ghost people ambushes. I don't know how many times I heard that ghost people used prizes to stage ambushes while I was playing, from the companions and Elijah. Another thing that would have been cool was if ghost people appeared in greater numbers at night, hordes of them choking the streets even. Dean makes it sound like there are thousands of them in the Sierra Madre and surroundings. Why didn't we see very many?
  12. Sorry about that, I forgot there was a spoiler section to the forum. It's been a long time since I was active on the board. My apologies to the Moderators. Fonger, at least I gave a warning to readers in the description though. You can't call someone's opinion bogus because you don't like where it's posted. The location of a post has no bearing on the validity of an opinion. Besides which, the purpose of the post is to discuss players thoughts and impressions of Dead Money. Spoilers are incidental. I am not intentionally giving away the story or the plot line.
  13. Of all the DlC's for both games I'd have to say I'd put it at the bottom. I liked Point Lookout the best. I liked the fact that it was an open world unto itself. I liked Broken Steel because it opened up Fallout 3's ending and expanded on life in the wasteland after the critical events of the main quest. I liked it because of the added content in regards to the additional equipment. The Pitt I liked because it was an engaging story and you felt like you were accomplishing something in the game world. I liked Zeta because of the level design and visual effects employed and that they were used as part of the story and not just flash to get you there and then string you along with a lame story (I must admit though that I liked it less than the other DLC's for fallout 3 though). All the DLC's for Fallout 3 felt like they had expanded on the game in some way, making it larger and more immersive. With Dead Money, I just got to a point where I felt like I was progressing through the quest just so I could get it out of the way and continue playing the real game when I got back to the wasteland. Like I said, I did enjoy the hostile environment and it's denizens. Dead Money certainly has it's pros, but for me the cons started to outweigh them by about the halfway mark. I think maybe I'd rank it as equal to Operation Anchorage.
  14. Ok, I just finished Dead Money and I have to say, I'm fairly disappointed. Let me start with the things about it I liked. I like the Level Design and the new environments. I think they really captured the correct atmosphere for the Sierra Madre and the surrounding Villa. I like the architecture. I also like the design of the Ghost People. They are sinister and sufficiently creepy with their stilted, shuddering walk. The Design of their apparel is also very good, I like the look of their masks and the glowing eyes. I also like that they are more of a challenge to kill because of their ability to stand back up after taking a beating unless you actually decapitate them or sever a limb. I like the back story about Sinclair, Dean and Vera. I also like how everywhere you go, you can find a terminal or note which, while maybe not directly related to the quest, gives you insight into the Sierra Madre Casino during construction and in the days before the bombs fell. It draws you in and immerses you in the story. I like the characters you have to work with and how their stories all fill out as you progress through the quest (I particularly enjoyed Christine's story). I like the new equipment and I have to say, the one item in the DLC that impressed me the most? The Cooking Hotplate. Now why didn't they think of that before? Now that I have laid out the good, let me speak on what I see as the bad. Father Elijah. I found him a very 2-dimensional badguy. He was devious, I'll give him that, but he was incredibly annoying in my opinion. The casino itself and the damned Speakers everywhere. I found it incredibly frustrating constantly having to dart back and forth trying to find the speakers that would cause the constant beep-beep-beep-beep and subsequent brain-splattering from the bomb-collar. I hated the Hologram security. Supposedly, you could find an emitter for every hologram right? Yeah, not so. Not only that, but even with a sneak skill of 100 and a Stealth-boy, they can still find you. The vault under the Casino. The whole time I was in there, all I wanted to do was finish the damned quest so I could go back to the wasteland. Between the speakers, the holograms, the gas clouds and the security force fields, I just felt it was slapped together quickly by the developers without really any consideration for making it a fun sort of challenge. It became more than challenging for me, it became a frustrating endless parade of things trying to set off my bomb-collar. I didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything, just running through a gauntlet for the hell of it. Finally the end. There is really no good reward for completing the quest and the ending seemed very anticlimactic. You get to shoot Father Elijah or sneak past him. Hmmm....I guess if you spent the entire time in the Sierra Madre nursing a hatred for the guy manipulating you with the explosive necktie, putting a bullet in his head is a reward in itself. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it myself, but it just seemed like after having gone through all the obstacles and trials that the actual end, breaking into the vault and taking the gold, was a pittance. You can't even carry it all anyway! I know, there was a morality tale being told about greed through the entire DLC, but If I wanted to listen to one I'd crack open my Bible. The hideout in the brotherhood bunker as you get back to the wasteland is the best part of completing the quest. Ok, so that was a lot of bad noise. Like I said, there are quite a few things I like about the DLC. There are also a lot I don't. Overall on a scale of 1-10 I'd rate it a 4. Mostly because of the constant frustration, lack of reward/motivation and the moral preachiness. At first I really liked it but, as I played through I just felt like I was playing through the quest so I could get it over with. This is my opinion of Dead Money and it's not one I expect anybody to fully share. I guess I'm just hard to please, lol.
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