Hello everyone. I've had this idea for a mod that would allow you to populate spots of the wasteland with items in your inventory quickly. It's a way to make the whole of the wasteland your home with cache rooms and just making things more homey as you travel about. What the mod would do is take one piece of furniture, currently I'm experimenting with the shelving units around the back of the springvale school next to the coffee maker, and let you set up anchor points on that specific model. Then, whenever you encounter that model in the wasteland, you can quickly use those anchor points to populate the shelves with items. Option A: What I have so far is just a .bat file that I can call that uses SetPos with the three coords for one spot on the racks. So I can open console command, select a nuka cola, type in bat PlaceItems.bat and it will send that nuka cola to the shelf. Technically works but I'd have to create hundreds of batch files to accommodate each anchor point for every single shelf in the game, and that wouldn't be easy to create or use on the fly. Option B: If anyone knows of a way to pass parameters to the batch files from the console, I could try this method. By selecting the shelves and then sending that reference and somehow sending the reference to the item I want to place either using it's name and grabbing from inventory or some other way of sending a second reference to the batch file, perhaps I could set the next anchor point on that shelf and save the batch file with it. The main problems I'm running into are: 1. Is it possible to pass parameters from console command to the batch files. I've tried and it gives me an error because it reads the batch file as a command and not something running in a prompt. Can you open a command prompt from a batch file and get the results? 2. I can't set variables in the batch file because console just pastes it into game console and it doesn't use variables to my knowledge. Any help and suggestions with these two issues is greatly appreciated. Thanks all.