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About rebelscum

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function ActivatedByWorkshopActor(WorkshopNPCScript workshopNPC) ; WSFW 2.0.0 - Rerouting to our version that doesn't require WorkshopNPCScript ActivatedByWorkshopNPC(workshopNPC as Actor) endFunction https://github.com/kinggath/WorkshopFramework/blob/master/Scripts/Source/User/WorkshopObjectScript.psc So I guess that's why it works for sim settlements but not for other items Bug in vanilla WorkshopNPCScript.psc"
So, at the moment I'm level 60. This save is from a game started in 2017 as it's my building save. I have no issues assigning to Sim Settlements, but any other mod or vanilla object assignments it gets ignored by NPC. So digging deeper. When I assign to a non sim settlements object I see this in Papyrus logs [ (FF04F7A8)].workshopnpcscript.UnregisterForDistanceEvents() - "<native>" Line ?[ (FF05010D)].workshopobjectscript.ActivatedByWorkshopActor() - "C:\Users\ghzfb\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\workshopobjectscript.psc" Line 593[ (FF04F7A8)].workshopnpcscript.assigned.OnCommandModeGiveCommand() - "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\User\WorkshopNPCScript.psc" Line ? FF04F7A8 - NPCs ID FF05010D - Id of a "corner Bar" from mod creative clutter. So looking for that script I find it does not exist in that location. So I find it in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\Source\Base\WorkshopNPCScript.psc" I am allowing for loose scripts. However I don't understand why it would refer to the User location. The readme file under User says. User created or modified scripts will be stored in this folder. However I also have WorkShopFramework installed and that specifically says Workshop code has been rewritten to no longer require the WorkshopNPCScript on actors. This means virtually every NPC in the game is a potential settler if you call the appropriate function So generally wondering if it's trying to execute some defunct code.
Hi Guys, Done a bit of deeper digging. Cleaned my saves with fallrim. Tried disabling all mods.. And tried to assign via SMM that as there are options. On the only settler that is bugged. One that I spawned as I killed the rest has the following in console Alias WorkshopActorApply on Quest WorkShopParent (0002058E)
Funnily enough I come across this with the NPC assign bug. NPC's can no longer be assigned to vanilla objects. I expect it's a mod like sim settlements. Trying to fig a bit deeper.
I've taken all off this in and will try to remove any possible pathing issues.
I have the same issues. All new settlers are deadbeats. I tried the console but all variables are True. However all settlers can be assigned to Sim settlements items (houses, businesses, military etc) with no delay. I can't assign to vanilla resources or supply lines. I tried spawning new settler via console and that had the same issue.
Post about your random encounters here
rebelscum replied to WarKirby3333's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I had a 'Thief' start trouble with me, also some guy who when he starts a fight puts on full imperial armor. I can't remember the name for him, Straggler , scrounger or something like that ;). Both were easy kills and a bit pointless. The 'dragon' also seems to be a random encounter as it has appeared in a few places. I kited one the bridge at Windhelm. And had a cracking time, it attacked the stables and the docs. Everything was after it, even the horses. One attacked me in the forest need riverwood and I hit behind a tree and just shot it. -
Just been in Usengrav and found a hidden room at the bottom of a small room down a set of steps. The chain to open this is well concealed behind a pillar. Only looking in every crevice allows for finding these. There also seems to be another room hidden behind a cave in, in the main cavern above the throne where the skeleton archers are. But I can't seem to fond my way in, even using shout on the walls which seem to be a bit cracked. You can see a Draugr and a soul gem through the cave in. What would be good is to list all of these hidden places and how to get into them.
AssyMcGee, the breezehome I agree with, the decor is pretty lame. I just bought breezehome, and I also bought the add ons. Loaded a save where I was saved at home and when it loaded all the furnishings, tables, bed, bookcase gone, fireplace was out, and all the decorative stuff was all over the floor (including my pride the cheese wheel stack of doom had toppled over). OMG, I've been burgled, I thought.Walked out the door and back in again, and all the furnishings were back but all the stuff still on the floor. Then I reloaded the save and it was back to normal except for one or two odds and ends still on the floor. Thankfully I didn't have to pick up all that mess. Will have to call it 'the morning after the party' bug :). V annoying!!
Oblivion had a lot less essential characters. I guess because there is a thousand quests (seems like it) you need a protagonist for each one. Talking of protagonists, Fralia Grey-Mane, the ugly old woman with the jewelry stand in the market in Whiterun. Started the conversation about her son and she asks you to follow her and meet at her home. Then she 'floats' off, yes not walking, her legs don't even move. Either she has learned to levitate or there is a glitch.
Guards need a big overhaul in my opinion. They are mostly pointless (Dragon fodder) and just there to inhibit lockpicking progress. I rarely steal anything, my characters are a Norse Barbarian warrior (Conan) and a Briton Assassin. If think guards should take bribes to look in the other direction, another good use for speechcraft. When my assassin has completed the main quest i'm going to go on a guard backstabbing spree and make a large pile of guards outside the palace gates in Whiterun. Then I'll get a can of petrol ... :)
I'm so near to getting rid of all followers as they are total pains in the arse. On my Oblivion PC version followers were well modded with combat options. On the PS3 followers rush in and get in the way when you are trying to shoot. I think so far followers and NPC's are at the top of the annoyance list. Next is broken quests. I've had two so far that I've had to reload. One being the murder investigation (no spoilers) where when I had to retrieve a key from an NPC to gain entry to a house the arrow points to an empty bed. So the NPC who is supposed to be there has disappeared. The next being High Hrothgar when one of the old farts fails to teach me a shout. I'm going to sort out new PC next year and try the PC version fully modded and patched. I'm relying on the community to sort this game out!
HaHa, I used my completely overpowered backstab to do her in the old cow. I now have 60x damage with backstab from perks/armor. With a power attack it slams anyone I hit 'under the bed', which is a pain as with some stone plinth beds you cant loot them. I just a quest with a dog, first I had to follow it, and ran back and forth for at least 30 mins, the dog was trying to get to attack some bandits in a fort and kept running into the fort and back out again. Finally I gave up sneaking, ran into the fort and massacred all of them so the dog would move on. Then the quest switched round so the dog followed me, and the dog just lured everything, which is not very handy for sneak, Who stole my kill: Sent to kill a dragon, hid for a bit and it decided it was going to fight a tag team of a giant and mammoth. A couple of good ow shots it was dead with those two hammering on it. I don't think sneak has been playtested very well.
Haha, enjoyed that. Someone with a sense of humor at last. I've got a few more. How come I can't rotate 3rd person when holding weapon. Bit crappy that, i like to look at myself in the mirror every 5 minutes. Another annoyances is when an NPC is in conversation with another NPC and you interrupt to talk, sometimes they don't want to chat to you. Also if you instigate conversation when they are saying scripted dialogue, they have dual speaking, same voice over itself. Wow I wish I had that ability. Try running up to Farengar and click talk and select a question, as soon as Jarl Balgruff tells you he has something for you. When the Jarl starts the scripted conversation this happens. He also starts trying to run around the table to talk to you, and if you keep moving side to side he gets confused. Another annoyance: After you escape with Ralof (Unbound) , follow him to Riverwood. There you meet his sister Gerdur, depending on time of day she is doing some work. Ralof walks round the back of the hut and just stands there like a eavesdropper(I was already in conversation with her having run ahead) when you finish the scripted conversation starts where she says to Ralof to walk over to a tree where they cannot be heard. Se also shouts for her father (Hod?) who responds and turns up. Then they just stand there as if something else scripted is going to happen, but it doesn't. Maybe they didn't like me listening in. Other annoyances Where the hell did I get that disease from: Every living thing must give you rockjoint because every time I come back from a dungeon I have it. I recon it's skeever fleas. I did get the vampires disease I suppose from fighting a vampire, but it didn't bite me, in fact it never came close enough but to drain me, but I'm sure I also got it from sleeping in the brotherhood sanctuary. That 'lil girl' probably. Hurry up there: Sometimes the NPC just walks to damn slow, I try to mimic their strut by being very delicate with the left rudder but sometimes i just break into a run ahead of them e.g. Take up arms (follow Farkas to your quarters) OMG it's only next door and it takes half a flipping hour at that pace. I just felt like hacking him to death for being a slow dipshit. In fact that is another annoyance, why do they insist on 'showing you to your room' like at Inn's. I don't really care to be shown anything (unless it's boos), half the fun in Oblivion used to be finding where you were going to be sleeping, now it's follow the NPC slowly while they get stuck and have to listen to every other inn patron talking crap. It's patronizing, I guess that's why they are called patrons. Bit actors: Couriers, just give me the damn letter and get off the stage! You don't have to explain to me that someone asked you to deliver it into my hands only. If they got a chance they would try to sneak back into the scene just to get more exposure. Courier lulls about in the marketplace pretending to buy something.