Well, I would like to say that The Pitt was the most fun I have ever had playing a videogame. It had the best everything. The characters were just right, the things you could do never got boring... That is until I beat it. Yes, I was sad. I overcame my sadness and turned it into an idea. I am going to do this so I made this thread so that I will keep the promise to myself. Here is what will be made. The fact that it ended so fast kinda pissed me off. I mean I paid like 12 bucks for that thing. Sooo. I'm gonna add-on to it. My plan is. More scavengering in the steel yard. Maybe a really nice buyable home that is inside The Pitt (slavemasters only). Longer areana fights. Maybe more slaves trying thier luck in it. Gambling for slavemasters during the arena. New armor sets. New weapons that the slaves are going to make. New technology for the slavemasters including (SPOILER) the cure (SPOILER END). Now with these things i might incorperate a quest that happens once you give (SPOILER) the cure (SPOILER END) toys and such. That the cure is made. Now with this. The Brother hood goes mad. They raid the Pitt but succeed at nothing. There is a huge fight over it. I am still thinking of things from here on. I might even void the last part. But kinda seems interesting. Either that stuff or you keep working for the guy in the steelyard for really nice gear and weapons. I am going to inc. other jobs for the player to do. As well as stuff to keep me occupied. I know its kinda stupid but I am gonna do it a few weeks from now. So don't be suprised to see this thread bumped with a post like I NEED HELP! from me lol. Thanks. Tell me what you think if you like.