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Everything posted by MrEmjeR

  1. But if i understand it, nothing really has to change in terms of the system I set up here. It's still smart to have people offset their ID's differently from each other. and a thousand still seems reasonable distance for most mods. And also the numbers we are registering now are not necessarily that high right? What is it that people need to do if they did go through the whole installation process but didn't start filling in the database?
  2. Install Official Modding Tools Tutorial I've created a tutorial that explains all the steps needed to install the Sandbox editor with the game.
  3. Yes of course you need to buy the game... I wonder why you expected you didn't? How would you even test your mods? The editor has the tools, but the actual game files don't ship with the game
  4. Great idea! There is now an official KCD modding discussion on this forum, maybe this post is more at place there. I also made a thread for claiming IDs so mods that change items are not clashing
  5. Use this thread to claim unique modding ID numbers for your mods. Because the modding system in KCD uses numbers to ID different database entries of new dialogs and assets, I thought it handy to have a thread where people can list the ID's they like to use for their mods to prevent clashes with others. People can then use this list to see what is not yet been used, or talk about clashes they discovered between mods. I'll try to update this top post regularly with new ID's posted in this thread (maybe some mods could help as wel) If you need information about what to do with the ID's and how to use them in the Database, here is a link to Warhorse Studios original post https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Setting_up_Database You don't need an ID if your mod does not use the database! The lowest ID number for this list is 10,000 (ten thousand) and registers go with an increase of 1000. Which means you'll get the ID You claim up until ___999 of that thousand part. So for every claim you get a thousand unique IDs. Example: You claim ID 102000. Then you can to use ID number 102000 to 102999 without clashing. To claim state the following in a post: Your personal modder alias or team nameThe ID you'd like to claimOptional: one or more names for mods List of claimed IDs [111000] - MrEmjeR - Realistic Blacksmiths[112000] - OttoSlingblade - Dumb Ones[113000] - TheGuitarDrake - TBA[114000] - Draakvanhetzuide - TBA[126000] - EthanBrossard - Probably item mods, maybe others[133000] - xXD4rkSc0p3zXx - Adding detail objects to game world like new npcs and houses[175000] - MationPlays - New maps[1995000] - lord_jex - New maps
  6. First of all, many thanks for the devs for the massive pack of modding tools they've released at last!! I can't wait to get my hands on modding the game and see what others come up with. There is however one hurdle me, and I expect many others in the future, ran in to immediately. Blender Support. Being the best and most versatile free open source 3D creation an animation tool out there, I suspect that this will be the tool of choice for many modders. I myself have over 11 years experience with the program and use it almost exclusively to create my models. You can imagine I was very said to see on the following page that only Max and Maya are supported. https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Asset_Creation_Tools There are export tools for the CryEngine available for blender, but it says on the page that there is a difference in file format from the default cry engine file format. Is there a dev that can give information about what is different, so a Blender script can be created or modified to make exporting to the engine possible and seamless?? I can program myself, or maybe there are others with the capability and wish here that can help. Making mod creation accessible to every modder, with free and open source tools, instead of the steep prices of the commercial software out there, or tempting people to find other means (not endorsed)..
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