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Everything posted by ObsidianStag

  1. An aggressively mediocre redesign of something that wasn't broken, sounds like the modern internet, alright.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKkLhEkAlNbsoiZwaP5U3ybOIF6gPeUxU These are in the game now, just not on the radio. Blows away all the garbage stations, well, except maybe the jazz station. The game absolutely needs a custom music player, portable music player also.
  3. I'm planning on reworking the worst offenders, shaded woods, etc... No ETA on it, but I'm working on it. Currently messing around with new texures in 'Doors of Pharros' just to see what it looks like/how it runs. Anyone else working on enviromental retextures? The enviroment needs it the most, in my opinion, the characters/armor/weapons look fine...
  4. Try these: Distant Detail High Quality LODs Enhanced Distant Terrain Also search for INI tweaks that extend fade distances and whatnot, but without altering your grids-to-load. Oh, and I have Dynavision set to an obnoxious static DOF effect, to help hide a bit of the ugliness. A band-aid fix, I admit... I've been searching myself for useful tweaks and mods to increase draw distance, without altering UGrids. I played forever with my grids-to-load set to 7, but then I experienced frequent outdoor permanent freezing, not worth it IMO... These allow me to actually bump things up even further, while getting sort of a "poor man's" UGrid effect. Good enough! Now someone just needs to fix those waterfalls and windmills...
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