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Posts posted by Viperswhip

  1. I actually came to this thread just to say Gal Civ 1 and 2, but Vagrant beat me to it. They might not be on everyone's playlist, pretty deep Space Empire game, but much like Master of Orion 2 you can really reduce the length through the menu settings at the start. It's pretty terrific if you like that kind of game.


    If you do play BG1 and 2, definitely get the Baldur's Gate Trilogy mod, it ports all of BG1 into the BG2 engine, so slightly better graphics, but it also makes the entire game along with the expansion, all one experience, and edits the game to make it flow wonderfully. It's one of my favourite mods in existence.


    Edit, oh, well, I definitely didn't mean the enhanced editions, just the original. In addition to the better graphics, with the BGT mod you also get all the new class combos that were introduced with BG 2. Have fun.

  2. I didn't even know you could do that. That's pretty cool. I thought that bit was jarring, killing a guy because he won't drink blood? What? Lol. As a City Elf my first time through I felt I owed Duncan and was rping a hatred for humans, so it worked out, but man.


    Sorry, I've followed a lot of mods here, you might try the bioware social site, there is certainly a lot of mods there that never made their way here, but the site is pita to navigate.

  3. I can't give any truly great advice other than reinstall and this time install all of the DLC before any mods. Some of the mods require DLC to be installed for particular files. I am not suggesting you necessarily have any of those.


    Maybe try new video drivers, but I don't know if those will help or hinder you. I may be in the minority but I always did a full reinstall every time I downloaded new DLC. I have my mods very organized so it's easy to see which ones I have installed and which ones I haven't and also easy to reinstall them so it's pretty quick for me to get going again.


    I can't guarantee that will solve your issue.

  4. The download box loads a popup, so that might be a problem. I know because of some of my plugins I have to click a button to accept the download that shows up in the top right, I use Firefox presently because I am too lazy to switch to Chrome, but it may depend on the browser you are using. The nice thing about Chrome and Firefox is that you can see your downloads and right click on them to open the file location.


    If you are on a Mac, I have no ideas. On a PC, try a different browser if you are using Explorer.

  5. I can say that my Nvidia 560 TI has performed super well in a heavily modded Origins, Skyrim, Witcher 2, Diablo 3 and Swotor. I built my new computer in October 2011 in preparation for the Witcher 2 and Swotor and have not been disappointed in the video card, though I have been disappointed by Skyrim, Diablo and Swotor lol. I only play at 1680x1050 though, which I consider to be the best gaming resolution for affordable cards.


    I have a 580 for my HD projector and it works great but I don't play too many games on it.

  6. @Viperswhip;


    Some thoughts in response:


    1. The things Dorian Kieken said in that interview you linked made perfect sense to me, so not sure what point you were trying to make.


    2. You said that you "felt betrayed by DA2", and then devote almost a full paragraph detailing its shortcomings in your opinion. Yet you also say you never bought it... Care to know what conclusion I draw from that?



    As to #1 there, trying to please everyone makes no sense, and with the dimming of the population the only game you are going to make that sells like the home run he is implying Bioware needs means a game that is sugar induced action. Look at all the games that would fall into the class he is thinking of WoW, Diablo, Starcraft, a bunch of FPS games and some of the fighting games. None of those games are RPGs in any traditional sense, which is what Bioware is known for being good at making. My point is that you can make money, you don't have to make all the money. Bioware was successful before being purchased by EA, making games we all really enjoyed, why do they have to change the formula? So they can be as big as Blizzard? Well, I don't really love any of Blizzard's games or any of the other types of games that make all the money.


    #2 I watched quite a few let's play videos and such before deciding to ultimately not buy the game.

  7. Am I the only one that plays the game as an RPG?


    Let's see, since I am so familiar with the origin stories I can pre plan what I would like any particular character to be. For example city elves.


    My first city elf was hugely racist, with only Morrigan being acceptable because she is a nature based witch also on the outs with humanity. We killed Wynne in the tower, piddled on Andraste's ashes and berated Alistair at every opportunity, fell in love with Zevran and helped the abused commoners of the Dwarves.


    My next city elf was more reasonable (male), and buddied up to Alistair recognizing that we could get concessions from him for my people if we helped him.


    My first human noble was ra ra Chantry, hated Morrigan the Apostate and considered Wynne an underling, loved Leliana, helped the Werewolves, helped the conservative Dwarves, Saved the Forge and all manner of other pro-human activities.


    So, on and on. Pick a path. You might hate Morrigan, but shouldn't you try on a different skin?


    Ah, ya, most of these posts are really old heh, but whatever.

  8. Well, they have to do something to get the fans back. When game retailers are telling devs that they have no desire to stock a Game of the Year or Ultimate Edition that gathers all the DLC and everything, it means your game did not sell very well.


    I felt so betrayed by DA2 that I left DAO out of of my last game rotation. Can a sequel tarnish the original? I don't know.


    I am just re-installing it on my newer computer, which I thankfully purchased not just for Swotor ( :facepalm: ) but also the Witcher 2 ( :P ), because the origin stories were sooooooo good. The City Elf, blew my mind, especially the female version. The Dwarven commoner is fantastic. The only one that didn't impress me was the mage, but thankfully the Dalish Mage Origin mod allowed us to play through that origin instead.


    With mods, the character design is truly epic. Yes, you can always get all the mods working together, but seriously try the monk fighting one or take a round with expanded shape-shifting.


    Those of us who make and use mods are a small minority of the DAO players, but like Kashah said, DA2 should have brought the best mods to all the gamers. Some of them completely change the game, graphical overhauls, system overhauls, embarrassingly never fixed by Bioware and way more. Instead we got some weird story telling with no emotional impact whatsoever. Oh we also lost the ability to play other races, and have way less ability to mod the game. I mean, who can look at the "intro" part of DA2 and consider it in the same class as the origins from DAO? Did all the writers head over to Swotor? I don't know what happened. I hope that's the case as they will be floating back to ME3 DLC and DA3 development.


    I am not sad there is no more DA2 DLC because I never bought DA2 heh, I want them to look to past successes to see what people want for DA3. Unfortunately, a certain higher up in Bioware recently gave an interview suggesting they are looking for a home run. Well, when you try that, you strike out a lot. I do not believe they even notice what kind of games are collecting hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars on Kickstarter and selling tens of thousands of copies on GoG, they want to make a Billion dollars on a hit. Unfortunately, no RPG has ever come close. Making DA more like ME will not help it sell better, a futuristic war setting seems to have worked okay for ME style of play, but that is quite obviously not what their fans want in a DA franchise. Given that the "home runs" are either FPS or WoW, maybe they should be trying to stake out a claim to the lower hanging fruit.


    Here is the interview that crashed my desire to follow Bioware as closely as in the past. Only read it if you are prepared to buy a new monitor.



  9. Well, I only started playing Bethesda games with Morrowind. The modders in every game ended up fixing hundreds of bugs. I doubt Beth would get embarrassed about that now. The CK needs to be released so that the community can really get to work. I refuse to buy Bethesda games until the modding kit is released, and normally by then its a couple months until the GotY edition comes out.
  10. This really isn't a mod request, unless someone wanted to do it for me :whistling:


    I am trying to make a totally white, and mean snow white colour body and face. Whenever I manage to get a white body in the Char Gen in the game I end up with odd colouring on the face, or a white face but no ability to shade the lips red, or do anything with the eyeliner. I don't know if that's white so much as pale.


    Now, I just don't know how to do it and if I have to alter the mesh or the body texture (I think this is it), I just need help know what program to use. I want to do it myself because I might as well learn now that I have the time to do it. I'd also like to be able to paint the fingernails and stuff.


    I am using HGEC high rez, but I am just interested in changing the colouring.


    So, thanks, just point me to a decent resource, my googling has failed me thus far but I think it's because I am not even sure what I am looking for.

  11. Well, you can leave Redcliffe to die, kill Isolde and Connor, kill the Mages and the Templars, Wynne, and Leliana and finish with the Dwarves/Golems and Elves, but you are absolutely forced by the game to save the Arl.


    However, it makes most of those options out to be more evil than someone who has an ingrained reason to hate and mistrust humans. As a Dalish elf, learning all you do of the history, I hate Leliana especially after her elven servant comment (note, I don't hate Lel with every PC obviously :happy: ) mostly due to her being all Ra Ra about the Chantry early, I also hate Alistair for his being connected to it all. Both of my elven games so far have ended with me at level 20 or so. If it weren't for some downloaded adventures I would have been 17 or 18 (I don't do any quests that help humans). You don't get much XP leaving Redcliffe to die heh. The ending is easy without the mages or templars even on Nightmare with Combat Tweaks level 2 scaling.


    I have to agree the game was made for a human. Well, it doesn't bother me too much. I am glad they tried. I guess with a tighter focus maybe the experience will be smoother in DA2, if I buy it. It does feel like that game is coming out fairly soon after DA, basically 1.5 years is very quick in today's gaming world. But maybe Robert Jordan, Diablo 3 and George RR Martin :verymad: have gotten me used to waiting.


    We keep getting concept art and the game is 4 months from release...I personally don't think it is going to ship on time, or it will be as buggy as Awakening (which STILL isn't fixed, other than by a few dedicated modders :wallbash: )

  12. I really loved the look in guild wars and the fluid flirty movement of the female characters. All of the armor was slimming, and the male armors were fantastic as well. There were some duds in the bunch but each class had 20 different armors or something so there are lots of gems. You can see screens on guild wars wiki for every armor for every class.
  13. I am brand new to this forum so I hope I do not annoy a lot of you regulars... but what the heck here goes.


    I am having a little trouble setting the tactics screen before a big fight. Does anyone have a link to a Tactics Document that would help me know what the heck I am doing?


    Thank you guys.


    If you have not installed Advanced Tactics or Combat Tweaks or something, it may be difficult as all the regulars here have mods that affect the choices in Tactics. Heck, I don't remember the Vanilla game at all, even when I recently reinstalled the game I reinstalled all the mods before even loading it the first time.


    Having said all that, some general outlines I use that work fine on Nightmare difficulty (further ramped up by Combat Tweaks, if these options are not available use the best guess):


    1) Mages with Heal


    1a) Self - Surrounded by at least 2 enemies - Mind Blast

    1b) Self - Health < 50% - Least Powerful healing pot

    1c) Ally - Health <50% - Heal

    1d) Self- Mana <10% - Least Powerful Mana Pot (or most if you have a lot of them, I have the ability to choose use item - any kind of item I have, but I don't remember if that is Vanilla, if so I choose the regular pot)

    1e-? Self - Any - Activate Ability (modes like Ice Weapons or Arcane Shield, Death Magic and the like).

    The rest - Target Enemy - target of controlled party member (or main), damage spells for the most part, but I also use the debuffing spells (Weakness, Hexes and so on, on Elite and up enemies). These really depend on the builds.


    2) Melees and Archers


    2a) Self - Health <25% Health Pot

    2b) Self - being attacked by by melee - some version of a defense or knockdown

    2c) Enemy - Attacking Party Member (the mage), - then that same knockdown or whatever as above, or taunt or something

    2d-?) Activate Modes - (Scattershot for Archers is really, really good, at least with Combat Tweaks).

    The rest Target - Enemy of Controlled Party Member)


    That's really general, but it should get you through all but the worst the game can throw at you.

  14. Well, I have played through DAO many times now with different origins, but I must say that I have been underwhelmed by the PCs responses to situations when coming from an Elven background.


    In the Dalish Elf origin you can kill humans because they happen to be near your camp. There is no consequence to this decision :sad: Either way your clan is going to move North and the villagers come after you (poor writing there, how would the villagers know we killed the humans?).


    In the City Elf Origin, some crappy human nobles pull a first night right on your wedding day and you can even suggest, though can't obviously, that you kill Duncan.


    This level of hostility cannot be maintained throughout the game. Though you can occasionally react to a demeaning comment with an acerbic comment of your own, it is an overall underwhelming experience to play a human hating elf through the game. Really, after you can be mean to the King at Ostagar the choices kind of slowly disappear throughout the game.


    Ah, I guess I am not really asking for a mod, it would be a lot of work to change all the PC dialogue, and I am guessing that the NPCs don't include the responsive behaviour that would necessarily reflect a more hostile elf. :confused:

  15. Playing through this time with an arcane warrior and I'm trying to figure out what the big deal is?


    Wow, my caster can wear plate (ok, so super stylish Ivory Tower plate by Morrowind), but still, just a caster in plate.


    I do crap damage compared to using a staff when using any other weapons.


    And the armor doesn't exactly make me live all that much longer.


    So, what am I missing?


    Well, it depends on your build, but really, it is about security. No other class can match your defense. More than that though, with proper energy management you can easily be doing the point blank AoE. My preference in the base game is really any plate that gives you a nice stamina boost/reduction. Really, I used Evon's with Wade's sup heavy, but you could swap into Cailan's or Warden Commander easily. You don't need the resistance from Wades as Shimmering Shield takes care of that for you. However, if you have another tank using massive armor he will draw aggro from you, which isn't good.


    Miasma kicks the baddies hard in the butt. I like a high dex, I was at 35 in the base game and went to 50 in Awakening. My hit rate was close to 90, normally around 88, and high magic, don't need much else, 30 or so willpower.


    Now, if you are just in there doing melee, ya, you are not doing the same damage as other classes, but frankly, you can stand in the midst of many enemies without any trouble. My favourite is dropping fireballs right on myself. That's nice because you can put Zev or whoever in Wades so they don't get injured by the fire. Ya, if you are just swinging then you are not going to kill quickly. If you are really just being the draw so the rest of your team can kill with very little danger then you are doing a good job as well, though it doesn't mean you can't do a lot of damage as well. Take note though, there are few things that seem to kick your ass. Archers using shattershot will hurt you, also a two hander using sunder armor...not much fun, kill them quickly.


    Dispel magic or whatever, is quite dangerous, it will kill your shimmering shield. Watch for it. Anyway, I loved the class, more than my melee rogue, and far more sturdy. It's nice being the tank because...well, even with tactics, the AI is not great at prioritizing targets but recognizing when your mages need assistance. Warrior was boring to me, this was a fantastic alternative.


    Awakening made you sick, especially if you rune up your gear...sick.

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