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Posts posted by Neru2308

  1. I'm doing a custom house where you can pull a lever and it will summon a custom npc/animal/monster/enemy/ally.


    Now comes the request, I want also use a script for summon food/potions/Flora

    anyone can edit my current script to make it happen '-'?


    The script :


    Scriptname wishmasterencress extends ObjectReference

    import game
    import debug

    ActorBase property myNPC auto

    ObjectReference property SpawnPlace auto

    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(myNPC, 1)




    extra: on some place of the house I need summon a npc with don't havok settle option, because he will be using a marker(shacklewallmarker), but i don't know how to summon npc with don't havok settle option, soo maybe i shoud place the don't havok settle option on the summoning script? ( have no clue how to do that also '-' halpplzi'manewbieT_T)


    Thank you for your time/atention. o/

  2. I'm doing a house where you can pull a lever and it will summon a custom npc, works fine!

    Now comes the problem, on some place of the house I need summon a npc with don't havok settle option, because he will be using a marker(shacklewallmarker), but i don't know how to summon npc with don't havok settle option, yes I tryed defautDisableHavokOnLoad script but didn't work, yes i tryed put False value on script didn't work also, soo maybe i shoud place the don't havok settle option on the summoning script? ( have no clue how to do that also =D isuxinscripting)


    I use this script on a lever to summon NPCs:


    Scriptname wishmasterencress extends ObjectReference

    import game
    import debug

    ActorBase property myNPC auto

    ObjectReference property SpawnPlace auto

    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(myNPC, 1)



    I want also use this script for summon food/potions/Flora

    anyone can edit/teach me how to make it happen '-'?

  3. PlayIdle(IdleStop_Loose) not work for me, soo i made this


    Scriptname aaaaLayDown extends ObjectReference

    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)
    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "IdleLayDownEnter")
    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "IdleForceDefaultState")



    and it work

    thank you again

  4. I search, many topics about basic scripts for my new home, but i got a big headache tryng to make a script work, mostly, because i'm a newbie -.- (youtube help alot, but in this case, can't find)

    Soo, i just want make a Rug become a lay down spot for player, so, i made a activator with a rug as a model but i need a script to make it work and i'm lost. Anyone can guide me or help me?


    can't call this a script but

    Scriptname teste2 extends ObjectReference

    OnActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)

    Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    Debug.sendAnimationEvent(game.getplayer(), "IdleLayDownEnter")

    and can't compile ._.

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