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  1. Yes, yes and yes. I was about to post this request as well. Ideally I'd like it to be tied to charisma like in the earlier fallouts, but a straight up increase (or removal) of the cap would be pretty nice for now. I just had this whole playthrough planned, playing as a gang leader that's really smart but s#*! in a fight, and his grunts would do most of the fighting for him. Guess that will have to wait :(
  2. I'm not much of a modder when it comes to dealing with outside resources like this, I usually just play around with the assets in the CK, so if I wanted to port the assets of Fallout 3/NV power fist kind of weapon, into Skyrim, how hard would that be? Do you think that's feasible or would I probably stumble of very hard obstacles? I don't necessarily need it to be usable as a weapon with its attacking animation (although that would be awesome), all I'd need is for it to be wearable on a character as it appears on a character in Fallout. As a sidenote, if you're wondering why I'd want to stab the lore in the throat like that, my intentions were to texture it so it looks Dwemer. Such a steam powered contraption could fit, I think.
  3. Now, you may be wondering... why? :) I like mods that decrease health, or increase damage. For realism sake, I think that being hit by a bullet should be a really bad thing most of the time, but I also think that enemies should generally be less accurate. The vanilla AI accuracy was meant for a game where the player can potentially soak up loads of damage, which isn't true with some of those mods. I'd love to have a mod like that.
  4. Is there any way to prevent an object reference to be clicked by the player? Let's say I have a dead corpse and I don't want the inventory to open up or the body to be dragged. What approach would you take?
  5. I couldn't find this on the Wiki. I see these functions to determine if the quests are running, started, stopped or completed, but what does that mean exactly? Is a failed quest, completed? Or is it only completed when it's successfully completed? Is a completed quest, stopped? Is a quest on stage 0, running? Started? Started but not running? Is a quest with no journal entry stopped? Etc... I guess my question can be summed up as, what exactly are the criteria for these quest states? Also, what's the implication of that in aliases, if any?
  6. Sounds doable to me. The question seems more, if someone is willing to go through all that work for that result... hence the "too hard" response ;)
  7. Anyone? I find it hard to believe I'm experiencing something out of ordinary. Both cells I copied are behaving like this, if the quest target points to something inside the new cell, the game tells me to go to the old cell, even though the target isn't there and they are far away from each other. To simplify the description of the problem, if I go to the old cell, which has the quest marker outside, on the door, then the marker points to the door again from the inside. If I go to the new cell, with no marker on the door, then the marker correctly points to the item within the cell. I figured it's just something with the game mixing up where those doors take the player, their priorities and maybe identification problems between both cells, but I just can't see any mistake. I already replaced the doors, reseted the teleport information and made up new locations for the copies.
  8. In the CK, you can either uncheck the protected box, in the Actor window, or you can use the function SetProtected(false) on the ActorBase.
  9. You have the function SetNoBleedoutRecovery(true) to disable the healing but I guess they would still be ignored. If you want them to die, you could use the event OnEnterBleedout() on the actor and then kill them with Kill(Actor akKiller).
  10. I just changed the door on the 1st building to a minimal use door and, sure enough, it behaves exactly like the second. The game is telling me to go to the original cell I copied it from, instead of that one. They are different cells and I changed the location in the copied cell properties. Inside the cell, the compass marker behaves like expected but in the game world, it seems it treats the doors of both buildings as leading to the same cell. This must be something simple that I don't know about since starting new cells from existing ones must be pretty common. Any ideas?
  11. For the most part, they're working fine. I just have two problems: 1. Many different quests seem to try to take me through a certain door of one building I added. That leads nowhere so, after I enter the cell, the marker points to the door again. 2. On one quest, I have an item in the drawer of a house I added. The objective marker is pointing to the right alias. The compass quest marker is pointing to a location, far from that house but when I actually enter the right cell, the objective marker correctly points to the drawer in question. Obviously I don't understand something fundamental to the way these markers find their way to the destination. They work on interior cells but not on the world map. I'm thinking that the wrong location it's pointing to, might be where I originally duplicated the cell. However, editing the cell doesn't show me any option that I can associate with the way to find it in the world. There's a location field but it doesn't have the original information from the place I copied the cell anymore. I set them both to none. Can anyone shed some light on what I'm missing here? I looked through the CK Wiki and I couldn't find any other information.
  12. That works perfectly! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. And kudus to you! You're one of the most helpful people in this forum :D
  13. I'm going to check that out. Thanks a lot for the detailed response :)
  14. People put a lot of time and effort on their works. Life changes and interests change too. If they're not being paid to do that, I'd be surprised if most actually continue active for a long time. I've done big projects (unpaid) in other areas before and I also lost interest pretty quickly after a certain stage. Then, on to the next thing that catches my eye ;) This doesn't seem unusual at all.
  15. Say I want to start a brawl between the player and a new NPC. I've been searching the web and taking a look at the CK. I see that the Favor017 quest manages the lines that lead to the brawls but I've been unable to fully understand how they are put together. The brawl I'm thinking isn't part of those standard brawls, it follows a new custom quest. My question is, is there something that I can reuse to make a brawl happen and use the outcome on my quest or do I have to script it? If I have to script it, (meaning, unequipping weapons, what happens if you actually use weapons, making sure no one attacks any of the two because of the fight, etc...) how would you go about doing it? I know, it's kind of a vague question, but I need to get a better understanding at this to know where to start.
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