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Everything posted by Wynterpeirce

  1. Here are the lines of code in .xml format, they must be copied and pasted in the appropriate places within the original .xml code
  2. I've found out how to divide the existing kingdoms within Bannerlord after many trials v.v , currently - my way of modding is destructive, we'll be editing some files within ..Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\SandBox\ModuleData. perhaps someone here with more talent can discover how to make this a submodule. Follow these steps- Go to ..\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules\SandBox\ModuleDataThe .xmls needed are: spclans.xml spkingdoms.xml MAKING ANY CLAN TIER 2 OR LOWER OR TAGGED AS BANDITS, MAFIAS, MERCENARIES, MINOR_FACTIONS OR OUTLAWS A KINGDOM WILL CRASH YOUR GAME EVERY CURRENT KINGDOM CAN BE DIVIDED INTO 4 SEPARATE KINGDOMS MINIMUM WITH SOME HAVING MORE HIGH TIER CLANS THAN OTHERS. ALL ORIGINAL KINGDOMS WILL HAVE SOME VASSALS THAT CANNOT BE A KINGDOM DUE TO THEIR CLAN TIER. THESE CAN BE DIVIDED BETWEEN THE NEW KINGDOMS OR LEFT WITH THE MAIN FACTION First, we'll open spclans.xml, and find the Northern Empire Clans. This is how the first Northern Empire clan should look within the xml. <Faction id="clan_empire_north_1" name="{=fXENjJJL}Osticos" tier="6" owner="Hero.lord_1_1" culture="Culture.empire" super_faction="Kingdom.empire" banner_key=""/> The only changes we'll be making here in spclans.xml is modifying who the super_faction is. Since this is clan_empire_north_1, we know this is the Northern Empire's Kingdom ruler. We can also see this by viewing the owner as Hero.lord_1_1 within the spkingdoms.xml. We wont need to modify anything here as clan_empire_north_1 is already a Kingdom ruler. MODIFYING A CLAN'S TIER CAN CRASH YOUR GAME, I DON'T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU CHANGE THE CULTURE, IF YOU MUST, YOU CAN ALSO CHANGE THE CULTURE IN SPKINGDOMS.XML, ALSO LOOK INTO SPCULTURES.XML AND CREATE A NEW CULTURE FOR YOUR FACTION TO GET NEW TROOP TREES, YOU'LL HAVE TO MODIFY SPSETTLEMENTS.XML AND APPLY YOUR CULTURES IN THE SETTLEMENTS BELONGING TO THAT KINGDOM AS WELL. YOU CAN ALSO REMOVE SUPER_FACTION ALL TOGETHER TO MAKE THE VASSAL A CLAN OR CHANGE WHO OWNS THEM. Let's move down to the second Northern Empire clan, <Faction id="clan_empire_north_2" name="{=UW8BjPXR}Argoros" tier="5" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" culture="Culture.empire" super_faction="Kingdom.empire" banner_key="" /> To make this clan a Kingdom, we will be modifying the super_faction. let's change it to this: <Faction id="clan_empire_north_2" name="{=UW8BjPXR}Argoros" tier="5" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" culture="Culture.empire" super_faction="Kingdom.empire1" banner_key="" /> Now, let's open spkingdoms.xml along with our current work. We'll be copying the Northern Empire's template like so and modifying it. I'll go ahead and paste the code above the original code we'll be changing it for our new kingdom. Original: <Kingdom id="empire" owner="Hero.lord_1_1" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Northern Empire" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}northern Empire" title="{=NF627oiX}Northern Empire" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" text="{=fE5U9ApA}The Calradian Empire is not a monarchy. The Calradians insist on this. The emperor, formerly just a military commander, may have taken on most other affairs of state as well. Rather than be elected every few years by the Senate, he may now rule for life and often be succeeded by his son. The popular assemblies that once decided key policies may have withered away, and the Senate, a gathering of landowners, may have far less power than it did in centuries pass. But it is not a monarchy, because it is absolutely forbidden for Calradians to be ruled by a king. The Empire is what happens when a league of city-states conquers a continent. A community once led by free farmers with relatively equal wealth now has vast gaps between the rich and the poor. Institutions designed to prevent one man from becoming a tyrant come into conflict with the necessities of unending warfare, which require unified command. Without any smooth means of succession, the death of an emperor has always been a potential crisis. Usually, the emperor nominated an heir, the senate ratified his choice, and the people (meaning the army) acclaimed it. But this did not always happen smoothly, and then the succession was settled on the battlefield. The current conflict, which broke out when the late Emperor Arenicos was assassinated, is the latest of these imperial civil war."> <relationships> <relationship kingdom="Kingdom.khuzait" value="-1" isAtWar="true" /> </relationships> <policies> <policy name="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" /> <policy name="{=iWyvNzBB}Property Protections" /> </policies> </Kingdom> Let's start with the Kingdom id. In spclans.xml, we changed clan_empire_north_2 super_faction to "Kingdom.empire1", this is the Kingdom_id.Our change will look like this: <Kingdom id="empire1" ... Then we change the owner of empire1 by copying the owner of clan_empire_north_2, Hero.lord_1_3. <Kingdom id="empire1" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" ... Change the banner_key of empire1 by copying the banner_key of clan_empire_north_2, <Kingdom id="empire1" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" banner_key="" ... I have not been successful in changing any colors here in these next few lines so I'll be copying the same code in spkindoms from primary_banner_color to flag_mesh. THIS MEANS THAT ALTHOUGH THEY ARE A NEW KINGDOM, THEIR BANNER WILL BE THE SAME COLOR AS THE ONE IT'S COPIED FROM >///< IF ANY OF YOU KNOW HOW TO CHANGE THESE COLORS HERE, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT <Kingdom id="empire1" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" ... change the name, short_name, title, and ruler_title as you like. I'll be using the name of clan_empire_north_2, Argoros. *When modifying these next lines, I do not remove the { } code, as I'm not familiar to what that may do. No issues that I can tell by leaving it... <Kingdom id="empire1" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Argoros" title="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" ... The text is a description of the Kingdom, I searched through the code to find any lore I could. <Kingdom id="empire1" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Argoros" title="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" text="{=fE5U9ApA}A sympathetic and philosophical Kingdom, Argoros views the Osticos kingdom as the most likely to restore the republic. The Argoroi hold to the ideals of the republic, and would like to see the Emperor made subject to the Senate. They are known for long speeches in the Senate on honor and virtue. Argoroi can also be dour men, who expect much of themselves and much of others. But they are trustworthy, and diligent in their execution of warfare against the Empire's enemies. Some Argoroi noblemen are known to have positive ties to lost legion."> Now let's change some relations, this gets deeper as you divide more kingdoms. Currenly when I set a relation to -1 while having war on false, the factions will declare war on each other immediately, so when writing this, think of it as all or nothing - war or not. I'll leave mine empty. We'll keep the Kingdom's core policies the same. <Kingdom id="empire1" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Argoros" title="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" text="{=fE5U9ApA}A sympathetic and philosophical Kingdom, Argoros views the Osticos kingdom as the most likely to restore the republic. The Argoroi hold to the ideals of the republic, and would like to see the Emperor made subject to the Senate. They are known for long speeches in the Senate on honor and virtue. Argoroi can also be dour men, who expect much of themselves and much of others. But they are trustworthy, and diligent in their execution of warfare against the Empire's enemies. Some Argoroi noblemen are known to have positive ties to lost legion."> <relationships></relationships> <policies> <policy name="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" /> <policy name="{=iWyvNzBB}Property Protections" /> </policies> </Kingdom> There we are. Go ahead and save these changes within the files and launch the game, this requires a new game. Good Luck Modders! NORTHERN EMPIRE SPCLANS.XML: <Factions><Faction id="clan_empire_north_1" name="{=fXENjJJL}Osticos" tier="6" owner="Hero.lord_1_1" culture="Culture.empire" super_faction="Kingdom.empire" banner_key="" /> <Faction id="clan_empire_north_2" name="{=UW8BjPXR}Argoros" tier="5" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" culture="Culture.empire1" super_faction="Kingdom.empire1" banner_key="" /> <Faction id="clan_empire_north_3" name="{=txCNVmSV}Neretzes" tier="5" owner="Hero.lord_1_5" culture="Culture.empire" super_faction="Kingdom.empire2" banner_key="" /> <Faction id="clan_empire_north_4" name="{=tA3IRBgv}Impestores" tier="5" owner="Hero.lord_1_20" culture="Culture.empire" super_faction="Kingdom.empire3" banner_key="" /> <Faction id="clan_empire_north_5" name="{=4rr3d8hY}Dolentor" tier="5" owner="Hero.lord_1_50" culture="Culture.empire" super_faction="Kingdom.empire4" banner_key="" /> </Factions> NORTHERN EMPIRE SPKINGDOMS.XML: <Kingdoms> <Kingdom id="empire1" owner="Hero.lord_1_3" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Argoros" title="{=NF627oiX}Argoros" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" text="{=fE5U9ApA}A sympathetic and philosophical Kingdom, Argoros views the Osticos kingdom as the most likely to restore the republic. The Argoroi hold to the ideals of the republic, and would like to see the Emperor made subject to the Senate. They are known for long speeches in the Senate on honor and virtue. Argoroi can also be dour men, who expect much of themselves and much of others. But they are known for being trustworthy, and diligent in their execution of warfare against the Empire's enemies. Some Argoroi are known to have positive ties to lost legion."> <relationships> </relationships> <policies> <policy name="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" /> <policy name="{=iWyvNzBB}Property Protections" /> </policies> </Kingdom> <Kingdom id="empire2" owner="Hero.lord_1_5" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Neretzes" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Neretzes" title="{=NF627oiX}Neretzes" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" text="{=fE5U9ApA}Unsympathetic close-minded imperial blowhards, the Neretzes people were once considered one of the rising stars of the Empire, winning a number of battles against the Aserai and the Vlandians. their is best known, however, for having taken two of the Empire's last professional legions into the Battanians woods, and losing them in an ambush. Neretzes has tried to blame others for the defeat, including the then-emperor Arenicos and his lieutenant, Garios, but the stigma of the defeat has stuck with the people. In the civil war, Neretzes supported Penton as ruler, though only out of hatred for Garios, Rhagaea and Lucon."> <relationships> </relationships> <policies> <policy name="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" /> <policy name="{=iWyvNzBB}Property Protections" /> </policies> </Kingdom> <Kingdom id="empire3" owner="Hero.lord_1_20" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Impestores" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Impestores" title="{=NF627oiX}Impestores" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" text="{=NF627oiX}A Young, ambitious, slighted, but intelligent and highly attentive Kingdom."> <relationships> </relationships> <policies> <policy name="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" /> <policy name="{=iWyvNzBB}Property Protections" /> </policies> </Kingdom> <Kingdom id="empire4" owner="Hero.lord_1_50" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Dolentor" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Dolentor" title="{=NF627oiX}Dolentor" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" text="{=fE5U9ApA}A calm northern imperial Kingdom."> <relationships> </relationships> <policies> <policy name="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" /> <policy name="{=iWyvNzBB}Property Protections" /> </policies> </Kingdom> <Kingdom id="empire" owner="Hero.lord_1_1" banner_key="" primary_banner_color="0xff793191" secondary_banner_color="0xffFCDE90" label_color="FF850C6D" color="FF4E3A55" color2="FFDE9953" alternative_color="FFffffff" alternative_color2="FF660653" culture="Culture.empire" settlement_banner_mesh="encounter_flag_a" flag_mesh="info_screen_flags_b" name="{=NF627oiX}Osticos" short_name="{=nsDj8Qxl}Osticos" title="{=NF627oiX}Osticos" ruler_title="{=8pjMAqOg}Grand Senate" text="{=fE5U9ApA}An Aristocratic Kingdom that used to be the head of northern Empire before conflict began, every Osticoi Noble carries a high sense of decorm and equally strong sense of entitlement. The Osticoi are one of the oldest Kingdoms in the Empire, and the wealthiest. They have always resented it when the Emperor is chosen from another dynasty."> <relationships> </relationships> <policies> <policy name="{=8pjMAqOg}Senate" /> <policy name="{=iWyvNzBB}Property Protections" /> </policies> </Kingdom> </Kingdoms>
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