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About Blacksnake89

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Lots of different indie games.
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Parasite Eve 2 DMC 3
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I like that this relic is still around. I remember this being my favorite topic way back in the day... I miss the old nexus community or rather my involvement in it and my old nexus friends. I miss Dezi, I remember after a long time not posting on the nexus I searched the "XXXXX member has been banned" section. Her name was the newest post, I think that was the last I ever spent on these forums until now. Hrondir is sad now T_T.
I've spent a good deal of time thinking up ideas for various classes for skyrim. A lot of them are more for RP purposes but some of them have tangible advantages in combat so here I show you some of my favorites. You don't have to follow the exact formula I show. Things like race and standing stone are just what I think compliment the class the best. Perks and equipment however are kind of set in stone for the most part. First off the paladin. Race: Breton Stone: Lord Main Skills: Alteration, Restoration, Block Weapon: 1 handed swords and maces Armor: Light The Breakdown: This class is not the kind of paladin you see in other games like WoW were you wade headlong into the front lines wearing shiny plates and wielding holy Battlehammers and Greatswords. The idea is based off of the Kights of Alman from my stories, these paladins are tasked with hunting down and butchering dark mages. You are not a righteous crusader helping the poor, spreading the word of your gods, and being a goody goody. You are a relentless and brutal angel of death, hunting down and slaying those that convene with evil magics. You wear light armor for mobility because the mages are not going to stand in one spot while you rip their guts out and their magic goes right through heavy armor. If you find yourself face to face with someone wearing heavy armor and wielding a battleaxe and in Skyrim you will, your shield is there to absorb the blows that your armor cannot and you have alteration to bolster your armor and restoration to heal wounds. Key perks to pick up are Atronach and magic resist from Alteration, this is also why I choose breton and lord stone. Bretons have 25% magic resist, Lord stone is another 25% bringing it to 50%. Alteration is 10% with 3 perks bringing you to 80% just through passive abilities. Unlike other classes there really is no wiggle room for race/stone if you want to use this class. Yeah you can enchant gear for MR but that detracts from the other stats you could have. I suggest in 1h you get mace and sword perks. Use swords against low armor targets like beasts, bandits, forsworn. Use maces against heavy armor targets since they ignore 75% enemy armor if you're specialized in them. At 100 light armor you get dodge chance if you pick up the perk. I suggest you do because 10% chance to ignore a 500+ damage dragon bite is well worth it. Take what perks you need for your spells in restoration, I suggest respite and regeneration aswell and get these early on. You don't need a whole lote from block except the first perk. I normally get 3/5 but take what you want from it. For enchanting on your gear I suggest you bolster your defensive stats with more HP, HP regen, Mana and Mana regen on your helm, and increased 1h damage for gloves. Reducing the mana cost of restoration or alteration when you can add extra effects can help aswell. For stat allocation on level ups I go like this HP, HP, Stam, MP, repeat. I usually only upgrade mana to 150-200 depending on what I feel like since that's all you really need. You don't cast a lot of spells in combat and the ones you do aren't very mana heavy. I normally only go up to stoneflesh for armor spells and you don't rely on restoration later on if you remember to block often. Early game you are pretty weak and might die often if you play on master or have difficulty increasing mods. If you can punch past this and dedicate yourself you will become a juggernaught by around level 20. This does not mean however that you should bum rush to level 20 by abusing the smithing system and other power leveling tricks. That will get you killed a lot faster and more often than anything else trying this class out because all of your core talents will still be low level. Go dungeon delving, fight dragons, disembowel some daedra worshippers. Just DON'T power level. Templar Justicar Race: Nord/Dunmer/Altmer Stone: Lord/Lover/steed Main Skills: Alteration, Restroation, Block Weapon: 1H swords and maces Armor: Heavy The Breakdown: This is a little bit closer to traditional tank paladins, if you played prot pally in WoW this is a little more your style. The Templar's Justicars are based off of the Knights Templars serving the Archangels of War also from my stories. They are the frontline troops for the Templars holding the line. They use a shield not for defense but as an other form of offense. They believe a strong defense gives them a tactical offensive advantage over their foes. The Templars however still are not the holy, save the weak, protect the innocent kind of paladins, they are avengers. They are not the first to show up duing a demonic incursion they are the last. When demons cross over into the mortal realm to terrorize they don't normally last long before they anger some mortal paladins or the mudanmul demon slayers. Sometimes an especially powerful demon lord crosses over with his army. They burn, maim, and slaughter everything in their path and they cannot be stopped by any mortal armies. When demon's show no sign of being stopped the Arch Angels of war send their once mortal avatars the Pale Knights and their army the Templars to send the demons back to their hell pits. I'd love to give you an in depth play description like I did with the paladin but you play pretty much the same way you're just wearing heavy armor instead of light. The difference is you lack mobility so mages and archers can give you a rough time and you focus more on fighting with your shield. Perks you want to pick up that you wouldn't on a paladin are things like deadly bash and power bash. You focus more on up close fighting with melee fighters than ranged. If mages are giving you a hard time early game and you find yourself running out of stamina chasing them I suggest steed stone but otherwise lord stone. I normally play a nord for my Justicars for the fear shout but Dunmer fire cloak supports your offense through defence style. Playing Altmer Justicar is more for defensive casting if you play on using a lot restoration spells such as turn dead. You are after all a more traditional paladin so undead hunting is something the justicar would do. For stat allocation I suggest HP, Stam, HP, Stam, MP, HP repeat. You can also use paladin stats but you draw a lot less from your mana pool than paladins so I like to balance HP/stam more than mana. I've got more classes to share with you but I'm a little tired of typing right now. I'll post a few more either in a few hours or tomorrow. Enjoy the classes, or enjoy the little teaser into my stories, either way I hope you enjoy the post. Have some fun trying the paladin out it's actually pretty savage. I got some pics of my current Paladin Alexander Caserian I'll post up in the image share soon.
That music's not too bad. I normally listen to these two when I fight dragons but I just do it straight from youtube with alt+tab. This one's already from a dragon fight from Vindictus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmqYZ0tweHw and the other one is the god of destrucion's theme also from Vindictus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AP3dz_iczE.
Derp der derp derp derp...stupid answer to stupid response I was using WoW as a referance.Taking the same idea that through magic the dragons could disguise themselves as humans, elves, etc to avoid Soldier "Die dragon die" Dragon "Hey I just wanna buy some health pots" arrow to the knee. "Ok screw this Yul Tor Shul." Considering how dragon shouts work it's plausable there could be one created to mask a dragons presence. Look at dragonrend it was created by humans to be used against dragons. If humans can create a shout out of thin air sheer willpower why can't the dragons who, you know created the language? As far as mentions of transformation that was modder talk not lore speak. That's the glory of mods you can tweak the lore without breaking it. Just because there isn't a dragon who has disguised himself as a human so far that doesn't mean there can't be. Besides looking at the lore as it is, it's possible that a dragon could transform into a human and that none of them felt like it since they see themselves as above the humanoid races and in transforming themselves they were disgracing themselves. Eventually one could pull their arrogant head out of their rectum and and give no f**ks about being all high and mighty like the others.
Odahviin would liek to have a word with you? Incase you didn't listen he didn't fight you at dragonsreach because he wanted you dead he wanted to test if you were strong enough to slay Alduin. Sure he wasn't completely loyal to you at first but Odahviin is an OG Player Pimpasaurus Rex.
Oblivion had an alternate start mod that started you on a ship where you chose your race and all that then chose to start at either the imperial city dock or anvil. A good way to start this mod is to do the same thing where you turn the mod on and you start as a dragon race. This would start you in a cave as a dragon race but you pick a race such as nord, imperial, etc but it adds the dragon race power. Picking a race would make it that as a dragon you have a humanoid form to take on as to not scare the other races of tamriel. The dragon race could work as a toggled morph kinda like the way the companion beastform works only more than once a day transformation. You could use this toggle from the powers menu like the Kajiit night eye but it would morph you into your dragon form. I actually already had this idea before reading this thread but with no Kit I have no way of modding this in nor do I think I have the skills to make it work. Not without lots and lots of messing around anyways. So the lore of this is that you are a dragon able to use a power to take on a human form kinda like how the dragons in WoW work http://www.wowwiki.com/Alexstrasza. This would work by altering the start of the game to put you in a cave where you pick your race and customize it and adding the trasformation to all the starting races but make it PC specific. If you want to play as a dragon you already can though by using the console command player.setrace dragonrace but it's buggy and doesn't let you fly or atleast I can't find out how if it does. You can add the dragon breath attacks by using the console command psb and buying the breaths. It actually does the dragon animations when you do the shout too. Just some info for where you can start.
So heres the start of my Wyvern...
Blacksnake89 replied to huntsman2310's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I might suggest that you could take the already existing wings and gut them as a temporary measure while you mess with coding to make it land bound. Also when you've finished making a wingless dragon I think it would be a good idea to scale its size down and make Dragonlings aswell. -
Lol when I saw the double handed lightning shot I was like "HADUKEN!"
A motivational poem I wrote a few days ago that I rewrote as We rather than I. The beast is not a refrence to satan it refers to badasses. Making sure I threw that in there because the last couple days people have been misinterpreting what I've said pretty hardcore. Many fall and choose to stay down. Some choose to be defeated rather than be victorious. Some give in when they should fight. Some accept mediocrity. Not us. We get up when we fall. We accept nothing less than victory. We never turn down a challenge. We will accept nothing less than greatness. When other see limitations we see possibilities Because trying is not failing, failing is never trying. Pain is temporary but glory is eternal. So set out and make you mark. Nobody remembers the ones who quit only those that persevered. It is better to die on your feet then live on your knees. Never give up and never surrender. You can be a man or you can be a beast. We are the beast.
When ever I find good music I like to share it with others. Instead of creating a new thread I'll just revive this one. The song I'd like to share is Everlast-Stone in my hand Ride with the devil, hide with the lord I got no pistol, ain't got no sword I got no army, ain't got no land, Ain't got nothing but the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand Ain't got nothing but the stone that's in my hand You say you want a revolution, well get on board We'll start a new crusade; we'll start a holy war Don't need no orders, don't need no plan I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand I don't need nothing but the stone that's in my hand You build your fighter jets, you drop your bombs You kill our fathers, you kill our moms You kill our brother and our sisters, and our uncles and our aunts Still I'm fighting with the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand Still I'm fighting with the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand All the love that's in my heart and the stone that's in my hand Blood runs in the gutters, smoke fills the sky Every son that suffers, every mother cries So if you've had enough and you're ready for your stand I'll be waiting with the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand I'll be waiting with the stone that's in my hand Stone in my hand, stone in my hand All the love that's in my heart and the stone that's in my hand As I usually do here's a the vid so you can listen while you read. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17FZIncZi8Q&feature=related
My sarcasm goes over your head, over your head, over your head. My sarcasm goes over your head, over your head, over your head. WOOOOOOSH Guess who's back, back again. Snake is back, make a thread Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back, guess who's back Guess who's back... I've created a post cuz no body wants silence no more, they want snake. Well if they want snake this is what I'll give them... That's all I could think up on the spot, I think this is like my 4th or 5th parody of that song. Just incase you're a bit confuzzled about the parody it's a parody of Without me by Marshal Mathers AKA Eminem. Yes that's right peeps Blacksnake89 is all up in your internets once again after like a year long hiatus. I'll probably pull some of my awsome necromancy skill out and restore my old story threads with some new content. Peace out homies.
Greetings I am Blacksnake89, long time member of the Nexus and once again lurking in the darkness of the internet. Welcome to Dark0ne's contribution to this glorious place we call the internet, take your shoes off and stay awhile. While you're at it enjoy the views, check out the attractions, pick up a T-shirt, and enjoy the rides. -Blacksnake89
Wow it's been forever since I've been on these forums and what do you know, My favorite thread hasn't died. I recently started listening to someone I've known about for several years but never really paid attention too. He's an Underground Nerd Rapper called MC Chris. If you've ever watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force he's the voice of the the semi reocurring character MC Pee Pants. He's also does voice work for other Williams Street shows the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the Brak show and Space Ghost Coast to Coast. He's Brak. This song is called Never Give Up and it from his CD MC Chris is Dead A regular arachnid, back with the hat trick, a rappin' maniac was a little rappin' fat kid, now I pack venues like they was a bowl, microtrash, microblast, from my mighty microphone. Rap for my mom's Bridge club, back in the day, at Bible camp I would rap so maybe I could get laid, backstage it was a blaze, different days of rehearsal, before I smoked the purple with a circle of Earkles. Took my rappin' to Manhattan, where the motto's do or die, didn't know a single soul, and soon it's suicide, I'm feelin' microscopic down on Madison Ave., I could jump from a window, or in front of a cab, then, mc chris arrives said I'll surely survive, if you feel like you can't function, start shuckin' the jive, don't drown in the sound of your certain demise, just be a different person if you're hurting inside. (Never give up, never surrender, I'm gonna pick you up like they did in Defender, no shame in your game, 'cause your name ain't Ender, never give up, never surrender!)x2 Felt like I was weird, like I didn't belong, like I was broken and wrong, and better off gone, it's hard to see the future when the present tense is suckin', it's hard to keep truckin' when you're stuck at loser junction. You can't call it quits, don't throw in the towel, you can take a lot of licks, so never listen to the owl, don't listen to the pundits, the haters or the critics, you can suck my di-d**k, take a leap at Chappaquiddick, the Chronicles of Riddick, watched the movies and the credits, wouldn't leave the theater 'cause I felt like I'd regret it, the city was so big, and frankly it wasn't feelin' right, and besides I wanna find out who's the dolly grip on Demon Night. But then I met a friend and he kinda showed me music, NOFX and MTX it mixed me up like Rubix, I found a path and called it rap, it helped me escape, if you feel rotten and forgotten, remember there'll be better days. (Never give up, never surrender, I'm gonna pick you up like they did in Defender, no shame in your game, 'cause your name ain't Ender, never give up, never surrender!)x2 (You can never give up, you can never surrender, fight the good fight 'till the end of the night and, always remember.)x4 That you can never give up, NEVER SURRENDER! As always is my style here's a link to the song for you to enjoy
What nationality haven't you killed in a video game?
Blacksnake89 replied to ninga_express's topic in Off-Topic
wrong bucko!.name a game where Thai's are killed,somoans,aboriginees,filipinos or malasians. Epic failure. One of the online games I used to play took place on a global scale. So in that one game I killed literally everything. so it named all those nationalities,or you just can't abide by the fact that your statement is flawed! I'm one to admit when I'm defeated and here isn't it. It didn't name them specifically but those were sections of the map. When you invaded a section of the map it would say "You've defeated Japan. Your casualties 1200, your opponents casualties 1400." So no it didn't say "You killed 1400 Japanese, you are victorious." The game was very geographically correct meaning it had some of the smallest islands or countries as invadable. If you've ever heard of the table top game Risk it was very heavily based off of it. So yes because of that game I've pretty much had the opportunity to invade and conquer every nationality. I've also had the ability to do it diplomat style but where's the fun in that. :wink: World War 1 and 2 did not encompass all races even though they were "world wars" your answer is still flawed and lacking justification and you will not admit your wrong so further posts proving my point are useless.Bye Bye Wait, wait, wait....what does World war 1-2 have to do with this? -
What nationality haven't you killed in a video game?
Blacksnake89 replied to ninga_express's topic in Off-Topic
wrong bucko!.name a game where Thai's are killed,somoans,aboriginees,filipinos or malasians. Epic failure. One of the online games I used to play took place on a global scale. So in that one game I killed literally everything. so it named all those nationalities,or you just can't abide by the fact that your statement is flawed! I'm one to admit when I'm defeated and here isn't it. It didn't name them specifically but those were sections of the map. When you invaded a section of the map it would say "You've defeated Japan. Your casualties 1200, your opponents casualties 1400." So no it didn't say "You killed 1400 Japanese, you are victorious." The game was very geographically correct meaning it had some of the smallest islands or countries as invadable. If you've ever heard of the table top game Risk it was very heavily based off of it. So yes because of that game I've pretty much had the opportunity to invade and conquer every nationality. I've also had the ability to do it diplomat style but where's the fun in that. :wink: