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Posts posted by wiseman303

  1. Almost there! I've finished adding animations to all the meshes I found that needed them and added the script to every harvestable I could find in the creation kit. When I wake up I will double-check that I didn't miss anything, then I will start testing.

  2. Hi everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates. AFK life is to blame.


    I'm getting a week off now and will be continuing work on this mod during that time. My plan is to have a public release and any major bugfix/compatibility releases done before I have to go back to work.

  3. Yes, I'll probably do something like that.


    I'm not sure if a flora can actually be harvested while it's disabled, but I could always add it 10000 units below the ground instead.


    EDIT: Just did a quick check with the console, and activating a thistle while it was disabled still harvested it.

  4. @lofgren, Ah, I had forgotten the green thumb perk. A quick check shows it uses a built in function to modify the amount of ingredients gained from flora, which I assume relies on the default harvest behavior. I could have the script check for that perk and behave appropriately. Unfortunately support for mod-added perks that alter ingredients added would be harder to implement. Do you know of any such perks added by mods?


    As for auto-harvest scripts, if they work by activating the flora via script it should still work the same.

  5. I am making this post so discussion of this work in progress mod can move out of the thread for one of my other mods. First some background for any new people finding this thread:


    I really like the idea behind the Flora Respawn Fix mod. Unfortunately the implementation has some problems.


    Flora Respawn Fix works by registering the flora item for a timer update when it is harvested, then when the timer is reached a duplicate of the flora (in pristine unharvested state) is added and the original is deleted. There are several problems this causes, which range in severity from minor niggles to savegame bloat and potential crashes.


    I have made a proof-of-concept for an alternative fix to the flora fix. It works by blocking activation on flora when it's loaded, so the regular harvest behavior is never triggered, then it fakes being harvested by playing a harvest animation and giving the player the appropriate item. There are several advantages to this system:

    • The normal reset behavior is used, so the flora only respawns behind the scenes as the cell loads and not when the player can see it.
    • No registering for events. The flora will be unloaded along with the rest of the cell when the player leaves, freeing up memory for other things.
    • Nothing is deleted. Scripts referring to the original object are safe.
    • No duplicates are created, so much less information is stored in the save game.


    Unfortunately there is one drawback to this system. Flora that has been harvested before the mod was installed will continue to exhibit the respawn bug. To address this issue I have created a tool that removes all harvested flora references from a save game. Forcing all of them to reset to their default state.


    Now that I'm done with that long explanation of what the mod is about, below is my current progress:

    • Save fixer tool is functional, although it is still command-line only and has very little error checking in place.
    • Script is finished. Supports perks that change harvest ammount. Objects can be set to be disabled when harvested, since some of their animations just made them invisible anyway. This will replace the coin purse script from my trap fixes mod, as well as add a visibly harvested state to some objects that didn't have one (such as hanging pheasants, rabbits and salmon.)
    • Template animation files created for the 3 kinds of harvestable meshes I've found. Tutorial for making compatibility patches using the templates is planned.
    • Harvest animations have been made for all meshes that need them in base game and official DLCs.
  6. I've tried that mod as well and it didn't work for me either. New character in a clean Skyrim install.


    Opening up the mod to check it's internals, it looks like the only thing changed is setting the allow underwater attacking flag on all the playable races. This is a change I tried myself right after the creation kit was released and it didn't work then either. That mod should probably be removed.


    From the information I've been able to find, allowing underwater combat requires editing the behavior files. I've tried looking at those but can't make much sense of them myself.

    SaidenStorm was working on the behavior files to allow underwater combat before he quit modding, and got as far as uploading a video on youtube.



    Looks like that's as close as anyone's come so far. It's a real shame SaidenStorm left the modding scene :sad:

  7. I love this idea.


    I had often thought it would be nice if dragons that got too low on health just said "forget this" and flew for the horizon, letting you drive them off instead of killing them. (Or making you work a bit harder if you really wanted that dragon soul.)


    Having them yield would be even better. (Who really wants to chase down a dragon after sinking a hundred arrows into it?)


    Maybe have adjustable chances for either event happening. That would give more variety.

  8. Tails are have their own animation files separate from the character, that are stored in meshes/auxbones/tail/animations. It should be fairly simple for someone who can make animations to replace the chair and cart related animations.


    So anyone reading this who can animate: Please fix these animations!

  9. Excellent Idea! Looking forward to seeing this mod finished.


    Here's a few epitaphs I came up with. I might make more later.




    Here lies Farmin Bight. He should've went left instead he went right.


    Terry Swift - Everyone misses him, but that last arrow didn't.


    Bernard Panoit - Overcharging my staff of fireballs. Very funny Simine.


    Simine Panoit - Well it WAS a good prank.


    Bolak gro-Shekur - How many pit traps can there be in one dungeon?


    Ghazur gro-Bolak - I'm positive the chest isn't trapped.


    Calvario Talanian - After this, I'm retiring.


    Ulmorwen - It can't possibly be bottomless.


    Gaeldor - Wow, I can't believe I survived tha-


    Meldimir - Beware little things with big teeth.


    Smart-Like-Tree - It seemed like a good idea at the time...


    Ahnshidasha - There is such a thing as running too fast.


    Cypher - Should've taken the blue pill...

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