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Everything posted by chaosandsorrow
Since we have the Boss suit, preset, that we're able to do her weapon, the only mission thing is the chest scar, unique to that character. I looked everywhere and wasn't able to find a mod that did it. To give an idea on what I'm talking about, somebody did that mod for Skyrim. I just hope somebody did it for FO4 or is willing to do it, it would be greatly appreciated ! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12165?tab=description
Hello everyone, I'm currently getting headhaches about a new armor I'm trying to do, It's a mashup from 3 custom armors from the Nexus. http://image.noelshack.com/minis/2016/33/1471342292-armor-marshup.png I started by loading the Suit from http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13195 in Outfit Studio my custom body. After that I added the Harness from http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2227/? and used the brush for making it fit the suit and Body. and as last part, I added a holster from http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8841/ and edited the placement so it will not fly near the leg instead of touching it. I added the texture of the suit via outfit Studio so it shows the correct colors. http://image.noelshack.com/minis/2016/33/1471343384-fortune1.png now, the problem. I opened the CK to add the set in the game, worked fine until I started the game to try it out. The whole set is invisible. the item is here, I can equip it, the stats are correct etc. but my character turn naked. Any idea what I missed ? I'm trying to figure out what's the problem and all I can imagine is a texture problem. if it's not that, I want to mention that I'm totaly new to these tools and it's the first armor/item that I tried to edit to make a custom set. Ps: for thoses you dont know what I'm trying to create, it's a suit from a character in Metalgear Solid, Fortune. http://satrapov.net/mysst/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/mgs2_49_594.jpg Thanks for your time !
Hello everyone and welcome to my request topic ! Dear Modders, want to do a mod that will be undorsed undred of times ? Want a mod that will be downloaded OVER 9000 Times ?! Well, I have an idea for you: Today I'll ask a Katana animation style, let me explain myself: First of all, we have all type of mods around Akavir and other orientals inspiration: Asian-like race, Ninja/Samurai/Oriental dresses,armors and weapons, Chinese/Japanse/Akavir Cities and houses. But there's one thing were missing, the proper animations to handle a katana the right way. We have animations that can work for the idle, power animations, and if we go on other websites than the Nexus, we can found left, right , forward and backward power attacks in a anime-like kata use. BUT , we dont have the any left, right , standing, forward and backward standard attacks. So, here is the point of the Topic. Does anyone have the skill and the time to make proper attacks animations ? That's weird that we have hundred and hundred of modders on the earth, and no one never did some Katana attack animations. I was thinking about something like this: First attack: you draw the blade out of it's shealth and do a vertical slash from Bottom to Top, in a light diagonal way. Second attack: you do the slash in the same direction, but from Top to Bottom. Third attack: You do a horizontal slash from Left to Right. the inspiration of my Idea came from the lack of respect that our lovely Dovahkiin show with his katana weapons, same as from the blades, that uses Katana from centuries, and still dont know to how really use them. Here is a video to illustrate what I'm saying, The fast draw technique in the end of the video as the first movement , then imagine the second cut to continue his move: Thanks for your time.
Hello everyone, I have a request, because it look strange that no one never thinked about it earlier or the nexus deleted every mods about it... I'll love if someone can make a Nemesis mask, from the Resident Evil Serie. I saw a mod about mutant retextures with his face, but I dont understand WHY the nexus deleted it and let rifles from other games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Guns from Resident Evil, and other stuff on. As I said in the Skyrim forum, I have no experience at all about modeling and texturing. Moding in general to be precise. I'm just one of the thousand users who ask for things and hope someone, one day, will make it. Why a Nemesis ? Because I started to play again on fallout, the post apocalyptic environnement made me think a lot about Resident evil, much more with the Zombie Apocalypse mod. I made a Tyrant type characer. 1.3 scale, and the only think I miss is the Nemesis look / stuff to make the T-Type Nemesis Rampage ! Why the mask/head and not the full body ? Of course it will be a real dream if someone want to make the coat and other cloths and all the stuff around him, like the rocket launcher, the minigun etc. But I dont think someone will be attracted by all that work. In first place, only the head will be enough for me. As I'm not a skilled mod-maker at all, I can't imagine how much work it represent. If you want some screens, just go on google image and search "nemesis" "T-Type Nemesis" , you know, that thing who walk in the street at the night and shout "Stars" all along ? ^^ I'll be really glad if someone can handle the task of making it, really. Thanks for your time ! Ps: Sorry about my writing mistakes, english is not my first language, I learned it by myself. (Thanks video games <3)
This armor will look epic at the end :) For the cloak,maybe you can ask the modder of the flowing cape mod to use it and retex it as Ysgramor's one ? It's just an idea cause without it the look is still great :)
Hm, Alkosh seems to be Akatosh himself for the Khajiits ( in other terms, an other name for Auri-El) , and Tosh Raka is a mortal who have morph himself into a dragon, I dont know if he's an Avatar of Akatosh too, but his people consider him as a god. Unfortunatly we have not enough info about Tosh Raka to know what really happen but if he's really an Avatar, in a way, they are the same person, as every avatar no ? If you have more knowledge than me, I'll be glad if you can correct me, Thanks for reading my post
Hi, I got an Idea of mod. well ,this is basic but I think it can be awesome to see it ingame. If someone want to give a try, it's about Tosh Raka (Akatosh acronym) , The Leader of the Ka'Po'Tun race "Tosh Raka is the leader of the Tiger Dragons of Ka'Po'Tun. He is thought to be a god by the Ka'Po'Tun, the reason being that he is the first and the only known member of his species to morph into a dragon. Even as a dragon he still has the cat like features of the Ka'Po'Tun. Under his rulership the Po'Tun changed their species' name to the Ka'Po'Tun. Tosh Raka's primary goal is to destroy all of the Tsaesci and their civilization. After that, it is said that he wishes to invade Tamriel itself." source: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Tosh_Raka It should be cool to model him, I remember I have read somewhere he turned into the biggest dragon that ever existed. I found some fanarts about him, there are different interpretation of his dragon form: http://img.neoseeker.com/mgv/420572/572/56/teo_tesukatoru_by_toronn_display.jpg http://www.gameland.ru/post/50272/img/dovahkiin_fights_tosh_raka_by_1rich1.jpg http://skyrimforums.gamingbay2.netdna-cdn.com/data/avatars/l/14/14293.jpg?1344355116 It should be also nice if we can fight him and submit him like Odahviing,and then getting him as a summonable Dragon. By Thu'um, Spell or Jewel enchant. All hail to the Tiger-Dragon of Akavir ! Ps: forgive my bad english, it's not my native language and my brain is shutting down. Sleeping time incoming...
LE Anyone remember this sword mod?
chaosandsorrow replied to TwiStedPrinCe's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Normal if you made good stuff Urwy ;) -
Oh very good idea ! It should add alot of immersion. I've seen theres a funaral robe and hat in the Ck, you can use this as cloth for the ceremonies ^^. I second this request, it look awesome. Unfortunatly, dont have any skills in modding yet but if someone take this idea in his hands, it will be nice !
LE Anyone remember this sword mod?
chaosandsorrow replied to TwiStedPrinCe's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27301 in the bonus weapons: 2: Ice 1h and GreatSword - Found under Ebony Smithing -
I cannot imagine your dexterity if you have only one hand. If a mod can help sure it will be fair, infortunatly, I dont have any skills in modding. Good luck !
Hi all. I just got an Idea while watching Tyrael's armor mods on the nexus. One of them have wings. no animated. So I got an Idea. Why not use the Tentacles from Hermaus Mora / Miraak's Staff as it ? With the right recolour, and the right size, It can fit ! Or at least it will look like Slenderman and this will be new mods requests :smile: here's some screens http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130202220322/elderscrolls2/de/images/b/b4/DB-npc-Hermaeus_Mora.jpg http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/dir_2944/image_294440_thumb_wide620.jpg and for Tyraël's wings: http://diablo.incgamers.com/gallery/data/501/medium/tyrael_by_carrieli-d4p6wqj.png ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="295"> I think it can fit. What do you think ?
It will look perfect for a bosmer for exemple. I'll be glad to see these armor in skyrim too ! there's a armor who look like it but only made of spriggan's wood: - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12101 ( Armor from Spriggan Wood, Sexy Lore Fiendly CBBE armor by Nalim ) - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26247 ( Spriggan Mak by MyFirstPony ) I know it's not the same but I hope it can help you a little bit ^^
LE Odahviing as a Revered Dragon
chaosandsorrow replied to StealthCookie's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I agreed with this request, but not on a Odahviing replacement, but on a new spell. As for each types of dragons added by DLCs. they look sweet and uniques in each ways. -
I support the "Go where I point" Idea. Keep these giant birds they little independence :)
My Odahviing dont resist to my soul bend... and I didnt changed anything.
Hi everyone ! I was thinking about something I wished to see in skyrim from the first DLC Release, we all know about the Dragon summon mods, by spell or item ( like a ring or amulet ) but why no one never did the same with DLC Dragons ? ( Legendary, Revered ) who looks really cool by the way. And now, with Sahrootar ( dont remeber if I write it correctly ). each specie have unique and epic look , so why not enjoy them ? Thanks for considering this request, Even if it's a "easy" work, I really dont know anything in this CK, so, If someone want to be the daily hero, you have all my support !
LE Arms and Armour of the Eldar of Middle Earth
chaosandsorrow replied to lakota300's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I think the resquest can be combined with this one http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/895109-elven-armour-lotr/ The Gil-galad version of the Noldor armor is really beautifull too I cannot understand why no one never try to make this armor after Skyrim was released. or why no one have asked the permission for / or have ported these ones in skyrim: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/14747/ http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/29742/ I'm feeling so bad to not have the skills to porting this even for a personnal mod. Good luck for your request, I support it, even in the nexus community apparently dont care about Noldor ^^ :facepalm: -
Deleted post, just saw the rules and my armor is not for female only or not skimpy at all ^^'
Deleted; and sorry for double post... need some sleep I guess..
I'll love to see this armor in game, waiting for it from years, on Morrowind, Oblivion and now Skyrim. If anyone can try to remake this armor it will be awesome !!! http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120615211621/lotr/images/3/39/Gli-Galad_y_Elrond.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111112141018/lotr/images/thumb/e/eb/Noldor_Warriors_in_film.png/400px-Noldor_Warriors_in_film.png http://www.alleycatscratch.com/lotr/Exhibit/Travel/Lyric/elf_armor_front_top_fg.jpg http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j187/predfreak/Elven%20Warrior/8808_orig.jpg http://www.shadowdalecreations.com/elf1.jpg http://www.alleycatscratch.com/lotr/Elf/ElfArmor/Second/elf_armor_front_topChest_fg.jpg Please consider this request if you have the skills and the motivation to make it ! Default color & Silver variant if possible ?