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  1. I am trying to make it so that the glove doesn't reequip if you didn't have the glove on you equipped the item.
  2. I think the AddItem code was either from an old version of the script, or to make sure the glove was in the inventory if it got removed somehow. I'm equipping and unequipping the item normally through the PipBoy.
  3. I have a script for a set of clothes I am making that removes the pipboy glove when you equip, and then reequips the glove when you unequip the item. Problem is, it only does the first half of that. Anyone know how to fix this? Code: scn VriskaClothesPipboyGlove int InitGloveEquipped ; 0 = Glove not equipped, 1 = glove equipped initially Begin OnEquip if player.GetEquipped PipBoyGlove == 1 ; If this returns 1, it will run the following hooks: set InitGloveEquipped to 1 ; Sets the integer to 1 so that it will equip the glove when unequipping the clothes player.UnequipItem PipBoyGlove 1 1 ; Removes the glove (Wow what a surprise!!!) hiddenly endif End Begin OnUnequip if InitGloveEquipped == 1 ; Checks if the glove was equipped when you put on your clothes, returns 1 if it was. player.AddItem pipboyglove 1 1 player.EquipItem PipBoyGlove 1 1 set InitGloveEquipped to 0 ; Sets the integer back to 0 so if the PC will (somehow) unequip the glove, it won't equip it again. endif End
  4. Hey all. I'm wondering if it would be possible for someone to make a "new" version of the NCR Ranger Combat Armor . Basically a version without the logos and stuff, and without the wasteland mud and that stuff. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hey all. I was wondering if anyone could make a mod that makes all the weapons use their higher quality first person textures, like Quarn's old mod for Fallout 3?
  6. Could be that the weapon they find is better than the one they have.
  7. Well NPCs always pick up weapons the find on the floor if their one runs out of ammo, gets too damaged when they are shooting, or if you shoot it out of their hands.
  8. I know what the mod I am looking for is called, yet I can't find an English version of it anywhere. The mod is an Enclave Theme for the Megaton House. There is a German version of FO3Nexus, but not an English version. Any help finding it?
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