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About AirtightSpring3

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  1. Hey Nexus Community! I'm doing a data science study with my University that involves comparing life happiness with housing happiness and a few other variables to create a predictive model on whether or not a person should buy new living accommodations based on how happy it will make them. We need at least 100 surveys filled out by Tuesday so it would be great if you could take a few minutes of your time to fill out the survey. I'll post the link below. Thanks for taking the time to read this and considering our survey! https://goo.gl/forms/l7asqkKhXeNRF17B2 Thanks again, if you have any questions about the survey or the data science study it is being used for feel free to reach out to me!
  2. Awesome thanks, I'll go ahead and post it there! And yeah it's for a Data Science Study run by my University. We're trying to create a metric that will help people predict whether or not purchasing a new living accommodation will make them happier and need data points to base the original model off of.
  3. Hey Nexus, it's been a while. So I've created a Google Forms Survey that I need to get a minimum of 100 responses for by Tuesday for a College Data Science Course that I am in right now... And I was wondering if it is okay to post links to surveys in the "Off Topic" section of Nexus? I couldn't find anything in the rules about it so I thought I'd post here to check with someone. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated, and I totally understand if it's not cool to post surveys here. Just thought I'd check :) - Airtight
  4. Thanks! I just tried this as well as dusting off my computer box/shell and had a good hour long CK session. Fingers crossed it keeps working. Also: I installed a program to monitor how close my computer is to overheating, so hopefully I'll catch it before it gets to close again if the problem persists, or at least be able to figure out what in CK causes the excessive strain on my computer. Thanks for the help everyone!
  5. I'm guessing it must be overheating since I've been using the CK without problems for three years, having upgraded my graphic card once a year ago. Is there any way to monitor when the computer might be close to overheating and shutting down?
  6. So, over these last couple days I've encountered a terrible problem with creation kit... I have about 300 or so hours put into the CK and I'm using the same computer I always have so I am not sure what the issue is. The only difference is that I recently completely reinstalled Skyrim and the CK. Basically after I have been modding for about 20-30 minutes my entire computer reboots itself. It only happens when using CK. I can play Skyrim fine, I can do other work from home just fine for hours on end. But for some reason the creation kit causes my entire computer to reboot. If anyone has any ideas regarding how I could fix this, that would be amazing! Thanks! - AirtightSpring
  7. Thanks for the reply! I'll try to get some pictures when I get home to my computer with creation kit but basically what is happening is when I load up the vanilla cell for the house everything is loaded. For example, lets say I am looking at the right side of the house. Every item for all three possible upgrades is loaded in the creation kit. This makes it almost impossible to actually edit any of the individual rooms because every room and item that can possibly at some point be upgraded or bought by the player is loaded. Lets say I want to edit the kitchen. Doing so is very difficult when the armory is also present... So I guess my main question is, is there any way to disable the two rooms that I do not want to edit so I am just viewing one room per side of the house?
  8. I'm trying to modify the interior of the Hearthfire homes to my liking. The problem is when you load it up the markers for all three possible rooms show up for all the side rooms. I am wondering how I can easily disable these rooms in the creation kit. For example, lets say I want to edit the armory. How would I disable the other two rooms without individually hiding each of the other items and without deleting the items in the other two rooms. Thanks for any assistance you can give! - AirtightSpring
  9. And if I do that I'll be able to easily get all the scripts back and attached to what they are supposed to be when I load the mod up on a reinstalled Skyrim? Also by attach all the scripts to something can you explain exactly what you mean? I'm assuming I'm supposed to somehow put them all into one activator like you said above but I'm not quite sure how to do that... Sorry but thanks for all the help!
  10. Thanks! Any chance you could explain to me how to do that? I haven't actually released my mods before so I have never created a bsa for my mods before...
  11. I'm trying to package a mod I've been working on so that the scripts I've written are saved in the mod as is and find a way to store all my progress in a separate folder so I can safely uninstall and reinstall Skyrim without having to rewrite all of my scripts. I'm running a bunch of outdated mods and can't get my game to run stable so I've decided to restart but I want to get this done first. Does anyone have any idea how I could get my mod saved with its scripts still intact saved to another location? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! - Airtight
  12. Thanks a bunch! I didn't know to look in the HighResTexturePack02 for the texture files.
  13. Anyone have any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  14. Hello, I was just wondering if anyone could let me know where to find the Dawnguard LOD texture files? I found the meshes in Dawnguard.bsa but the textures don't seem to be there? Is there anything I need to do differently for getting the Dawnguard LOD to work (I want it for the Fort Dawnguard buildings that I've placed in a custom world) for my file? Thanks for any help you can give!
  15. So I am trying to make a script that stops combat between two actors (neither of which are the player) after 30 minutes in game time. I have no experience with timer scripts prior to this and was wondering if anyone could give me a brief tutorial on how to get them working? Sorry if this is vague but nothing I've done seems to have any effect on the game... Any help would be greatly appreciated. - Airtight
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