Yeah lightning spells completely shut me down. Again , not saying its difficult to deal with , just boring. I will stand there and just tank the lightning , pull out a 2 handed greatsword and just cut them down. The reason i don't like it is because its going into a completely different field. When i play a warrior , i can do every encounter without needing to cast spells , or pull out a different set of armor / weapons. Same with assassin. If I can bombard at range I have plenty of time to blast away and recharge, it's when you have to melee, and you will have to, at the same time, there are spells to cover that, making mages probably the least boring because they are the most versatile and you have to make sure to plan and don't rush in. You do just have to melee, you can't always snipe, that much is true. Maybe what needs to be done is a powerful cast on touch destruction spell to make people who limit their play style to a narrower mage field than what is available: ie summons: I don't think I would be very effective without them. My point is only using destruction and not summons is your own self imposed limitation not one of mages. Not using and recharging staffs is your own self imposed limitation not one of mages. You are just making it difficult without them. There are options. The problem is solely relying on your magicka bar to be in any way effective both offensive or defensive. In a boss battle I run out, but because scrolls, my staff collection, potions, summons, and hell even a companion, I can still cover myself. You can't tell me a dungeon full of dragur won't be enough to fill your staffs and have some recharges left over. Well its true what you are saying , i am imposing self limitations by not using summons. But its because i feel summons are worse than any other play style in the game. I enjoy killing stuff , its like 1/2 the game. Letting an automated ai (who happens to be incredibly strong) do the brunt of the work just doesn't seem fun. With the other tree's , most of them are viable (and more fun) without relying on anthers school. For example , as a warrior i can go the entire game just using shield and 1 hand weapon. Or if i wanted , i could go the entire game using a two handed weapon. Its even possible to play with heavy armor & gauntlet damage perk and go bare handed if thats what you want . and whilst this might seem like it is less dynamic , it actually allows you to play much more open and creatively than you do with a mage. With mages it seems like you have to play a certain way , and that way relies on conjuration tree. It would be like picking a warrior , but being forced to lvl into 2 handed weapons no matter your play style (sword/shield , hand to hand , paladin , juggernaut ect). Perhaps i should have clarified what i meant by "pure caster". I mean a pure destruction caster. This isn't to say other perk tree's shouldn't supplement a destruction player , but they should never dictate the play style. I can successfully run blacksmithing Or alchemy , Or enchanting on a warrior , no drama's whatsoever...... Hell i can even run stealth , illusion or archery and still be an effective warrior. They are so versitile (assassins as well) , its just a disappointment me for me to go from warrior to mage and have to take a step back from that level of freedom in play style / build. Any way thanks for all your replies. I think ultimately you were trying to help. But ive decided to just reroll my Orc warrior. Much more exciting , though i will eagerly await some combat mods to make it even more interesting (and perhaps some day make mage more fun for me).