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Posts posted by Greenston

  1. Hmm, I thought that might make a difference.


    The "Skinned" flag in the geometry tab is something was still unchecked, and after I checked it the "NiSkinInstance" showed up in the .nif file!

    Thanks for that!


    I am, however, getting a CTD when i load it in game now... :D

    So I guess there are some other things seriously wrong.


    I'll have a look at that documentation you suggested at a later date.

    Maybe I can find something in there.


    Thanks for helping!

  2. Thank you for checking my nif file.


    Ok so, I'll explain in steps what I did, because I already went over the weight painting and such.

    And I know there is some data missing. but the question really is: how do I get it in there?


    This is what I did:


    1) I copied the meshes from a backpack mod and the barrel and placed them in a folder

    2) I opened the backpack mesh in Outfit Studio, and I dragged the barrel mesh in there too and positioned it accordingly

    3) I deleted the backpack mod mesh in Outfit Studio, leaving only the barrel mesh

    4) I selected "NPC Spine2" from the bones and painted the barrel in a deep red to indicate heavy weight

    5) I saved that as a nif


    But somehow there is skin data missing when I export it from outfit studio.

    Should I adapt a setting when I export?

    You mentioned I exported in a "non-Skyrim" format, how do I export in a Skyrim format?


    (Thanks a bunch for guiding me trough this and searching for a solution, because I know it can be hard to explain stuff to noob-level beginners, so thank you. :smile: )




    Ok, so I redid everything again like I described it in the steps. I also added "NPC Spine1" in addition to "NPC Spine2", both with weight paints.

    I admit I've been messing around with this for a while and the previous file may have been a failed test file.


    But here's a fresh one I just made: https://ufile.io/8cwamot1


    Notice I just exported it as a .nif from Outfit Studio, and the "NiSkinData" is missing, so perhaps I'm exporting it wrongly?

  3. How do I post a .nif file on this forum, cause I'd gladly share it.


    And no, I don't want the backpack to distort at all. Imagine it sitting in the correct position on the character, but only rotating around the Z-axis. The only degree of movement it has is around the Z-axis.

    So when my character jumps, or crouches, the barrel changes height and rotates the direction in which my character is facing, but it doesn't move local X or Y. It doesn't "stick". I don't know how else to describe it. :D

    I guess it sorta "floats" like a 3rd person camera would do.

  4. Hey there,


    I actually did use the NPC Spine2 already, since that what the one I saw used in other BackPack mod.

    But it doesn't work for me... That's why I suspect it has smth to do with Nifskope.


    I would add a picture of my Nifskope, but I don't know how. :p

  5. So I gave the Outfit Studio try, and i got the model to show up on my character.


    I used this guide for those that would be interested: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5827987-rigging-brand-new-armours-in-outfit-studio-–-help/


    But now I have another problem, the model is in the right position but it just floats behind me and while it rotates with the character, it doesn't "stick" to my back as a backpack should.

    I tried comparing it to other backpack mods, comparing bones, and checked if the partitions numbers are the same as in the ones I assigned in the Creation Kit, but it still doesn't work.


    Any help is welcome, thank you.


    EDIT: I found a post that said I needed to check "Skinned" under Shader Flags in NifSkope, but that just turns my model invisible again in game. It's quite an old post too, so maybe smth changed?

  6. Hi guys,


    I wanted to make a quick mod for myself where my character wears a barrel on his back as a backpack.

    I used a backpack-mod from the nexus and combined the meshes from that mod with the standard static barrel mesh from Skyrim.

    Then I deleted the old backpack model so the barrel was the only mesh left and was in the correct position.


    Next, I created all the necessary files in the CK like an armor ad-don, etc.


    It shows up in game, and the model shows in the menu, textured and all, but it doesn't show on my character.

    The enchantments work and everything, but there is just no model on my character.


    I presume it has something to do with the "NiSkinInstance" node or the "NPC spine" node in Nifksope, which the barrel doesn't have.


    Can someone please point me in the right direction, I've been researching this for a while now...


    I never made any armor for Skyrim, this would be the first...


    Thanks in advance.





  7. So I've got another question.


    In the script that Maxarturo provided I get a message in the top left corner whenever Miraak's mask is removed or added back into the inventory.

    With the original script provided on the first page of this topic, I don't get that kind of message.


    For the sake of consistency I'd love to add that functionality to the ones without it too.


    Can Anyone help me with that?



  8. Hey guys,


    Thanks a lot for the replies.

    As I'm new to modding myself, I'm always glad to receive tips and tricks about it.


    This method you shared looks very interesting, NexusComa, thank you for that.

    I'll most certainly mess around with that in the future.

    You mentioned that you don't post mods here, because of the ridiculous amount of "adult-mods".

    Where do you post them, then? Because I prefer "Well thought out mods" over virtual skyrim boobs anytime.


    Haven't used your script yet, Maxarturo. Been too busy irl to load up the Creation Kit.

    But I will as soon as I have the chance.


    Maybe another quick question: How do I include these scripts in the final esp? I currently don't have a bsa for my mod as it only uses vanilla assets. Or do I need to make one now that I have scripts?



  9. Hello,


    I recently made a bunch of static items for a mod and I would like to re-use them for another mod.

    Is there a way I can easily transfer them between the 2 mods?


    Do I load them both in and set the new one as active and just use them?

    Would that result in missing static items if I later load up only the new mod?


    Sorry if this is obvious and a silly question, or if this is already a topic somewhere else...


    Anyway, thanks for reading!





  10. Greenston this is tested and working in my project.

    * Although i've removed a few things from the original script that might not be useful for you.



    Scriptname aXMDvaultDisplayMiraakMASK extends ObjectReference  
    {Script for the Miraak Mask Display Placment with an Link Ref Increment COUNTER function + On Placed Message + a function that Fires the TIMER OF THE MASTER VAULT Script}
    armor property DLC2MKMiraakMask1L Auto
    {Substitute with any other mask if not placing Miraaks mask.}
    armor property DLC2MKMiraakMask2L Auto
    armor property DLC2MKMiraakMask3L Auto
    armor property DLC2MKMiraakMask1H Auto
    armor property DLC2MKMiraakMask2H Auto
    armor property DLC2MKMiraakMask3H Auto
    ObjectReference Property StaticMiraakMask Auto
    {Link Ref the static Miraak's mask to enable/disable}
    Message Property NoItemMSG auto
    {The message to show if the player doesn't have the ITEM in their inventory}
    Bool Property NotMiraaksMask = false auto
    {Default = false}
    int property isPlaced = 0 auto hidden
    Event onActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
         If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()
              if (isPlaced != 0)
                     if (isPlaced == 1)
                         akActivator.addItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask1L, 1)
               elseIf (notMiraaksMask)
               elseIf (isPlaced == 2)
                          akActivator.addItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask2L, 1)
               elseIf (isPlaced == 3)
                          akActivator.addItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask3L, 1)
               elseIf (isPlaced == 4)
                          akActivator.addItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask1H, 1)
               elseIf (isPlaced == 5)
                          akActivator.addItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask2H, 1)
               elseIf (isPlaced == 6)
                          akActivator.addItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask3H, 1)
                          isPlaced = 0
                 if (akActivator.getItemCount(DLC2MKMiraakMask1L) >= 1)
                     akActivator.removeItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask1L, 1)
                     isPlaced = 1
            elseIf (notMiraaksMask)
            elseIf (akActivator.getItemCount(DLC2MKMiraakMask2L) >= 1)
                      akActivator.removeItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask2L, 1)
                      isPlaced = 2
            elseIf (akActivator.getItemCount(DLC2MKMiraakMask3L) >= 1)
                      akActivator.removeItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask3L, 1)
                      isPlaced = 3
            elseIf (akActivator.getItemCount(DLC2MKMiraakMask1H) >= 1)
                      akActivator.removeItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask1H, 1)
                      isPlaced = 4
            elseIf (akActivator.getItemCount(DLC2MKMiraakMask2H) >= 1)
                      akActivator.removeItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask2H, 1)
                      isPlaced = 5
            elseIf (akActivator.getItemCount(DLC2MKMiraakMask3H) >= 1)
                      akActivator.removeItem(DLC2MKMiraakMask3H, 1)
                      isPlaced = 6
                  if (isPlaced >=1)




    Hope it helps...


    Edit: Typo...


    Hey Maxarturo, thx for the reply.

    This code looks way better than my ghetto hot-fix, thank you!


    I just repeated the event 6 times (Example code)

    Problem is I still get the "You lack the item" message if I hang the mask.


    Example code:

    MiscObject Property myObject Auto ; change the item type as necessary depending upon object to be displayed
    MiscObject Property myObject2 Auto
    {Assign the base object of the player usable item}
    ObjectReference Property myHiddenContainer Auto  ; Note can use a shared container for multiple displays
    {Assign the container intended to hold the playable version}
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
      If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()
        If DisplayObject.IsEnabled()  ; is the display active?
          If myHiddenContainer.GetItemCount(myObject) >= 1  ; is the item in the container?
            myHiddenContainer.RemoveItem(myObject,1,true,akActivator)  ; give to player
            DisplayObject.Disable()  ; disable the static
            Debug.Trace("Oops, something went wrong. Display is enabled but object is not in container.")
          If akActivator.GetItemCount(myObject) >= 1  ; is the item on the player?
            akActivator.RemoveItem(myObject,1,true,myHiddenContainer) ;put in container
            DisplayObject.Enable() ; enable the static
            Debug.Notification("You lack the item for this display.")
    Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
      If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()
        If DisplayObject.IsEnabled()  ; is the display active?
          If myHiddenContainer.GetItemCount(myObject2) >= 1  ; is the item in the container?
            myHiddenContainer.RemoveItem(myObject2,1,true,akActivator)  ; give to player
            DisplayObject.Disable()  ; disable the static
            Debug.Trace("Oops, something went wrong. Display is enabled but object is not in container.")
          If akActivator.GetItemCount(myObject2) >= 1  ; is the item on the player?
            akActivator.RemoveItem(myObject2,1,true,myHiddenContainer) ;put in container
            DisplayObject.Enable() ; enable the static
            Debug.Notification("You lack the item for this display.")

    I'll test it later today.


    Thanks again.

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