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  1. Obsidian is better than Bethesda in regards to writing be it main plot line, side quest, and dialogue. Where Bethesda shines is building beautiful, expansive, atmospheric worlds for us to explore. It took Bethesda four years to make Fallout 3, while Bethesda gave Obsidian only a year to work on New Vegas. I wish that Bethesda would work in collaboration with Obsidian, and their writing staff to make one of the best Fallout games imaginable...which will likely never happen.
  2. There are already several mods out that cover marriage. Many which allow you marry anyone in the game, and have multiple spouses if you so wish. As great as they are they seem to be a dime a dozen. I have yet to see a mod that deals with the temples, and weddings themselves. Having a wedding take place in the temple of Mara makes sense, as she is the goddess of love. What doesn't make sense is that there is only one temple of Mara, which is located in Riften. If a couple who lives in Falkreath fall in love, and wish to marry -- they will have to travel the monster invested lands of Skyrim to reach Riften; a city with thieves, and cut throats. The wedding it's self also seems rushed, and rather bland. Last time I was at a wedding, it was a lot more fun, and lasted a lot longer. :laugh: Some possible ideas: - Revamped temple: More temples located in different other cities, and locations. Larger temples More Decorations: Statues, tapestries, shrines, etc. More Pews More clergy. NPC's attend temple for sermons. - Traveling priest of Mara: Priest of Mara wander the lands of Skyrim. Ask priest to hold the wedding ceremony for you, and your spouse. You can select where you want the wedding to be taken place. So if you ever wanted to have a wedding in the wilderness, tavern, and or modded castle you could. - Invite wedding guest: Choose anyone you want to attend your wedding. - Invited guest give you wedding gifts. Different people give you different types of gifts. Examples of guest, and gifts: • Fighters: Weapons, and armors, etc. • Wizards: Spell books, soul gems, etc. • Rich: Gems, gold, etc • Merchants: Discount at store for the day. - Fun, food, and drink: • Choose what foods you want to have at your wedding. • Choose beverages you want to have • Allow minstrels to play at your wedding. • Gain a bonus effect after the wedding night.
  3. There was a Oblivion version of this mod, which would be great to have for immersion. Not sure how difficult it would be to make for Skyrim helmets. http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/8991
  4. There is silver ammo in this mod. Might want to take a look at it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23890/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D23890
  5. Was in Rorikstead, and talking to Sissell when all of a sudden she goes flying twenty feet back. I turn around, and find a bandit mounted on a horse that had charged at me and missed. This all do to a mixture of Horsemen-Mounted Combat Mod, and Convenient Horses.
  6. There was a vampire mod that had a spell that allowed you to take over a NPC for a short while. So it's not that impossible. Was rather neat, especially...making them jump off cliffs. lol
  7. I forget the name of the book that I read, it had a rather good story too it. It was about a rich Merchant who was marrying off his only daughter, and she never smiled. Many suitors came all around, but the merchant made rules about only men who can match his wealth could marry her, and then another test of intelligence for he didn't want a fool to marry his daughter, and run his business, and the last test was to make his daughter laugh. There were only a few suitors left, and one that he liked the most asked if he could see the Merchants wealth/treasure before he tried the last test. The Merchant took him to the vaults to find all his treasure missing. The merchant was shocked, and flabbergasted at his fortune being missing. The man then told him that he was a professional thief, and he had robbed him of his wealth, and that is how he was able to match it. This caused the merchant's daughter to laugh, so the thief passed.
  8. Noticed while traveling through Skyrim, that in some fortresses where necromancers have made their home there are summoning circles, pentagrams, and all. Was wondering if it is possible to make a mod that could have some instances where a group of necromancers summon a more powerful creature from the pentagrams on the floor, much like we saw with Potema Septim. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/3287364-1346796092.jpg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbHw2tLSaPU
  9. I'm not saying that it's ENTIRELY impossible, but doing this, (Definitely adding a few of his lines) would be illegal. If you want a Deadpool-esque costume, than maybe, but it cant be exact, due to copyright restrictions, and other legal issues. -Piro Not sure if that is true, they do have LOTR sword mod on here. As well as a Naruto mod, etc.
  10. After playing Skyrim..for hours on end, I noticed that some of the elemental magics, and enchantments were lacking. Mostly in how they affected, you and the enemy. Not sure how difficult it would be to make some added content to them. For example: Fire: When you set a person on fire, unless they're magically protected, spells, or enchanted armor with said elemental resistance; the person being set on fire should be made to flee, and scream. If next to a body of water, the enemy should try to make it there before being burned a live..or have a companion put them out with a ice spell. Perhaps even add burns as an affliction that one would have to cure, or else it would take a little more health off each time. Frost: Frost already slows enemies down, by draining their stamina. The more powerful the frost spell you, or the enemy uses has a chance of encasing one into a block of ice which will slowly drain health, and life. If health runs to low, one can break the ice..causing the person inside the ice to break into several ice chunks. The frost spells should also be able to extinquish fires, as already mention. On yourself, or companions. Shock: Shock spells, and enchantments should stun your character, or enemies, and even have a chance of paralyzing them...as well as having a chance at setting them on fire. Depending on what type of armor you, or the enemy is wearing would depend on how much damage you would take from shock. E.g.: Non-enchanted Steel heavy armor, should take more damage then someone wearing a leather light weight armor.
  11. I remember Duke Patrick having one in Oblivion. Vampires would burst into a fiery skeleton.
  12. Spears would be a good addition. One's that the player can actually thrust at the enemy, and toggle to throw as well. Now that they have mounted combat, all they need to do is add mounted spell casting. Adding mounted enemies would be a good touch as well, so you're not always kiting the enemy. Another mod..that would probably be really really difficult to put in, if not impossible...that would make Skyrim's combat better would be if they had the x-ray mode they have in Mortal Kombat 9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm7VTbf4Irs
  13. I have no issues with it. Like it's been said, it gives the console gamers something to enjoy. Especially the PS3 owners, poor Sony gamers..being left out of so much. lol
  14. In what category do you find yourself downloading from the most? Weapons, armor, spells, houses, immersion, etc?
  15. Seems I'm having the same issue as well. Although, tried your method and only seemed to fix it in third person view.
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