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Everything posted by Eidius

  1. So I tried installing this ENB: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/83091/? I followed all the instructions but when I try to start the game. I get that error and SKSE fails to run and gives me this 0xc0000005 error Can someone please help? Edit: My system info are... i5 GTX 970 16 GB memory Windows 7
  2. Jesus christ how does Bethesda work with this garbage? No luck guys I cant seem to be able to use resources. Everything will have to be made from scratch. I do have an idea of the clutter though so I guess not all hope is lost.
  3. Could you provide an example? Hopefully in image format? @chuck. I will try tonight and see what gives. Thank you both. I will update as to what I manage asap.
  4. Hi guys, So I have been having a lot of problems with the CK when it comes to the snap to grid for Vaults interiors. It seems as though some sections are impossible to align. For example Walls would connect just fine but the door will never fit into the wall frame. I will try to get some specific examples later. Also when trying to use some existing vaults like 75, 81 or 88 for a specific room or clutter rather than starting from scratch nothing seems to fit quite right. It's as if I do not do the work 100% myself rather than copy pasting resources from other cells then nothing would align right. Is there anyone here that can help me with this? If the snap to grid worked properly it would make my life so much more easier... Thank you.
  5. I know there is mod that essentially allows you to use any blacksmith/armorer to build your stuff but is there a mod that unlocks everything for you so you dont have to spend hours hunting everything from enhanced to master? Thanks
  6. SKSE is known to be updated with every version release of Skyrim, with that said, the New Skyrim isn't just a new version, it'll have a different base (That's why it's not an update but a totally standalone listing) so it's more likely than not that SKSE won't be compatible. And to answer your second question; because they'd have to rebuild their papyrus/engine if they plan on incorporating SKSE features in here, what they're doing is simply re-releasing Skyrim (with all DLC's, the Official 2K Textures and few bells and whistles on current gen platforms and the Keyword is in the naming; hence it's called Skyrim "Special Edition" and not "Remastered" or even "Definitive". SKSE isn't just simple add-ons, when it comes to modding, there will always be Script Extenders like SKSE; the purpose of SKSE in my understanding is to "extend" whatever scripts already built into the game with more functions, calls... etc. enabling the modder broader control on how to make the game do certain things that wouldn't have been possible with the vanilla engine. You can't blame Bethesda for not "Building in" SKSE features since they have no way of knowing "Everything" the modder needs, they build what they feel is efficient and needed to cover their requirements and move on, rightly so if I may say so myself. Modders on the other hand are a creative bunch, they use the tools provided to them by Bethesda and make note of what more they want out of the engine, and SKSE is their ticket in; providing them with the tools needed to accomplish those "out of the box" tasks they want to implement by hacking into the engine. :smile: I actually can blame Bethesda. SKSE is not some mythical system that they are ignorant of or some far fetched idea that they dont fully comprehend. Its right there. They can donload it and see what it does. If this is something that requires them rebuilding the engine them by all means create it as an addon like it currently is. Why is it that the fans have to this? Are we somehow better than they are? No they just did not bother. Minimum effort. Just look at the steaming pile of s#*! that is fallout 4. The bare minimum of anything and cut content galore. There is no excuse for lazyiness. And this is god damn lazy so once again we have to do their job for them.
  7. Well its free if you own skyrim and all its DLCs or the legendary edition. Question is will SKSE work? and a follow up question why in the hell is it still necessary? didn't Bethesda get a clue the first time? why wasn't something like this not already built in? It blows my mind.
  8. PC gamers use Bethesda.net to get their mods? Holy crap I didn't even think of that. Umm... Oh yeah, put boobs in it! Are you sure you're not making up a problem that doesn't exist? Like that voter ID fraud thing? Um...... What? The system that beth created works for all 3 platforms so I am not sure why you are dismissing what I said.
  9. I just said... sigh... ignore consoles for just one second ok? What if the same exact thing happened but on PC? Asshole steals something. Puts it on Beth.Net. Asks for donations. Gets money. casual PC gamers donate, play, dont care. What is your solution to this problem?
  10. So can you explain to me how you would stop people from taking mods from nexus/LL/etc... then putting it on Bethesda.net and then proceed to ask for donations and etc? Its the same exact problem except its on a PC. I though that was the issue. Not the whole console vs pc thing, thats just a silly reason to get pissed imo.
  11. like most eastern rpgs, it would be grind, bad gameplay but pretty to look at. PASS.
  12. I don't what happened here in the US , I mean why does everyone get upset when they burn a Quoran? Or flush it down a toilet after urinating on it? Why does everyone here get upset we take our service dogs into muslim places? I mean who does not like DogMeat sniffing in strange places Why does everyone get upset when we put cartoons mocking the prophet on public display in Garland Texas? Or maybe as wall paintings in a FO4mod? And maybe you don't care (doubtful), but CAIR will and then ALL the mods will get reviewed. You see this is how it starts as the perv says " let's put my personal private fethish out there as a FO4mod to share with others", because publicly promoting that fetish would get you in trouble in real life. /But go ahead and see how many of these mods that have been called into question last on the Bethesda mod repository when it opens. Here is the difference. Its fine to be upset. Its fine to *censored* and moan. But dont try to censor or silence people. That's all I am saying. Did I think the Texas cartoon thing was stupid? sure. Did I want to stop it? No. They can do/say whatever they want. And I will do the same. I will draw a cartoon of those rednecks having sex with their sister. Sue me. :smile: That's the beauty of America. Thats how it should be done. edit: I love how nexus just censored the B word. Going to leave it there because; irony.
  13. What is up with people trying to censor what they dont agree with or just generally dislike? What happened to freedom of speech and expression? This is coming from a muslim minority guy btw. Let them speak, I come from a country where they lock you in a hole if you dare say anything. You people, OP, are s***ing on the very thing that makes me want to live in this country.
  14. So i made something in an interior cell but i want it to be a world cell instead. How do I do this exactly? Specially in regards to Navmesh making? Also i had a question in regards to quest. So i have 3 stages (objectives 10, 20, 30) and lets say Stage 1 is an introduction that you only see once. Stage 2 is the player asking NPC for available jobs and finally Stage 3 is the job given. The thing with Stage 3 is that even if the player turns in the quest the quest will reward the player but it can be taken again (starting from stage 2). How would i do such a thing? How do I move from stage 1 to 2 and finally 3? A script?
  15. I would use a 3ds max but apparently finding a 2011 or 2012 version is next to impossible.
  16. Its for skyrim and latest version of blender.
  17. Hi guys, so i want to edit an existing model. It has HDT but it is too large, kind of spiky. I wanted to smooth it a little, shorten it and amyne even combine it with another model (free resource). Think of adding a hair ring to HDT ponytail hair. What must i do? I have blender, nifskope and plugins installed. I googled to look for guides but i could not find much. Especially with blender.
  18. So for some quests i am building I need to make custom items (models already exist). To do what i want. So for example have an activator with a vegetable model that gives out a quest cabbage item and the item may be used again tomorrow (24hr) Same thing with a crafting and cooking pot. Quest ingredients go in and quest items comes out. Thanks.
  19. Well that might definitely be my case haha, well there are 3 big things I want to do. 1) make some kind of fight club where if you win you get items/money and if you lose then you lose items/money. You can challenge other fighters and they would move from their original location to fight in the cage in the center. 2) do something similar to DAYMOYL-Captured but I want to add my own activities to it, do something that it does not conflict with the original and if some pre-existing quests or whatever are running to be redirected to the NPCs I want. 3) Recreate a prison like area where if the player remains in a certain area then he/she will not get killed on sight if the player goes to a specific sections within this world cell then the guards will attack. If I get to accomplish these things then I would be so happy. http://social.beefeater.co.uk/assets/family-portrait/img/explanation/mr-happy.png
  20. What about sharp or flammable object? do I need to get rid of those as well? :tongue: Btw, what are modder rules regarding codes? Can I just rewrite (not copy) some else's code if it does exactly as I want? Codes like take player possessions and put them in a box and etc?
  21. its really that tough huh? well better get started then lol...
  22. Hello all, I want to learn how to do scripting and I have a lot I want to do. I have heard terms like SKSE, widgets, papyrus and since using the creationkit I have noticed some options to add 'scripts' as well, can you guys clarify how all of these play hand in hand together? Are they all different things or are they just part of a large system? So since simply googling these terms seems to confuse the hell out of me further is there a step by step guide of what these things are and how to use them to create the scripts I need for the gameplay that I want? Thanks!
  23. I actually did that with a red box, whether I moved it or flat out deleted it. It did not change anything. could this box be invisible or something in the options. I am not home at the moment, So i am trying to get as much as info as possible. haha...
  24. So I am trying to add more tunnels and halls inside Riften's Ratway but I keep running into a vision/camera problem. So what I do is pretty simple, I find a tunnel that in the vanilla is either closed off or a dead end. I then delete whatever is blocking the tunnel and begin adding a longer tunnel leading into whatever room or area I have planned. Problem: So what happens is if I am standing in front of the newly opened up tunnel all I would see is emptiness in front of me... like I added nothing and I would fall over as soon as I walk into the emptiness. BUT as soon as I step through the vanilla tunnel into my new tunnels they become visible again. They were there all along! I just could not see them. If I turn back and look behind me then the vanilla tunnels appear to be invisible now. What is causing this issue? I have extended rooms before like in Markath Warrens, I never had any troubles there... so why is the Ratway so different? what is causing this issue?
  25. Like the title says, when I have menu mods, especially those that need to be managed or installed using the MCM menu would make the mod list in MCM completely disappear which sometimes means a mod cannot be activated or monitored using MCM. If I load the game at any time even after disabling a large part of the mods active the MCM will remain empty. Any solutions besides not having too many mods? and for the record there are probably less than 25 mods on that list.
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