I thought about keeping this idea to myself, or maybe even contracting some modders to make it when the modkit officially comes out but I figure sharing could be better, but for those of you who may not be aware, or are aware, I hope you're aware since I including a spoiler tag, one of the major plotpoints in the game is that there is a multiverse, and you're just a small part of it, and there's millions of you who have already done all this, and an equal amount who died, made mistakes, etc. Well this is where the mod "More of Me" would come into place. You see "More of Me" has to do with the classic line of "There are more of me than there are of you". More of Me would be somewhat of an endgame faction mod that you create, where instead of siding with The Hunter, or The Emissary, or whatever else they might add in DLC or Expansions, you side with yourself, but that doesn't just encompass YOU, this means siding with, a lot of you. You see, "More of Me" would be about going to other universes, where you are alive, or maybe there's even many of you (Alternate versions of your character already exist in the game even as a companion depending on how many times you do NG+ by the way), where you get to recruit, more of yourself, make them more powerful, and have do the same, creating a multiversal army, with rippling effects that you control, you are the head of, and everyone else is just a version of you. I could get into a lot more details of how recruiting other You's might go down but this is the general gist of it.