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  1. In all the TES games i've played, there is one birthsign that has really bugged me: The Serpent. According to the in-game book 'The Firmament': "The Serpent wanders about in the sky and has no Season, though its motions are predictable to a degree. No characteristics are common to all who are born under the sign of the Serpent. Those born under this sign are the most blessed and the most cursed." That hints at so much diversity, a truly unique sign. And how is it represented in-game? A poison spell. With such an evocative description, the best they could come up with is the most literal interpretation ever. I've found that even mods that do alter the serpent sign tend to focus on the idea of a literal serpent, but to me the lore suggests so much more: A twist, a foil, chance and fate personified. I've thought about this alot, but I don't really know enough about the construction set's capabilities to give more than vague ideas. Specifically: Serpent-Warrior: Something to hep Battlemages? Magic can be a weapon after all. Serpent-Tower: Something to do with metaphysical locks? Serpent-Shadow: Avoiding notice socially? Fame/Infamy or disposition? Even if no one responds, it feels good to voice something that has been bugging me for so long. Best regards, Dovahshep.
  2. Before I start this I want to make something clear: I realize this technically isn't a request however i'm not sure if this fits in mod talk either, as such if I am in error here I apologize. Now on to the point of the post, i'm starting a new game soon and the character I have in mind is basically as the title might suggest, Tamrielic Batman and I am looking for Weapons/Armor/Tools/Homes to reinforce that stealth hero feel. Now I have attempted to find these completely by myself but: A) When it comes to thinking up search terms a child could do better than me. (Thief, Assassin and shadow, that's the best I could do.) B) What did come up with that was mostly either Fan-service, Evil, Silly or generally not my taste, if anyone knows of such mods information and a link would be appreciated :). (NOTE: As far as armor goes, something along the lines of Corvo or Garret would be preferable.)
  3. I fixed the game... but broke my understanding of the situation. Somehow I installed Thieves arsenal incorrectly, and somehow it made the bsas attempt suicide. Re-installing that has fixed it, thank you for the contributions and support.
  4. Update: I have determined that the problem is that some flame meshes from oblivion.bsa and better cities - meshes.bsa wont load... now I need to figure out why.
  5. Simple really, with better cities and frostcrag reborn some meshes (Seems like fireplaces and some variation of torch) wont load for some reason, Ive attempted re-installing the mods and no change I can confirm I've got shivering isles, any help would be appreciated. Load order:
  6. Pretty self-explanatory title really, in-game whenever someone casts fireball (friend or foe) the game crashes. Im pretty sure my drivers are up to date so i've no idea what migh be causing this. Mods: -Dragon Age Redesigned -Extra Dog Slot -Improved atmosphere -FtG UI Mod - More Readable Fonts and UI -Dragon age mutator -Letters from Origins companions in Awakenings -Apathetic Morrigan -Camp storage chest -Fang at Tier 7 -Morrigan restoration patch -Character respec mod DxDiag: ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 9/22/2013, 14:25:38 Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130801-1533) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard System Model: p6-2035uk BIOS: BIOS Date: 08/23/2011 CUP_711.rom Ver: 7.11 Processor: IntelĀ® Core i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz Memory: 8192MB RAM Available OS Memory: 8172MB RAM Page File: 3823MB used, 12520MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11 DX Setup Parameters: Not found User DPI Setting: 120 DPI (125 percent) System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent) DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode
  7. Something I've seen a lot of people complain about in the civil war (aside from you know the lack of depth and such) is that you're forced to either pick a side or sit on the fence, there's no for lack of a better term "omnicidal neutral" option when; in-universe such an option would be perfectly valid. (Do I need to go into the amount of influence you can hold endgame?) So i'm wondering if it would be possible to make a mod for it; and if so would somebody be willing to make it. It could start with convincing a non-heir jarl (say... Balgruuf) to align under your banner and then quickly using what means you've gathered up to that point (money, guild leadership, artifacts of doom, etc. to build your factions power and expand through skyrim. (Possibly setting their stance on certain issues? i.e. Talos worship, Racial politics, etc.) Again; this might be completely impossible so for the most part i'm just curious.
  8. Pretty self explanatory, im using ultimate addition with the following mods: -Dragon Age Redesigned (Recommended version, all required mods as far as i can see) -Extra Dog Slot -Improved atmosphere-FtG UI Mod - More Readable Fonts and UI-Dragon age mutator-Letters from Origins companions in Awakenings-Apathetic Morrigan-Camp storage chest-Fang at Tier 7-Morrigan restoration patch-Character respec mod I've tried reinstalling but no luck, I would be grateful for any help/ideas
  9. 30 fps, half-size, recording win7 and external input, multichannel, storing in external hard drive and splitting every 4 gb
  10. It seems that with every game at a certain point all audio recording stops I have no idea what to do. DxDiag results:
  11. Not entirely sure what I can say other than it's... odd. Load order: ini (just in case)
  12. Well, I feel like a moron now, fixed by renaming it FCOM_Convergence_FraNewItems
  13. I have attempted making a "dummy" esp and such but still no luck, any ideas?
  14. Edit: wrong forum sorry
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