Hello and thank you for taking the time to view this. So, basically, I'm looking to heavily mod my FO:NV. I haven't played this in a while, and I'm looking to spice this game up and make it look good. My main issue is with the ENB Series. I can generally get anything else working as they're straightforward, but not seeing much of a difference with one of the ENBs I downloaded and installed into my FO:NV directory. Mainly looking for the following: Retextures - Pretty much anything I can make look better in-game.ENB Series - I'm a complete newbie to the entire ENB series mods. I would appreciate some help in making a great setup for my personal experience. I downloaded the http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/49882/? -- Enhanced Shaders ENB by tapioks, and honestly have no idea what I am doing.Overhaul - The game is extremely bland. I'd like to spice it up from the start.Weapons / Armor / Clothing - Anything that looks nice and adds a decent addition.I realize I'm able to look for all of these mods myself, however I have a hard time combining mods to actually make the game look good. I would HIGHLY appreciate any mods that someone could recommend (I'm not looking for a list of 100 here) just to start me off. If any information is needed regarding my PC to better optimize, I'd be more than willing to post. Thank you so much in advance, and have a great day!