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About GFmcKIV

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  1. Yes, no luck. I tried a number of different searches. There was one new file put in the folder: "steam_autocloud.vdf". The only information in it is an account id. But I don't use Steam's cloud saves. They are disabled.
  2. Yesterday I updated from Windows 10 to Windows 11. The update removed the .ess files from the Save folder. The update left the .skse files. I searched my drives and cannot find them anywhere. My Fallout 4 saves are untouched. I am investigating other missing files but so far only the .ess files were removed. Has anyone else had this issue? I have backups, so it's a minor irritation. Unclear why the .ess files were removed. I do not have OneDrive. It is uninstalled. One user stated that he found them in the userdata folder. I do not have that folder.
  3. Thank you. The ESP I flagged as light was not in my load order as a regular ESP. It was new. I flagged it as light before loading it up. The game crashed on save load. I then removed the light flag. The game loaded. This has happened a number of times.
  4. When I convert a plugin to a light ESP using Vortex, Skyrim SE crashes on save game load. When I remove the light flag the save game loads normally. Does someone know what causes this? I can't figure out how to solve this problem. It's happened with a number of ESP's. The ESP's are new to my load order.
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