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Everything posted by Smithsonian1974

  1. Yeah that would be great to fund something with the money SKSE64 is worth for us. Name a Project to fund and a PayPal to send and i think a good amount of money will flow. Great work SKSE64-Team
  2. Hi there modders Does anyone know a good Papyrus editor with CodeCompletion and Function reference. I tried Intellisky and Ckpe. Both are great but development Stopped. Greets Smithsonian
  3. Hi Rutah , just as i start modding you're developing the "perfect" tool for me. It tried your editor this eve. Looks great. i discovered a few issues. 1. If i doubleclick a Script in the left listbox its only opened Readonly and i cannot edit it. is this wanted. If i open the same script over the OpenMenu i can edit it. 2. If i define your editor as default-editor for scriptfiles it throws an exception when i want to edit the script from the windows-explorer. Should it open the script or isnt this function implemented yet ? Would be nice itf this would work. so it would be possible to launch the editor directly with the selected script from the Creation Kit. Also i should only raise one instance of your tool if a further script should be opened from Explorer or creation kit. So enough of annoying you with stupid requests *smile. Wish you fun and success while evolving your tool thanx till now Frank PS; I you need some help . Mention it
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