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Everything posted by mwwoggy

  1. I didn't enable the tutorial, it's the 1st mission after shooting down the alien craft. Every time I get one of my soldiers to do anything, as soon as he's done it, the game just crashes out. I managed to find a workaround though: I only edited the weapons, rather than the soldiers, then once I reloaded my original game (before any modding) and re-equipped the weapons, I got the mods to work. So rather than having my soldier's willpower go up, I set a willpower increase to the weapons they were holding, and the sniper rifle range worked too. I've also checked this in a new game, and it works fine. I may be way off course, but it looks like changing things on the soldier's themselves could possibly have something going wrong with a (possibly) scripted part of the 1st few missions.
  2. Hi Guys, been following your forums with a lot of interest. Managed to get Xcom yesterday, and after playing it for a few hours found many places where I think the game needs modding. So after following what you guys were doing with regard to editing the exe file, I managed to get my soldiers exactly how I wanted them and edited a few weapons etc, BUT - after restarting the game so that the effects can take effect, during the 3rd mission the game always crashes as my 1st soldier completes his task on the 2nd turn Changes I made were to the willpower stats on the soldiers and increased range on the sniper rifles that's all Any ideas?
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