I have to agree that the new design misses the mark. I do sort of like having the filter panel on the left when looking at search results, and the actual results from searching do seem a little better. That's all I can say for it. The overall UI is a mess.
The color story doesn't seem unified at all anymore. Where did this random blue tone come from? It doesn't match.
The homepage for games is clunky, with sections not being very well defined at all. Trending vs Collections and so on are just thrown on the page.
The giant ad for premium in the middle is jarring and annoying.
I don't want a weird overlay when searching. I don't want a stopgap page with top results and the option to 'view all'. Just show me all of them.
This seems like a failed attempt at the trend toward sleek minimalism or whatever we're calling it, but it ends up looking cheap and lacking design instead of adding to the experience of browsing.
I'm sure everyone worked really hard on it and I feel a little bad that I don't like it. It must be really disheartening to receive negative feedback, but it's also important. It's so common for people to stop using websites due to bad UI changes. I'd prefer that not happen to Nexus! It's too valuable.