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About Elwood288

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  1. Add my name to the voices that are not happy with the new UI. It is ugly, unpleasant to use and the old UI was perfectly functional. As the old saying goes "if it ain't broke... " Please at least add the option to continue using the old.
  2. Okay interesting. Well to respond to you both: Striker that worked! I added the EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp and the issue was solved! Wiepman: I use both vanilla gear redux and seamless. When I installed the esp Striker recomended I was warned that it had already been added by seamless. I didn't know there was a compatibility patch for the two mods. I'll have to go check that out. Thanks to both of you.
  3. I'm not sure what mod caused it but females are using the male cuirass mesh for some armors like steel and dwarven. I know there is somewhere you can set the file path for what mesh should be used for each armor I just can't remember where. Could anyone tell me where that is or another way to undo this?
  4. Howdy I just found XEOSP++ and for the most part I really like what it does. Some of the hair is silly and the eyes are really intense but I can live with that. What I'm not a fan of is the changes made to orcs, khajiit and argonians. I was wondering if it was possible to not install the files that affect those races. I had a poke around in the mods files to no avail. Is what I want possible?
  5. I'm having an issue where mods which add new content i.e. new power armor, guns, quests are not working. Stuff like textures and sound work but that's it. Here's the exact text of my Fallout4Custom.ini. [Display] iLocation X=0 iLocation Y=0 fPipboyScreenEmitIntensityPA=1.25 fPipboyScreenDiffuseIntensityPA=0.10 [Archive] sResourceDataDirsFinal= bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 [Pipboy] bPipboyDisableFX=1 fPAEffectColorR=1 fPAEffectColorG=1 fPAEffectColorB=1 Any ideas? EDIT: Fixed by updating NMM.
  6. I have recently updated to the most recent version of NMM. I wanted to try out the profile feature so I made a new profile and deactivated all my mods. Now going back through and activating the ones I want mods that have a scripted installer like FCO, Type 3 body replacer, and weapon animation replacer are installing without the window where you choose all the options you want showing up. Is this an issue with the most recent version of NMM or is it something with my system specifically?
  7. I have literally just started playing the mod. I sleep in the bed and have the vision but when I wake up the "activate" key doesn't work. This means I can't talk to people, pick things up or leave the priory of the nine. I can get out using the console and everything works like normal outside of the priory. Any idea what's causing this?
  8. Okay thank you. Yes I made sure to have the correct version of all the required mods. The only character that comes back when I reload a save is the first character I added to the hall. Sorry if I come off as rude. I just really want to get this working.
  9. This has nothing to do with what you are focusing on. I am having an issue with Familiar Faces that I would like resolved. I simply mentioned that the saves were originally xbox because I thought that might be part of the problem. Please only post if you can help me get familiar faces working properly.
  10. It wasn't console modding. I finally got Skyrim for PC and didn't want to start over. I found a way to move my saves from Xbox to PC so I could keep going with my old characters
  11. I'm having an issue with Familiar Faces where my other characters aren't showing up in their alcoves. It was working fine until I loaded up my tenth character and then all of a sudden all the alcoves were empty. Now when I load my main character he is in his alcove but no one else is there. If I go to the hall on any other character all the alcoves are empty. When I check the MCM all alcoves are labeled as empty. When I click to fill an empty alcove all of my characters are available as options but I can't get any of them to save to one of the alcoves. Not sure if it's related but all of my characters are imported from my Xbox 360 saves. Any ideas?
  12. I've come back to modding Oblivion recenctly and thought I'd pick up a few more before I continued with my playthough. Problem is every time I try to download a mod I get this message.. http://postimg.org/image/m4fl2ehgz/ Any ideas as to what's going wrong? (Note that this message in particular is from the ebony sword replacer on the nexus home page right now)
  13. Ah, I was editing the default. Where is the other one? I can't find it. Never mind, found it. Thanks for the help!
  14. I recently found a player home mod I liked and was reading through the requirments, one of which was to disable the invisible borders. I looked up a tutorial and opened the .ini, found the "bEnableBorderRegion=1" and changed it to "bEnableBorderRegion=0" This however has had no effect as the borders are still up and I get the message "You can't go that way. Turn back". I created a new profile to see if they were disabled and again they were not. Any ideas on why it's not taking effect?
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